Tanks whose protection is active. Active tank armor: principle of operation. The invention of active armor

And in this article we will consider what active armor is. Note - the topic is quite interesting and necessary. So, active defense is a system for firing specific warheads connected to a radar device of local influence. These systems are placed on tanks.

If a tank, for example, a T-72 with active armor, detects an ammunition approaching it (anti-tank grenade launchers, etc.), the team launches a projectile that explodes when approaching a dangerous object. What happens next? A cloud of fragments is formed either destroying or greatly weakening the action of the dangerous object. It should be noted that scientists have also developed devices that work with protective charges that do not need to be launched.

In the Russian Federation

How did the active armor of the tank appear? It was developed and implemented by the Soviet arms makers. The concept of active protection of iron machines was first voiced in one of the Tula design bureaus, around 1950. The first complex of the innovative invention "Drozd" was installed on the T-55AD tank, which the army received in 1983.

active armor

In general, “Drozd” is the first construction in the world adopted for service and mass-produced. Its performance allowed the tank to be used without restrictions.

By the way, active armor significantly (twice or more) increases the endurance of iron giants.

In 1980, the Drozd system was modernized and received the Drozd-2 index. At the same time, the Arena active defense was developed, but due to the collapse of the post-Soviet space, it did not go into the series in the same way as the updated complex.

The invention of the Arena active armor contributed to the solution of some problems. For example, earlier, when an attacking weapon was destroyed, its own infantry was hit by fragments of a rocket-propelled grenade, or ATGM and anti-missile. And now, the fragmentation of the fragments (from top to bottom) and the trajectory of the protective block were calculated so as to completely eliminate the zone of continuous destruction and at the same time guarantee the destruction of the attacking missile.

Today, Kolomenskoye KBM KAZ is working on the Armata platform. Specialists are working hard on the "Afghanit" complex. They say that the structure in its composition will have a radar of the millimeter range, and to eliminate targets, an impact core will be used instead of the traditional spatial fragmentation stream.

The intercepted target is likely to move at a maximum speed of 1700 m / s.

Foreign developments

And what other countries developed active tank armor? It was created in France, USA, Germany and Israel. But the USSR suddenly collapsed, and all these attempts lost their relevance. In addition, military budgets were reduced, and this entailed numerous funerals for unique projects.

One exception can be noted - the Ukrainian Barrier system. It was she who was brought to the level of existing samples. Of course, by April 2010, the design had not yet passed state testing and entered service with the Ukrainian army, but it was very actively advertised for export.

active armor

Interestingly, how does active armor work? For example, the Zaslon complex has curious features - missile warheads are not fired off, but are suppressed directly on the surface of a military machine. Also, according to the developers, the issue of eliminating warheads assaulting from above has been resolved. Moreover, under the influence of a layered fragmentation flow and a blast wave, warheads with a metal integral shell (BOPS) change their path. They either meet with the basic reservation at an unfavorable angle, or go outside the area of ​​the shielded object. It is these nuances that put this system in the category of universal protective equipment.

When armor is active, we will look further, and now pay attention to the West. In 2004-2006, intensive development of active defense systems began in Western countries. The Americans also accelerated the creation of such systems: they were forced to deal with the constant shelling of military convoys from RPG-7 in Iraq. In addition, the Lebanese second war with concentrated use of ATGMs and grenade launchers spoiled the nerves of the US leadership.

It is known that while in America the Quick Kill system still requires impressive development, in Israel Trophy and Iron Fist are already operational. When the war of 2006 ended, specialists decided to equip the Merkava-4 tank with the Trophy active defense complex (KAZ) (made in Israel). This system is capable of destroying ATGM / RPG projectiles that threaten the machine. That is why Mk.4 is the first foreign MBT with KAZ.

It should be noted that active protection was not established on the first tanks due to insufficient funding. Serial production of "iron colossi" equipped with KAZ "Trophy", designated "Merkava Mk.4M", began in the last months of 2008. And already in 2009, they began to enter the army.

In general, the uniqueness of this Israeli complex lies in its automatic reloading. In addition, it can hit several objects simultaneously.


Many say that if tank armor is active, it will emerge victorious from any alteration. But all protection systems have common flaws. It is unclear how the complex will work with impressive shaking. Many ATGMs (for example, FGM-148 Javelin) fall into the roof of the tank, bypassing the protected perimeter. An explosion a few meters from the "iron giant" may damage the equipment located on the roof. Surely the protective system will also fail.

active armor operating principle

Also, the final performance of the device with the need to recharge does not allow you to protect yourself from multiple attacks on the one hand. It was this feature that was taken into account when developing the RPG-30, equipped with an advanced warhead, which ensures the operation of the protective device at a distance safe for a rocket propelled grenade.


Now let's find out what the T-62 tank with active armor is. In general, the T-62 ("Object 166") is an average Soviet tank. It is designed on the basis of the T-55. It was made in the USSR from 1961 to 1975. This is the first car in the world with a smooth-bore gun of 115 mm caliber and the weight of a medium tank at the highest level of reservation (the concept of a basic military vehicle).

History of creation

In the arsenal of the Soviet Union in the 1950s was the T-54/55 - the basic medium tank. The machine was constantly improved, its firepower increased, but its rifled 100-mm D-10T gun remained the same.

Until 1961, the D-10T fought only with small-caliber armor-piercing shells, and by 1950 it could no longer provide effective destruction of the new M48 medium tank (manufactured in the USA). And Western tanks at that time were already working as sub-caliber warheads with a detachable pallet and non-rotating cumulative warheads that penetrate the armor of a Soviet tank at normal battle distances.

Two groups of Soviet specialist tank builders of the 1950s worked on the creation of the T-62. The first was developing new weapons for medium tanks, and the second was implementing the initiative projects of the Uralvagonzavod design bureau - creating a promising medium tank to replace the T-54/55.

Interestingly, in 1958, work on the promising Object 140 tank was completed at the Design Bureau of the Uralvagonzavod. The initiator of the completion of the project was L. N. Kartsev, who held the post of chief designer of the plant. It was he who found the new car too low-tech and difficult to operate.

active armor t 90

Anticipating such an outcome, the experts simultaneously developed the Object 165 tank, which was a kind of hybrid consisting of the Object 140 tower and hull, the Object 150 combat section and the T-55 engine and transmission unit and chassis. Factory testing of the product was completed in 1958: according to its results, the Ministry of Defense approved the draft of the second version of “Object 165”, which is even closer in construction to the serial T-55.

In addition to the "Object 165" in the 1950s, a large number of other medium-sized promising medium tanks were developed. They were armed with a new rifled 100-mm gun D-54 (U-8TS), created in 1953. Compared to the D-10, the D-54 had a 25% greater armor penetration, and the primary speed of its armor-piercing missile was increased from 895 to 1015 m / s. But even these parameters were considered insufficient for a successful battle with Western tanks, and more modern types of shells did not exist.

It should be noted that the military received serious objections regarding the presence of a muzzle brake on the D-54 . This device, when fired, contributed to the formation of a snow, dust or sand cloud, unmasking the tank and interfering with the observation of the results of the firing. In addition, many had concerns that the muzzle wave would adversely affect the tank landing and infantry escort.

Base tank with active armor T-72B

Interestingly, what is the T-72B tank with active armor? This is a 1985 version product. It differs from its ancestors in the presence of a coordinated missile weapon system and powerful armored shielding of the tower. In addition, this machine is equipped with a dynamic mounted defense, built of 227 containers, more than half of which are located on the tower.

t 72b with active armor

It is known that the tank with active armor T-72B was designed during the modernization of the T-72A. The machine is the third generation of MBT: it is equipped with a Contact dynamic security system, an improved FCS (it has a 2E42-2 two-plane gun stabilizer for shooting on the go) and a 9K120 Svir coordinated weapon system (equipped with a 1K13-49 guidance device). The modernization of the tower entailed an increase in weight to 44.5 tons.


Why is the T-90 active armor good? It is known that the T-90 Vladimir is the base military tank of Russia. It was created in the late 1980s as a deep improvement of the T-72B, called the “T-72B modernized." But in 1992 he entered the army already under the T-90 index.

When Potkin V.I. (the chief designer of the tank) was gone, the Russian government decided to assign the T-90 the name "Vladimir".

By the way, from 2001 to 2010, the T-90 was considered the best-selling new MBT in the world market.

Interestingly, in 2010, the T-90 was purchased under contracts for the Russian army at a price of 70 million rubles. By 2011, the cost of the T-90 increased and amounted to 118 million rubles. Since the end of 2011, the purchase of the T-90 for the Russian troops has been discontinued.

On September 9, 2011, in Nizhny Tagil, at an international exhibition, the T-90SM, a new export model of the T-90 tank, was shown publicly.

Active intercession

Is the T-90 protection active? He has traditional armor, and there is dynamic protection. In addition, this machine is equipped with active protection built from the Shtora-1 optical-electronic suppression system. This device is designed to protect against the defeat of the iron giant by anti-tank coordinated missiles and is constructed from the Shtora-1 station and a curtain-forming device.

By the way, "Blind-1" is designed to protect against missiles equipped with a self-loading guidance system. It is designed from a pair of modulators, two infrared floodlights OTShU-1-7 and a control panel.

Everyone knows that when protection is active, armor is impenetrable. The device, which forms a veil, counteracts guided warheads that are equipped with self-loading guidance along the laser beam or laser homing. This device also interferes with the operation of laser rangefinders and the formation of a smoke screen.

t 62 with active armor

This structure consists of a set of indicators of laser radiation, constructed from two coarse and two sensors - precisely finding the direction, a coordination device and twelve grenade launch systems filled with aerosol.

This is truly a unique invention - active armor. The principle of its operation is as follows: if a tank is exposed to laser radiation, the system that forms the curtains determines the direction of the outgoing danger and notifies the crew. Further, either at the direction of the crew commander, or an aerosol grenade is fired automatically, which creates an aerosol cloud that neutralizes laser radiation, disrupting the effect of missile guidance systems. In addition, the new cloud disguises the iron machine, turning into a smokescreen.


So, we continue to consider what active armor is. “Afghanit” is a tank active defense system (KAZ). It was created by Russian specialists in the 2010s.

This device protects heavy armored vehicles from cumulative anti-tank missiles (ATGM and CS) and sub-caliber warheads.

It is designed from a radar unit, optical-electronic sensors and laser aiming devices, a pair of conversion units, a control panel, a computer, a set of cables, a junction box, protective weapons in the installation shafts.

Bulletproof protection is mainly located under the turret on the hull, so it is hardly vulnerable to most warheads, unlike other KAZ. This device has duplicated radar devices. It is equipped with a jamming system and has the ability to eliminate ammunition using an anti-aircraft machine gun and a basic AFAR radar. By the way, such a protection scheme, in fact, can also be considered a separate independent complex.

active armor afghanite

The creators of "Afganit" acquired the patent RU 2263268 for a defense device that works on the principle of "nuclear strike", which allows you to shoot down promising missiles at speeds up to 3000 m / s. Today (until the end of state testing), attention is paid to the option with a target speed of up to 1700 m / s. Such an apparatus will be able to intercept almost any warhead moving at maximum speed.

First of all, “Afganit” is a strike nucleus launched from a fired warhead first in the direction of mounting the rocket container (directly), then in any direction. The device is capable of effectively destroying attacking targets of all types. The tower also has two types of ammunition that are sheltered from side impacts, which are necessary for jamming, which mask the tank at the time of the attack from various modern anti-tank missiles.

By the way, the AFAR radar is an independent system.

Principle of manipulation

The system steps as follows:

  • It uses data obtained through communication channels that are hidden from the enemy, from various means of detection and resistant to interference. The system relies on personal guidance and detection tools.
  • Threat Detection through LRS. On the “Afganit” models for the T-14 and T-15, threats are monitored through an AFAR-type panoramic surveillance LRS with an impressive detection range.
  • The type of threat is established as part of the performance of short-range protection with KAZ tools.

Interception sequence:

  • The threat is attacked by air defense systems (the T-15 uses a 30 mm gun and ATGM with anti-aircraft missiles, and the T-14 uses a 12.7 mm anti - aircraft machine gun ).
  • Interference by means of destroying sighting devices, attacking systems. Destruction is carried out by KAZ forces.
  • Interception by counter-warheads. The interception is effective up to twenty meters in diameter (it also neutralizes sub-caliber shells).

In the Afghanit launch tubes located under the tower, both large missiles and prefabricated (two to three munitions in each) can be placed. The last option corresponds to the logic of the preparatory shooting of the interceptor with the subsequent programmed target shot by the impact core.

It was officially revealed that the upper hemisphere is camouflaged by KAZ, so there is a possibility of using software undermining. Potentially, these interceptors are placed in anti-tank cluster warheads MLRS caliber of about 200 mm.

By the way, two types of warheads attached to the roof can be both causes of interference and a means of destroying low-value warheads that attack massively. In addition, in the roof, one of the ammunition can perform the function of a long-duration grenade covering with interference or a grenade with interference of other frequency ranges.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the presence of the T-14 and T-15 total coverage, which very effectively protects against cluster shells.

We hope that this article will help you in a deeper study of the active protection of tanks.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34005/

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