Means for easy combing of hair: folk and professional

Thick, long, elastic, obedient hair is a dream for every girl and woman. The owners of such a head of hair know firsthand how difficult it is to take care of hair when curls mercilessly get mixed up among themselves. How much time and energy a woman spends in search of a special hair product for easy combing! Or maybe the secret is simple and lies in folk recipes?

The main reasons: why hair is confused?

The main reason that leads to daily tangling of hair is damaged strands.

Matted hair

There are many factors that trigger hair damage:

  • Incorrectly selected shampoo and lack of proper care (not used balm, masks, etc.).
  • Predisposition - the hair structure is too thin, possibly porous.
  • Too long hair, for example, to the waist.
  • Permanent use of irons and styling plates.
  • Hard tap water used for washing hair.
  • Regular exposure to sunlight with bare hair.
  • Walking outside in sub-zero temperatures without a headgear disrupts the metabolism in the hair follicle, thereby leading to a loss of elasticity.
  • Damage to hair from chemical compounds during staining or other procedures.
  • Hairstyles with tight tail tying.
  • Accessories with metal inserts injure the hair structure over the entire length.
  • The lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.
  • Systematic combing of wet hair.

Natural in nature curly and curly curls are prone to tangling and require constant use of funds for combing tangled hair.

Recommendations and practical tips

Some of the tips below will undoubtedly help to minimize hair tangling in practice:

  • Before washing the hair, thoroughly combing is mandatory.
  • Washing your hair should be gentle and neat. To prevent overdrying of the ends, the shampoo is applied exclusively to the roots. Massage the scalp, increasing blood flow to the hair follicles. Rinse off the shampoo with light movements, simulating combing the hair. During washing off the detergent, the entire length will be safely washed with foam until clean.
  • It is recommended to wash your hair, lowering it down. This method enhances blood circulation, reducing hair loss by several times.
  • There is no need to diligently rub your wet hair with a towel. A light spin will not hurt and relieve excess moisture.
  • Avoid combing your hair immediately after washing. It is better to wait a little, because when wet, the locks stretch, tear and deform when combed.
  • After washing, use hair products for easy combing.
  • Using specialized combs is a good solution to maintaining healthy hair. It is preferable to give preference to accessories with natural bristles and rare teeth.
  • Regular cutting of split ends is required, approximately every 3 months.
  • If the hair is too long, it is better to braid the braid at night, then the process of morning combing will take much less time.

What should be the care?

From a large number of reviews on means for easy combing of hair, an elementary and generally accessible way to significantly improve the condition of hair and reduce tangling of strands is the addition of pharmacy capsule vitamins A and E to the detergent immediately before use.

The second option for those who have finances is to use a special line of care products.

Hair care

The series includes:

  • shampoo for daily care;
  • balm as a moisturizer for hair for easy combing;
  • nourishing mask for deeper hydration;
  • spray for finishing, applied to dried hair.

The main rule is to choose suitable products according to the type and structure of hair. Another nuance that needs to be taken into account is shampoos and sprays, which include silicones and significantly weight the hair. With a similar composition, curls will become dirty more often.


As a rule, hair shampoo plays this role.

Hair wash

The functions of the shampoo include cleansing the hair of impurities and filling curls with a natural shine. Some brands additionally promise volume, elasticity and color brightness protection. Shampoos to facilitate combing is not very much, but there are plenty to choose from. It is better to give preference to professional shampoos, as they have proven themselves as a means for easy combing of hair. They respond to shampoos mostly positively, perhaps the only minus is the individual intolerance of the components in their composition. When choosing a remedy, allergy sufferers need to be especially careful.

Hair balm

How does balm work? When applied to the full length, the balm forms a protective layer around each hair, at the same time moisturizes and nourishes the curls. Balm - a tool for better combing hair and facilitate styling. As noted above, it is preferable to use shampoo and balm from the same manufacturer for washing and care. To feel the effect of the balm the first time, you need to apply the product on washed wet hair, avoiding the roots, leave for 5-10 minutes and rinse with warm running water, like a shampoo. Today in stores the assortment of balms is great. Consumers attribute the lack of dispensers to packaging as disadvantages, which complicates the use of products, as well as the reduction in volume after using the product. This effect is achieved by the presence of silicones in some hair balms.

Hair conditioner

The hair care product is similar in effect to balm. The difference is that the air conditioner additionally has an antistatic effect. Most air conditioners do not require rinsing - another difference and advantage over balms. Apply the product to the hair after washing. For combing are also popular 2-in-1 - balm-conditioner. Almost every brand of hair cosmetics offers its own conditioner. There are not many drawbacks of such a tool, except that the curls get dirty faster when applying the conditioner to the roots, plus by no means economical use.

Hair spray

Sprays instantly moisturize curls, fill the hair with strength and increase their elasticity, thereby facilitating future combing. The water base of the sprays does not weigh down the curls, and the pleasant aroma settles on the hair and follows the woman in a train.

Hair spray

It is a reliable and good tool for easy combing of hair. The spray can be used both independently and in conjunction with conditioner or balm to enhance the result. High cost discourages buyers. In special cases, consumers note an increased oily hair after applying the product and a short duration of action - all these are disadvantages that there is a chance to encounter using a spray

Hair masks

The concentrated composition of the active substances in masks ensures deep hydration of the curls, nutrition, and in some cases the regeneration of damaged areas of hair.

Hair Mask

Masks are recommended to be applied to clean wet hair for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with warm running water without using shampoo.

For therapeutic purposes, masks are used 1 or 2 times a week, for prophylaxis two times a month are enough.

Among a large number of masks, buyers note poor rinse off. Otherwise, consumers have no complaints about the care product.

Liquid crystals

An indelible product that is primarily aimed at treating hair. As a prophylaxis, use is not prohibited. Liquid crystals envelop each hair, create a film around it, turning curls into obedient hair. The natural composition with precious oils and plant extracts makes it possible to achieve complete control over the hair. The quality of the product and its beneficial properties are quite capable of replacing other hair products for easy combing.

The oils in the composition can increase the oiliness of the hair, so you have to wash your hair more often or use the product very carefully - in a dosed manner. And for owners of oily hair, it is better to completely abandon liquid crystals in favor of sprays.


Leave-in serums are very popular today. An effective remedy strengthens the hair structure and nourishes curls without weighting. As a rule, all serums have a thermoprotective function, preventing hair damage under the influence of high temperatures during styling. After each wash, serum must be applied to dry or wet hair. Many serums contain silicones, which tend to accumulate on the hair and make them heavier over time. For this reason, choosing a tool, you need to focus on the composition.

Means for children

Every mother knows that children's hair is often confused, and combing them is a torment for the child.

Baby Hair Care

To facilitate this process will help children's cosmetics and products for easy combing of hair for children. Children's sprays quickly and easily cope even with the most complicated history. The watery base does not weigh down the hair, giving the curls a radiant shine. Cons - slight fluffiness appears on the hair, and some products straighten natural curls.

Homemade anti-matted hair recipes

A modern remedy, the use of which takes no more than 10 minutes daily, of course, is convenient and effective, but home remedies for easy combing of hair do just as well. A natural and safe composition is what women love and prefer folk recipes for.

Folk ways to facilitate combing:

  • Add essential oil (e.g., ylang-ylang) to shampoo or balm before each use.
  • Oil mask half an hour before washing.
  • Rinse hair after washing with pre-prepared water with infused herbs.
  • In hard water, you can rinse the washed hair with water with the addition of apple cider vinegar (1 tsp per 1 liter of water).

Using your favorite essential oil in combination with conditioner is an effective home remedy for easy combing of hair with additional care.

Essential oils

Preparation: mix the conditioner with water 1 to 9 and add a certain amount of essential oil (3-5 drops) to the mixture. Spray the finished product is allowed throughout the day along the entire length of the hair from a distance of 20-30 cm. Do not rinse. The finished product is stored for no more than 10 days. Despite the seductive aromas of some essential oils, you should not be zealous in adding them to a homemade spray. An overdose can provoke the appearance of itching and burning of the scalp.

Oil masks are extremely useful for damaged and thinned hair.

Oil masks

As a rule, the following oils are applied to the entire length of the hair:

  • coconut, olive and argan - restoration of damaged and thin hair;
  • burdock - universal, suitable as a prophylactic;
  • castor - fast growth;
  • wheat germ - deep hydration and rejuvenation of the hair structure;
  • shea and cocoa - enhanced regeneration of thinned curls;
  • jojoba - for dry and dyed hair, which are often exposed to high temperatures;
  • peach, almond and macadamia - for hair prone to oiliness, reduce the production of sebum.

To achieve maximum effect, the oil is heated in a water bath before application.

Rinsing with infused herbs is a folk remedy for easy combing of hair, it also treats dandruff, increases the thickness of the hair and reduces hair loss. List of herbs that are suitable for home rinsing:

  • chamomile - strengthens the roots;
  • nettle - heals hair, fights seborrhea on the skin;
  • coltsfoot - relieves inflammation on the scalp, reduces hair loss;
  • succession - has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

Rinsing with herbs does not require rinsing. The disadvantage of the procedure is the possible manifestation of an allergic reaction.


After trying a few recommendations, each woman will choose something suitable for strengthening her hair and making it easier to comb her curls.


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