A detailed business plan for a photo studio. How to open a photo studio?

A good photograph is comparable only to an ingenious printed work, which over the centuries has not changed its own content, but at the same time in every family they want to possess it. For this reason, many novice entrepreneurs decide to open a photo studio, a business plan for which is created similarly to all other types.

Photo Studio Business Plan

Who is it focused on?

This type of earnings is more suitable for entrepreneurs who have sufficient patience, do not want to risk in vain, who know how to wait for a full return on their investments. This can be explained by the fact that the demand for photography is growing steadily, but it does so fairly moderately in comparison with other industries.

Profitability of a business is ensured only if there is enough start-up capital. The project can only be launched if the business plan of the photo studio is ready, and it describes in detail all the points and nuances of this type of activity, organizational factors and financial issues. The payback period for this type of activity is quite high, about 2-4 years.

Business Plan Photo Studio Example

Despite the fact that the plan is characterized by a very specific degree of clarity, there are a huge number of difficulties that can make this business segment rather difficult to start. It should not only consider the business plan of the photo studio, an example of which will be presented below, but also important points regarding the direct activities of such an organization.

Consumer market

Clients can be conditionally divided into two large groups, while target needs are taken into account. Legal organizations are actively using the tool in the form of a photograph to position their brand and its further development. For ordinary citizens, the need for photography arises as an aesthetically useful attribute designed to capture important life moments: anniversaries, weddings, baptisms, etc.

A business plan for opening a photo studio should also take into account such a new trend as updating its own portfolio for girls and guys who are active on a variety of Internet resources and social networks. In this case, there is an urgent need for a high-quality image.

Photo Studio Options

The choice of the format of the developed project affects a lot of additional factors that the entrepreneur will have to take into account to one degree or another. When drawing up a business plan for a photo studio, it is necessary to determine the priority direction, because it depends on it when the launched project starts to please with profit. Any of the options described with the proper approach is able to provide a high level of income.

Business Plan Photo Studio Sample Example

Full-length photo studio

If you decide to open a photo studio, you can draw up a business plan so that it will be an organization providing a full range of services in this area. For these purposes, you will need an interior room with decorations, costumes, as well as all kinds of cameras. The business plan of a photo studio in this case should also include additional ways of making money in the form of renting premises for short periods of time or for holding photosets; production of gift items and various souvenirs, conducting workshops with practical exercises.

Photo Salon

This option involves creating only the official type of photos. The business plan of a photo studio in this case can be called the simplest, since this option is a budget one, designed to start an activity. Success is predetermined by the placement, that is, the room should be chosen correctly.

Business plan interior photo studio

Photo studio for children

This version of the project is aimed at parents who want to capture their babies in all its glory. To ensure the corresponding demand, a stylized interior room will be required, and thematic scenarios with a full set of necessary attributes will not interfere. Even a ready-made business plan for a photo studio of this format is not suitable for beginners, as it is aimed at organizations that have a strong client base.

Mini studio

This is an analogue of a full-length studio, which allows you to engage in all kinds of industry areas. This option is convenient for starting, as it has a broad prospect of growth and a further change in specialization.

Regardless of which format of the photo studio will be chosen, success will be regular as a result of the provision of high-quality services in this field.

Business plan for opening a photo studio


A novice entrepreneur will be in a situation where for clients he will need to fight with two types of opponents: large-format studios and private photographers. The former prefer to cooperate with large customers in the form of magazines, modeling agencies and others, so they will not be a real obstacle for a small photo studio with disabilities. But private photographers are focused on the average and small consumers, as is the novice entrepreneur.

Open photo studio business plan

You can offer the best strategy for an entrepreneur who intends to open a successful business and has already drawn up a business plan for a photo studio. Given the low concentration of existing photo studios and the insufficient saturation of this niche, one should choose a place that will be removed from the congestion of photographers and small companies.

Necessary costs. Business plan

It should be understood that for this area there is no maximum bar, therefore, the average statistical workshop is used for calculation, which is capable of conducting high-quality and diverse activities in this area. A ready business plan for a photo studio with calculations will contain the entire list of expenses that are expected to be opened. The list of variables, that is, one-time expenses, requires the following:

- legal registration of all documentation that may be required - 40-60 thousand rubles, depending on the region;

- costs associated with the repair and subsequent design of the premises - 250-300 thousand rubles, depending on the initial indicators;

- the purchase of a set of working equipment may require an amount of 200-600 thousand rubles, depending on the chosen direction and format of activity;

- purchase of furniture for the office - 150-300 thousand rubles;

- other expenses and accessories - from 100 thousand rubles.

It turns out that the amount of variable costs is 740-1360 thousand rubles.

There is also a list of costs that are fixed. Among them, the following can be noted:

- rent for the premises used for activities - 60 thousand rubles or more;

- remuneration of employees - 50-90 thousand rubles;

- organization and conduct of an advertising campaign - 30-50 thousand rubles;

- other capital investments - 10-30 thousand rubles.

It turns out that the amount of fixed costs is in the range of 150-230 thousand rubles per month. As a result, the business plan of a photo studio, an example of which is being considered, should include the amount necessary to start an activity of at least 900 thousand rubles.


A lot will be required to start an activity:

- artificial light sources, umbrellas for clearance and reflection, softboxes, reflectors, curtains, portrait plate ;

- racks, holders, tripods;

- a camera and a set of lenses;

- decorative background with mounts;

- flash meter;

Photo studio business plan calculations

- synchronizers designed to ensure the normal operation of flashes;

- stock for the dressing room;

- a computer with good performance;

- auxiliary attributes that were not originally included in the business plan of the photo studio (sample). Example: background and more.


The staff at first usually includes such specialists:

- Photographers can be both young professionals with a high-quality portfolio, and experienced reputable masters. The first option will provide some savings on wages, and the second guarantees a flow of regular customers. The ideal ratio of experienced and novice masters is one to one, in this case a successful photo studio will turn out. A business plan, calculations and an indication of all costs must necessarily be contained in a single document.

- The administrator in the photo studio should be required, and for the smooth operation of them they will require at least two. A good administrator not only solves any issues on a professional level, but also prevents potential problems in a timely manner.

- Technical staff should be in any photo studio, the number depends on its size. Employees should have a shift schedule with the ability to change if necessary.

- The content marketer is committed to creating a studio image on the Internet and promoting it. At the moment, this sector contains the vast majority of potential customers, so it must be remembered. If you intend to open a photo studio, the business plan must contain this item.

Opening Dates

This moment completely depends on the chosen business format and the availability of investment funds. Depending on the situation, the period can be from 1-3 months to 6-8. If we are talking about entrepreneurial maximalism in conditions of a significant shortage of funds, then the period will be from 9 months. The main time-eaters include the search for financial institutions, investors or partners who could provide the necessary amount of money.

Marketing plan

The business plan for opening a photo studio initially suggests that this is a very expensive idea, which requires a lot of money to implement, and it’s impossible to count on a quick payback without a good customer flow from the first months of work. Therefore, the organization of advertising is carried out in three directions: among regular customers, through traditional means of submitting information, through Internet promotion.

For visitors to start talking about the photo studio, it is required to choose an individual approach to each, non-standard options for the implementation of wishes, as well as provide services at a high professional level. Only in this case, the creation of a photo studio, a business plan for which is being developed, will be appropriate. To apply the traditional form of presenting information, an advertising agency with a proven track record is required to be able to notify everyone about the new photo workshop in the shortest possible time. Promotion on the Internet requires ongoing support, taking into account consumer trends and directions.

Even if you create a business plan for an interior photo studio, you should not ignore such important tools for positioning services as discounts, bonuses, promotions, prizes and more. This approach has already been tested and works.

Planned revenue and payback

The project’s profitability is influenced by many factors, among which the following stand out: location, professional services, the right advertising campaign. With proper and systematic organization of activities, you can count on an average annual income of 600-800 thousand rubles. Such indicators provide a full payback period of not more than 4 years. A novice entrepreneur should understand that in the photo business, numbers are relative indicators that have unlimited opportunities for growth. From the first days you can not try to create an expensive project, as there are nuances and circumstances that will correct it in any case. It is better to organize a moderate start with an emphasis on the high quality of the services provided.


For a new studio, the income depends on the level of workload and the quality of the services provided. And it doesn’t matter if there is a ready-made business plan for the photo studio with calculations or not, it is necessary to approach this issue with all responsibility and understanding of the current market situation. Download for the organization, which has just begun its work, can be provided only in conditions of proper advertising. With its incomplete organization or incorrect approach, the new photo workshop will have every reason to close in the first half of the year.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34007/

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