How to survive the bad days? Five practical tips

Like it or not, everyone has bad days without exception. And often they come exactly when you least expect them. Who knows why this happens: maybe this is karma, or maybe just an ordinary accident. But be that as it may, everyone should be able to cope with troubles. Therefore, let's talk about how to quickly and painlessly survive bad days.

bad days

Tip # 1: Stop blaming yourself!

For some reason, many are used to blaming themselves for everything. Troubles at work - I tried hard, I got a cold - too weak, it started to rain - chronic bad luck. And whatever happens always, “I ..., I ..., I ...!”. But this is the wrong approach that needs to be urgently changed.

Understand that such situations often arise only because the cards are so matched. This is a mere coincidence and nothing more. All that is needed is to accept reality as it is. Today is a terribly bad day, and to hell with it - reconcile. Such is the world, he palms you a pig, not because he does not love you, but because you accidentally ended up in the wrong place and at the wrong time.

a very bad day

Tip # 2: Get Home

If in the early morning it became clear that today is a very bad day, it is better to protect yourself from further problems. An ideal solution would be a day off, which can be done by referring to family problems. Believe me, it’s better to cheat the chef a little, than then all day to get the scolding from the prankster of fate.

However, if you did not succeed in staying at home, then at least try to avoid potentially dangerous situations. For example, it is better to shift all responsible work to tomorrow or transfer it to a colleague, asking for services. Remember: a terribly bad day can always get worse, and therefore better not to tempt fate.

terribly bad day

Tip # 3: More Positive

Naturally, it’s hard to have fun when you have been squeezed by bad days, but it's still worth a try. After all, the truth is that you won’t be able to avoid them, which means there’s no difference: you will lead them gloomily or have fun.

Therefore, try to find something good in your environment. Watch a funny movie, turn on your favorite music or watch your colleagues, and suddenly one of them will seem funny to you. At worst, you can open a browser and look at the photos of cute kittens, they will definitely cheer you up.

bad days

Tip # 4: Don’t try to get grief

So, bad days are not a reason to break down and start eating everything in order to drown out your own pain. No, no one says that you can’t eat a chocolate bar or a small cake. In this case, it is understood that it is impossible to empty the refrigerator like crazy, sweeping away absolutely everything from its shelves.

But alcohol on such days should be completely eliminated. After all, it is worth drinking only one glass for mood, and a hoppy degree will drag you into the abyss of despondency. This is due to the fact that alcohol does not improve well-being, but only exacerbate current emotions.

a very bad day

Tip # 5: Thanks for another day

Bad days are not the end of the world. Remember how many times you have already overcome them, which made you even stronger. At the same time, draw the right conclusions for the future, and who knows, maybe then it will be much easier to experience such moments.

In the evening, having analyzed your day, tell fate “thank you”. Indeed, despite all the difficulties, you will soon go to bed. Another day will be behind, which means you are still alive.


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