UNESCO transcript: history and challenges

unesco decryption
This organization is well known today: we often come across social advertising under the auspices of UNESCO and other references to it. What is behind this abbreviation? What does the decryption of UNESCO mean? Of course, we have all heard about the UN structures in general terms , but not every compatriot is really deeply aware of these issues. Let's try to figure it out now.

UNESCO: abbreviation

And this is exactly the abbreviation. And in English in its full version it reads as follows: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. So, in Russian, the transcript of UNESCO would sound something like this: the UN structure dealing with issues of science, education and culture. Indeed, this organization is one of the UN subsidiaries.

Prerequisites for the creation

unesco decryption
The idea of ​​creating an international organization of this type arose during the Second World War. The well-known Allied conferences in 1943 and 1945 played an important role in this process. By the way, in fairness it should also be noted that such an organization, called to resolve international conflicts peacefully, already existed from the time of the Versailles accords after the First World War. It's about the League of Nations. However, she showed her utter failure. At a peace conference in San Francisco in the spring of 1945, the UN was created, which effectively replaced the League of Nations.

Decoding of UNESCO as an organization: history and objectives

In the first months of the existence of the UN, its structure was formed. In November 1945, a regular conference of this organization takes place in London, where UNESCO is being created, a kind of department for various cultural, educational and scientific issues. Thus, the decoding of UNESCO as an organization implies that it is busy with specific issues in these areas. In 1945, 37 states from Europe and North America joined the organization, which signed its Charter, which provided for the beginning of activity from November 1946. Then, in November 1946, the first general conference was held. Today, UNESCO unites 195 states from all over the planet.

Organization Objectives

Today, UNESCO proclaims as its main goal the promotion of security and peace on the planet through the strengthening of international and cultural ties, the expansion of cooperation among various peoples in the fields of science, culture and education, as well as the promotion of mutual respect, justice and human rights, regardless of gender, race, religion, nationality, language, and so on.

unesco definition
UNESCO's definition of its own tasks fits into five main functions:

  1. Promising research.
  2. Promotion of knowledge, its transfer and exchange on an international scale.
  3. Regulatory activities in the field of science, culture and education.
  4. Facilitating the exchange of specialized information.
  5. The provision of various expert services for the development of member states of the organization.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34021/

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