How does a man understand that he truly loves? Love test for men

Love is an amazing feeling. However, it is not so easy to recognize it, because it is very similar to attachment to a person. Although there are still several effective ways. Do not know how a man realizes that he really loves? Then we suggest you take a small test by answering a few questions for yourself. Each answer “yes” gives you 1 point. Testing results will be summarized at the end of the article.

Do you care about the subject of your adoration?

In most cases, a man realizes that he really loves when he realizes that he spends enormous efforts to take care of his girlfriend. And it's not just about buying jewelry, flowers, clothes and all sorts of surprises. True care is shown even in small things. If you massage your beloved when she sits at a computer for a long time or reads a book, or you often throw your jacket over her shoulders, returning home on a cold evening, then you definitely love your partner.

However, caring for large-scale activities is also very important. A loving man will surely give up all his affairs just to take care of his own person when he is ill. He will also do his best to improve the quality of life of his soulmate, even if as a result he has to sacrifice something of his own. That is why many guys spend a lot of money just so that their girlfriend does not need anything, and they save literally on everything they can.

Are you trying to involve her in your life?

Love or love ... How do men understand that they really have found their soul mate, rather than experiencing the euphoria that goes through several weeks of beautiful dates and romantic walks? As a rule, they just look at what the subject of sigh means to them. A man who does not regard the girl as his future wife will never involve her in his personal life, meeting his friends, work or hobby.

Happy couple cute smiling.

But a person who really loves someone will definitely use every opportunity so that the subject of his sighing becomes a part of his life. For this, men can begin to tell the girl their plans for the future, introduce her to close friends or parents, be sure to show a hobby from which they go crazy. All this must be done in order to see the reaction of a loved one to things that are dear to you.

Do you often help your life partner?

A man understands that he loves a woman at the moment when he realizes that he is always ready to come to the rescue of his chosen one. If her bulb suddenly burned out in her apartment or the kettle broke, then the boyfriend will certainly come across the city, postponing his business, only in order to fix the existing problem. The desire to help clearly indicates that the man subconsciously considers the beauty to be the person with whom he wants to spend the rest of his life.

Loving man on the street.

Of course, special attention should also be paid to the assistance that is being provided on a global scale. Not everyone who meets them will be ready to donate part of their budget to close a girl’s loan or help her parents with finances. In addition, only the man who loves will be ready to help his companion improve her knowledge of English by starting to study a foreign language on her own in her free time.

Do you strive to please a girl every day?

Can men truly love? Even as they can! And this manifests itself in the desire to please a woman every day, as soon as a good opportunity arises for this. In the role of surprises can be beautiful bouquets of flowers, going to the cinema or restaurant, a romantic dinner by candlelight or a simple chocolate bar. Only the man who really loves will use every opportunity to please his companion every day.

Why do guys do this if no reward is out of the question? They just want to see a smile on the face of their beloved girl, to share a joyful moment with her. Most men in love do not even expect a banal “thank you” from their companion. The best reward for them is that joy and sincere emotions that appear on the face of the second half. Therefore, they try to use any trifle in order to again see this spectacle.

Is nothing more important to you than your loved one?

Work, friends, relatives - all this fades into the background when the one you love with all your heart appears. Men can truly love only when they think about their life partner every minute. They wake up with the thought of what their subject of sighing is doing at the moment, and fall asleep only when they can be sure that the "treasure" is completely safe. Even the dream that a man has always followed becomes less important.

The guy kisses his lover.

Another feature of a man in love is sacrifice. If you realize that you are ready to part with your own life only in order to always be with your soulmate in heaven, then you can not even doubt the sincerity of your feelings. Sometimes in life situations will also occur when you have to sacrifice relationships with loved ones or even work for the sake of a loved one. Are you ready to do this without even thinking?

Will you pursue it even after failure?

And how does a man care, if he really loves? To say that he shows tenderness and care is like keeping silent. After all, a person who really loves does not even consider the option that one day his life partner will refuse him and will have to find a new girlfriend. Well, if this happens, the man in love will continue to spin next to his passion, all the time trying to somehow help her.

Also, such a person will use every chance to start building relationships again. Even if a woman finds herself another boyfriend, he will still continue to support her as a friend, and he will certainly take the opportunity to show himself from the best side in case of separation. Failure for a man in love does not mean anything. He will still love his soul mate and sincerely believe that they are destined to be together.

Are you ready to remain faithful to your beloved always?

How does a man behave if he truly loves? That's right, always faithful. Treason comes only when feelings fade away. However, as long as the guy really loves his girlfriend, he will never change her. Even if he is on a business trip in another city and is sure that his native will not know about the betrayal, he will not. Indeed, otherwise a man will not be able to look further into the eyes of his beloved.

A man with a red heart.

It should be understood that adultery should not only mean sexual contact with a representative of the opposite sex. Even flirting and chatting with other girls can also be considered treason. Only the man who really loves will agree to remove all the numbers of women from the notebook, and will also stop communicating even with "friends". The rest of the women simply cease to exist for him one fine moment.

Do you speak beautiful words to your partner?

Another sure sign that the boyfriend has truly sincere feelings. But what does a man say if he truly loves? As a rule, these are various kinds of compliments that affect not only the appearance of the girl, but also her other qualities. For example, a man can praise the quick wits of his soulmate or appreciate her creative skills if she is engaged in painting or singing.

A couple is sitting on a cloud.

But how often will a man in love compliment his girlfriend? Every day and more than once! He will use every opportunity to praise her, even if the occasion seems insignificant. As in the case of a surprise, a man in love will not expect something in return. The best reward for him will be the reaction of the second half to certain words. And every time a man will try to pick up more and more original compliments.

Do you want to protect her from danger?

It's no secret that the world is a pretty tough place that can bring a lot of pain (mental and physical). Therefore, men in love are not limited to beautiful words. They are trying their best to protect their companion from any dangers and threats. For example, only that person who really loves, even without asking for help, will begin to “eliminate from the radar” other boyfriends who bother her.

Beautiful couple on the roof.

It is also about protecting the mental state of your life partner. If there is some source of problems that causes the girl troubles, because of which she worries all the time or even cries, then the man sets a goal to eliminate this problem as soon as possible. Also, he will not delay in order to invite the girl to come together, because for the boyfriend he will be much calmer when the most expensive person in his life is under supervision.

Are you responsible for your girlfriend?

How does a man understand that he truly loves? This happens at the moment when the boyfriend realizes that he is responsible for any actions that the partner committed. Imagine a situation: you went to the store for shopping, and the girl accidentally touched a window with products, after which she fell and crashed. A man who really loves a girl will take all the blame on himself and pay for the damage from his own pocket.

Also, we can talk about responsibility for the health and beauty of the second half. A man who has strong feelings for a woman will never ignore the beloved’s words about her feeling bad. He immediately begins to fuss, starting to look for medicines or even call an ambulance. In addition, it will be extremely important for him that the other half always look beautiful. Not to brag to friends. And so she herself felt welcome.

Are you ready to start changing for her?

Sometimes a man realizes that he truly loves simply because he sees radical changes behind him. Only that person who experiences strong feelings is ready to improve all the time for the sake of his subject of adoration. He will do his best to change his character, so that the girl does not feel discomfort. And the harder such changes are given to the boyfriend, the more faithfully it can be argued that he really loves his girlfriend.

A man and his girlfriend.

Of course, we are talking only about positive changes. There is nothing complicated in starting to degrade. However, that man who loves his girlfriend with all his heart will never allow him to spend several hours of his free time on a friendly drinking party or a computer game. He will try to improve himself and his skills every day, so that in the future life will bring them real happiness.

Do you want to build a family with a girl?

To distinguish a courteous man from someone who really has strong feelings, you can ask him a question about the future. Do it for yourself. Are you ready to have a baby with a soulmate. Of course, we can talk not about the near future, but about the moment when both of you will be able to stand on their own feet and acquire their own housing and stable work. Will you be ready to live with the beauty all your life and continue your family?

For most men, conception of a child is the highest point of trust in a partner. This step means that he is ready to give all of himself to her and future offspring. Most men are well aware that after giving birth, they have to work with double zeal so that the baby does not need anything. Have to once and for all give up gatherings with friends and spending money on useless hobbies that do not bring profit.

Video and conclusion

Before you start calculating points, we recommend that you watch a short video, the author of which also touches on how to recognize true love from a man. This information will be very useful for familiarization as an additional material, as the video touches on some aspects that will help you understand your feelings.

So, the love test for men has come to an end. If you scored 12 points, it means that there is not even any doubt that you have love feelings for your companion and are ready to spend all your life only with her. In the event that the result showed 9-11 points, then this means that you also have strong feelings for the woman, but they can gradually fade over time. If you scored less than 5-8 points, then you should seriously think about whether it is worth building a relationship with a person whom you do not like. Well, a smaller number indicates that you simply feel a temporary affection for a woman, which will pass very soon.


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