Hairstyle with a pencil. The simplest hairstyles for every day

When a girl or woman wears long hair, she loosens them so that others can admire their beauty. But it happens that curls interfere, but there are no pins or elastic bands at hand. What to do? Then you can use an ordinary pencil to stab them. The simplest hairstyles can be done very quickly and independently.

pencil hairstyle

A bunch

The pencil bundle is made using this technology: curls are taken, gathered in the tail with hands, then it is twisted around its axis several times so that individual strands do not stick out. Next, the tail is laid in the form of a beam in several revolutions depending on the length of the strands. After that, take a simple pencil, pen or even a chopstick for Chinese food and stick it into your hair, as if it were a hairpin.

the simplest hairstyles

This is an option to perform a simple hairstyle for every day in the conditions outside the home. If the girl is at home, then such a hairstyle can be made more durable and stable. First, the tail is neatly tied with an elastic band, then the strands are wrapped around the base several times. Next, beautiful pencils or sticks are stuck. Additional fixation will give the studs. Such a hairstyle with a pencil will last a whole day in a neat condition. Alternatively, you can release strands in the face or comb the tail to make the resulting bundle more voluminous.

Hairstyle for long hair

This hairstyle with a pencil on long wavy hair. After washing on the curls you need to apply a styling agent: foam or gel. Next, pencils are taken, and each strand of curls is wound around the pencil. The ends can be fixed with a thin rubber band. You can blow dry them or leave them to dry naturally. After that, the pencils are very easy to remove.

the simplest hairstyles

The hair becomes wavy, and the waves are very uniform and structured. Curls hold such a hairstyle well, because their structure is lush and voluminous.

Such a hairstyle with a pencil can have several options. If you leave your hair fluffy, only combing and sprinkling with varnish, you get an elegant hairstyle. If you use a special tool for the effect of wet strands, a fashionable styling with separated and shiny strands will come out. If you collect the hair up and fasten it to the back of the head with hairpins, leaving a few wavy strands, you get a formal hairstyle for an evening out. It will remain to wear chandelier earrings that are fashionable this season and a suitable dress.

A pencil hairstyle is one of the easiest and fastest to do. Hair is collected in a roller and fixed with a pencil or stick. The roller can be vertical or horizontal. The pencil can be replaced with a ballpoint pen, chopstick for Chinese food or any other long sharp object. This simple hairstyle for every day can be done by yourself, and quickly and beautifully.

Two-Hairstyle Option

Simple hairstyles for every day can be done without effort. The curls need to be parted, using the same pencil, drawing them in the middle of the head. Then twist each part into bundles and fix with a pencil. You can release strands so that there are free ponytails. Get a pretty playful and flirty hairstyle. This option is suitable for curls of medium length. So, you can fix the strands cut in the hair of the square when the side strands interfere. This is also one of the easiest styling for every day. The simplest hairstyles can be done very quickly and easily.

Scythe with a pencil

This is an unusual hairstyle, for the creation of which you will need a comb, elastic, pencil and hair spray. First you need to comb the curls, then pull them with an elastic band on the back of the head. Then a pencil is taken and stuck parallel to the floor under the rubber, and the braid is braided. When braiding, a small part is separated from each of the three strands and thrown over a pencil, then this strand is attached to the main one, from which it was separated, and woven.

hairstyles for long wavy hair

Thus, not all the strands of the braid are hooked, but several strands at the beginning. For example, 5-6 strands thrown over a pencil on each side will be enough. When the braid is braided to the ends of the hair, it is fixed with an elastic band. After that, the pencil is removed, and the curls are fixed with varnish. It turns out a volumetric braid. The tip of the braid can be pinned inside or left hanging, decorated with an elegant bow.

The same hairstyle with a pencil can be done by tying two tails, and braid each braid, as described above. Only the pencil needs to be stuck at a slight slope so that the left edge is slightly lower and the right edge is higher. After taking out the pencils, volumetric braids similar to flowers are obtained . This hairstyle needs to be fixed with varnish, and the ends of the braids should be turned inward and fixed with hairpins. This is an elegant hairstyle, which, if desired, can be decorated with small flowers, hairpins with rhinestones or invisible. The bangs may remain in their normal position.

In what situations will the pencil save

A stationery item is often found in the bag of any girl or woman. School girls do not go to school without a pencil at all. Hair can interfere in any situation. But the hairstyle can be fixed not only with a pencil. Simple hairstyles for every day itself can be performed without problems, there are a lot of options.

For example, the artist came to a visiting painting lesson and forgot a hairpin with her. She can fix her long strands with a brush. A summer resident, once in the garden, can use a broken tree branch when weeding the beds. A schoolgirl on a walk can use the stiff stalk of a flower. At home, a flower can help decorate hair. If it is a rose, then first you need to break off the thorns from the stem so as not to scratch the scalp.

pencil bunch

Pros and cons

Advantages of hairstyles for long wavy hair:

  1. Speed โ€‹โ€‹of execution.
  2. The prevalence of pencils.
  3. Flirty and playful hairstyles.
  4. The pencil best captures lush, wavy by nature curls.
  5. When using unusual items, you can use stylization. For example, when using a brush, a bohemian, relaxed image is created, when using a flower, it is gentle and romantic, when using a chopstick for Chinese food, an image of a geisha.

Disadvantages of hairstyles with pencils:

  1. Not always the first time.
  2. A pencil can break off thin hair.
  3. If you use a pencil on wet strands, it can dye your hair a little.

Some girls use a pencil or other sharp long object in emergency situations, when there is no other object for fixation at hand. And some use the pencil intentionally, creating a laid-back, bohemian look with carelessly laid curls. Now it is very fashionable.


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