What does flexible hours mean?

According to a census conducted last year, almost one hundred and fifty million people live in Russia. And this is not counting the large number of visiting "neighbors" who work in our country is not quite legal. That is, having neither a Russian registration, nor temporary registration at the place of stay.

All people are different, each can have their own life circumstances and biological rhythm, forcing a person to look for vacancies with a certain mode. For example, with a flexible work schedule.

But what does such a schedule imply? Who is it profitable for? And what kind of pay can a job seeker expect? These and other important issues regarding the features of employment will be considered in this article.

What is a work schedule?

Every person from childhood gets used to performing certain duties. For example, go to kindergarten, then to school, college or university. In these places, children should spend some time, which in schools is called a schedule.

Its observance by pupils and younger students is watched by parents. Later, the child controls himself. If at school a high school student who skipped a lesson or a whole quarter can be severely punished or left for the second year, then at the university a student for such behavior can easily be expelled.

At work, no one will also keep an employee who neglects his duties. Failure to appear due to disrespectful reason or without notifying the authorities shall be considered absenteeism. For some firms, a fine is imposed for him, while others dismissal.

Thus, the time that an employee must spend at work every day is called his work schedule (flexible, shift, shift, irregular, normal, as well as a fragmented working day). Failure to do so may result in loss of space.

flexible working hours

What is the difference between flexible graphics and the rest

In order to answer the question formed in the title, you need to figure out which graphics are and what mode they mean. We already mentioned that the applicant can get a job with the following mode:

  1. Normal is the most popular work schedule. For example, five days a week for eight hours a day, Saturday, Sunday - days off.
  2. Irregular - this mode is notable for the fact that the boss has the right to call an employee to work before the start of the working day or, conversely, to delay after. In this case, extra time is paid, but the employee can only perform his duties laid down by his post.
  3. Shift - this mode of operation is used by companies whose employees must for a long time be away from home, living in shift villages. For example, during the construction of a route in the Arctic.
  4. A flexible work schedule allows the employee to independently regulate the beginning, end and duration of the working day so that the total amount of hours or work agreed upon with the employer is obtained.
  5. Interchangeable - a regime according to which an employee has the right to work two, three or four days and rest as many days. Such a schedule is provided in firms whose operating mode exceeds the daily rate established by the TC.
  6. A fragmented working day - most often such a schedule involves dividing the working day into two equal parts with a two-hour unpaid break.

Flexible Graphics Forms

So, we found out that a flexible work schedule implies an independent distribution by an employee of his time and responsibilities that he needs to do for a certain period. It is also worth mentioning that this regime has several varieties that differ in the degree of freedom of the employee:

  1. A moving chart is like a shift chart. It allows the employee to vary his working days and weekends. For example, working on a 3/3 schedule, a person in the first week will receive a weekend on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and in the second - on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
  2. Free mode of operation is convenient because the employee can independently distribute the amount of work calculated (most often) for a week or a month. For example, a copywriter needs to write ten articles of 1000 characters per week. Total 10,000. He can prepare three articles on the first day, then four days, one at a time, then two and on the last day he will only have to add one article.
  3. The shift schedule allows the employee to choose a convenient shift. For example, on the first day - from nine in the morning to three in the afternoon, on the second and third - from three in the afternoon to nine in the evening, and on the fourth - from nine in the evening to nine in the morning.
flexible working hours in Moscow

Which applicants are comfortable with a flexible schedule?

The most attractive work with a flexible schedule for students and women who are dependent on small children. It was for the latter in Russia that such a mode of operation was introduced. This happened in 1980.

After all, such categories of citizens need to combine work with other responsibilities. Therefore, women with small children in their arms cannot spend a full day at work, go on shifts (of course, if the mother has no one to leave the baby with), and the rest of the schedule also does not suit them.

For students, study is in the first place, so it is better for them to look for vacancies with a flexible work schedule. Because, in order not to skip classes, they must work before or after training pairs. But a rare employer will take an employee who is only half interested in the job. In addition, all firms, companies have their own routines, and they simply can not fully adapt to each employee.

Thanks to the flexible schedule, you can perform work according to the biological rhythm

Some students like to sleep, but they have to get up early at the university. Therefore, on the day when couples do not start in the morning, but, say, from three in the afternoon, they want to sleep. However, the young guys also want to take a walk, for this they need money. In the end, whether you want it or not, you need to go to work at an early hour.

But thanks to work, part-time work on a flexible schedule, students will be able to adjust its mode to their biological rhythm. For example, an โ€œowlโ€ is more convenient to carry out tasks at night, and in the morning to bask in bed longer. Then you should find such a flexible schedule that will allow you to work at a convenient time. And vice versa, the โ€œlarkโ€, which is more active and fruitful in its work in the morning, will be able to find an individual regimen that is preferable for itself.

work flexible schedule moscow without experience

Responsibilities and rights with flexible hours

Applicants should not be naive to believe that working with a flexible schedule (in Moscow, St. Petersburg or another city) provides for complete freedom and negligent performance of their duties. Because such a regime also obliges the employee to take work seriously, responsibly, to cope with it in full on time. Otherwise, a negligent employee may also be fined or fired.

However, not only certain requirements are placed on the employee. The boss who officially (with the conclusion of the employment contract and the entry in the work book) has employed the employee, is obliged to provide him with social guarantees. The so-called social package. Assuming a weekend, maternity or sick leave payments, paid leave after each full year of work.

job openings flexible hours

Advantages of flexible graphics

So, a flexible work schedule is a great opportunity to adjust the duties assumed by the position to the circumstances of life and the biological rhythm. Therefore, for citizens who want to combine work and study, motherhood, caring for sick relatives or other activities, this mode will be most convenient.

Also, due to the fact that the employee will be able to perform labor tasks at a convenient time for him, the quality of his work will increase significantly. Therefore, a schedule based on a flexible system is beneficial to both the employee and the employer.

Disadvantages of flexible graphics

In many cities, including Moscow, working with flexible hours is extremely popular. However, despite the abundance of advantages of this regime, it has significant disadvantages. The main one is the following moment: since the employee himself determines the amount of daily work, it is likely that he will relax at some point, not have time to complete everything on time.

In addition, the so-called collective intelligence is important in any company. Therefore, sometimes leaders arrange meetings, the presence of which is mandatory for all employees. What may not be convenient for everyone.

work for students

Is work experience required in employment for a vacancy involving a flexible schedule

A flexible work schedule for students is most preferred. Without experience, a good position is hard to find, but students are at the very beginning of their career. Where does the knowledge and skills that this or that profession suggests come from?

However, in fact, despair is also not worth it. Of course, a newcomer will not be appointed to a top position with a large salary. But if an employee is motivated to improve his skills, begins to show himself as a responsible, mandatory and effective employee, career growth is possible. And accordingly, an increase in wages.

Therefore, even without experience and professional knowledge, a flexible work schedule for students in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities is quite affordable.

What affects the increase in salaries with flexible hours

A person gets a job first of all in order to make money. But in order to receive them, he must fulfill the assigned duties within a certain time. Some workers believe that the more time they spend at work, the higher their wages.

However, the salary includes only those hours that are agreed with the employer and are prescribed in the employment contract with the applicant when hiring. Thus, if the number of employeeโ€™s working hours established by an employment contract is forty, even if he will delay or arrive earlier on his own initiative (spend at work, for example, fifty hours), his salary will remain the same.

Flexible business is another matter. Where employees are really interested in the speedy completion of the task. Because as a result, they will receive free time, a bonus for premature delivery of the assignment or the opportunity to take on a new amount of work earlier.

flexible working hours without experience

What is the advantage of a flexible schedule for the employer

We have already mentioned that working with a flexible schedule without experience or requiring certain skills is convenient not only for the employee, but also for the employer. Than - find out further:

  1. This mode helps to improve the quality of work.
  2. Own motivation and focus on results will allow the employee to demonstrate the best results.
  3. The feeling of freedom, coupled with the trust that the employer exerts, will also increase employee productivity.
  4. Such a problem as an unauthorized employee leaving, being late or absenteeism will become impossible.
work for a student with no experience flexible schedule

Key points of the article

So, summarizing the above aspects, we can draw the following conclusions:

  1. The main distinguishing feature of a flexible schedule is the ability of the employee to determine the beginning, end and total length of the working day independently.
  2. The feature of the system does not affect the availability of social guarantees and obligations established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  3. Such a regime implies discipline, responsibility of the employee, who is obliged to fulfill the required amount of work strictly on time.
  4. Finding a job that involves a flexible schedule is difficult without experience in Moscow or another city. But if an employee has a desire to develop, career growth is possible.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34046/

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