How temperament and its types determine the character of a person

In order to understand who is in front of you sometimes you do not need to know either his name, or hobbies, or profession. A general idea of ​​a person can be made up, knowing what kind of temperament he has. It is he who is the basis of the character of the personality, its interactions with other people, reactions to the surrounding reality. In psychology, temperament and its types are the basis for studying human behavioral reactions. For the first time, I.P. began to use the concept of temperament in his works. Pavlov, who distinguished 3 properties of the central nervous system: strength, poise, mobility of excitatory and inhibitory processes. Later, his theory was criticized and some changes.

There are 4 main types of temperament: sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic. All of them in their pure form in nature simply cannot exist. So you can not find a sanguine without impurities in it phlegmatic, for example. All divisions into groups in this case are very arbitrary and may vary depending on the person.

The most cheerful of all is the sanguine person. He reaches for everything new: be it people or events. For a sanguine person to be open to everyone and for everything a normal state. Failures he experiences quite easily, but in a hurry to share his successes with everyone. So that the sanguine does not get bored, he needs to set goals for himself constantly and achieve them. From childhood, such people need to be accustomed to discipline and consistency. Otherwise, they grow up as superficial and frivolous people.

Choleric is essentially the same sanguine, only nervous. He is easily annoyed, ready for battle at any second. Such temperament and its types are characteristic of people - leaders by nature. Choleric is very easy to captivate with a new idea. Moreover, he will be so absorbed in her that he will not notice anything around him. A person of this type will make an excellent leader who will lead his company to the top lines of various ratings, but because of his quick-tempered character, he will never be able to bathe in the love of his subordinates. For choleric, coarsening or flaming is practically the norm.

Melancholic is a nature with a fine mental organization. He is capable of long experiences, failures for him become an obstacle to further actions. Such temperament and its types are inherent in slow people who are not able to clearly express their emotions. He is very difficult to adapt to new people and the environment, his adaptation in the team can take a long time, and in some cases, and not end at all. Melancholic people do not know how to express their emotions, so we can say that they almost always look sad or somewhat upset.

Phlegmatic somewhat resembles a melancholic. He is also very slow. About such people they say: "He sleeps on the go." This temperament and its types does not allow its owner to fully express their emotions and feelings. Unlike a melancholic, his mood can be called calm rather than depressed. Phlegmatic sincerely attached to people, work, so it is very difficult for him to make changes in his life, and he does not always go for them.

Concepts such as temperament and personality are inextricably linked. It is temperament that largely determines the personality. Do not think that all people can be divided into 4 categories. Such a classification is very arbitrary and allows us to simplify the system of studying human nature. In the world there is not a single ideal sanguine person or phlegmatic person. Each person can live several temperaments, which manifest themselves depending on the situation. Nevertheless, the division of people by temperament helps to understand the reasons for their behavior and actions, to find an approach to them.


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