Profession secretary. The referent is ...

Many girls dream of starting a career with the position of secretary-referent. This is a completely normal and reasonable desire. Only not everyone thinks about what is needed for this (except for an attractive appearance). But it would be worth it. After all, the referent is not only a “beautiful face” next to the leader. Rather, it is a “guide” on all issues: a know-it-all and smart girl who finds a way out of any situation. Let's take a closer look.

What you need to be able to do

referent is
In any organization, there is an instruction of a secretary-referent. It contains a list (sometimes detailed, sometimes not very) of official duties. These include skills. A person who is lucky to get such a job should be able to communicate with clients, negotiate (personal and telephone), select and organize materials, prepare abstracts and more. That is, it is clear that this person should have a lot of skills. The specifics depends on the direction of the company. So, for example, a legal adviser is required to understand the legal intricacies. It happens that this position is associated with the ability to solve organizational issues. In other words, the referent is the “right hand” of the leader. He is always in the wings, he must know everything that the boss needs for his work.

Some “special” profession questions

instruction of the assistant secretary
Here it’s worth a little clarification of what is usually “hidden behind the scenes”. Since the referent is exactly the person who most often communicates with the boss, he is required to have some diplomatic abilities. Why? It's simple: the leader (especially a large team) has no time to deal with all the nuances of the relationship. Usually he is a man of work. When someone has a birthday, who is going to give birth, who has children - this interests him only in connection with working moments. All these "little things" fall on the shoulders of the assistant secretary. He is obliged to tell the boss when the holiday is to notify about the tension created in the team (if it is worth his attention). So it turns out that first the assistant secretary himself must figure it out, sift out the excess, and then “load” the manager. This work is not easy! But this was from the field of informal duties.

Main functions

Almost all office work falls to the share of the assistant secretary in small firms. In large - part of it. That is, you will have to learn to compose letters, correctly arrange the reception and sending, registration, distribution (if any), and so on. It is clear that one cannot do without perfect knowledge of the Russian language. Error letters are the spoiled face of the company. Sometimes it is required that a person with knowledge of foreign languages ​​work in this position. Further, the referent is the person who connects the employees of the company (or its departments) with each other. Its functions include the correct distribution of information flows between structural units that work on one big thing. The referent is a profession rather complicated, as one has to keep many details and facts in one's mind. All this is necessary so that the leader feels comfortable, does not get distracted by trifles from the main line.

legal adviser

Personal qualities

Since the work of the referent is based on communication, they select a communicative, non-conflict person for the position. In any company, this is a "key" post. The person occupying it has a great influence on both the leader and colleagues. Therefore, decency is simply required. Also, the assistant secretary should be punctual, smart, even creative. One must be able to find an acceptable way out of any situation. The reviewer first of all thinks about the “face” of his employer, and then about himself. The level of responsibility is not only high, but global. Not everyone can cope with such a load. Therefore, you need to think carefully before applying for such a position. The assistant secretary at the workplace should be able to put his interests in the background. On the first - everything that is necessary for the boss to work. By the way, that is why most often girls occupy this position, since caring for the neighbor in women is in the blood.

position Secretary Assistant

Confidential information

It is clear that with such close communication many facts that should not be made public will be known to the referent. These are not only professional secrets and trade secrets. Often, the secretary, as a close friend, is trusted and personal information. Is it worth mentioning that the referent is required to be able to store confidential information. This is one of his main professional skills.

referent profession
What education is needed

The head tries to choose a referent, based on the direction of activity. That is, the applicant must have a diploma corresponding to the work of the company. In addition, people with a legal education are often selected for this position . This is convenient if you often have to conclude deals, prepare other documents. Among the simplest requirements: fluency in all computer programs (office), the ability to type (quickly and competently). Since the referent is, in fact, an adviser, you need to have the skills to find information both on the Web and offline. A quick-witted person with a quick reaction is taken to such a position more often than the holder of the “right” diploma, who does not know how to quickly master the situation.

Place of work

Such a position as a secretary-referent is now in almost any office. Often it is only called that way, and a person performs various functions. It all depends on the size of the company, tasks, number of employees. In some enterprises, the secretary also performs the functions of an accountant, in others - a lawyer, and so on. This is a great start for a person seeking career growth. For a short period of time, you can master many skills, master various professions, the main thing is to understand the work of the company, "touch" everything with your own hands. But you have to “spin” very quickly. Since a lot of information will have to be processed in high-speed mode. But if everything works out, then the knowledge gained will be enough to start an independent ascent to those lines that you define for yourself. But this is not at all necessary. Since the profession of a referent, if you take it seriously, is interesting in itself. She lets not

work as a referent
run into a narrow direction, constantly master all new volumes of knowledge, improve.

How to get an interview

If you decide that you will cope with such a responsible job, you should submit a resume for the available vacancies. Be sure to check the literacy of the answers. Keep in mind that spelling mistakes will reduce your chances to zero right away. The style should also be restrained business. Each of your words will be carefully weighed and deliberate. Then the “trials” will begin. You will have to devote some time to prove that you will be able to be a worthy assistant to the leader. Each company comes up with its own methods. However, get ready for the fact that you have to talk with various officials, prepare several official documents, answer a couple of phone calls. You must also take into account the fact that your appearance will be strictly controlled. That is, they will be “examined” from head to toe. Most often, you will need to demonstrate a business style of clothing (makeup, hairstyle). It is also undesirable to use strong aromas. Think over every little thing! Everything in you should be discreet, but attractive. Tip: stay modest, but confident. Be smart, but not arrogant. Then everything should certainly work out!


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