Depot is a rolling stock house

Each of us used public transport at least once in a lifetime, namely: by train, electric train, tram or trolleybus. But few people think that such a technique also has its own home. Depot is a special facility in which a wagon, locomotive or trolleybus is maintained, maintained and repaired. We will consider each of them in more detail.


Not only in megacities there is a trolley bus, but also in regional centers. Why is it attributed more to rolling stock, despite the fact that he rides on rubber wheels on asphalt? Because it receives power to the engine through the contact network. A trolleybus is an electric vehicle.

trolleybus depot

A trolleybus depot (also known as a park) can have about a hundred or more transport units. As a rule, there is a number on the body and in the cabin. The first digit indicates the number of the home fleet. The following are the number of transport equipment.

In the park, repairs and maintenance are carried out, the condition of the machine is checked, washed and cleaned in the cabin. It is in the trolleybus fleet that there is a personnel department where people can apply for employment by drivers, locksmiths, conductors.

Fire department

Fire engines must also stand somewhere and wait for a call. They also carry out equipment of special equipment. The fire station is not only a building for the maintenance of fire equipment, but also the place of work of the Ministry of Emergencies.

Electric depot

Trains in the subway, like any equipment, are also always serviced strictly on time, ongoing and unscheduled repairs are carried out. A subway train is an electric rolling stock. Using the shoes of the current collectors from the contact rail, each car receives energy.

depot is

Therefore, they call it not just a depot, but an electric depot. After all, here cars must also receive power through the network. Each employee of such an enterprise knows that he works in a danger zone where high voltage is constantly supplied. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the signals.

Depot is an enterprise where cars are not just serviced, but have documentation, technical specifications and much more.


Any conductor will tell you what they need before the trip and after tidying the car, take it to locksmiths. The car depot is not much different from the trolleybus fleet and the metro depot. Everywhere the specifics are the same. They differ only in the process technology, the structure of service.

car depot

Car depots belong to the Russian Railways (Russian Railways). There are both passenger and freight. These are separate enterprises. The passenger depot does not serve freight cars and vice versa.


Suburban electric trains have an officially recognized name on Russian Railways: MVPS, which means motor-carriage rolling stock. In order not to be mistaken with the search or choice of a company for servicing commuter trains, you need to focus on a locomotive depot. This enterprise is similar to the subway, only power is supplied by the upper current collector.

Electric locomotive

In order for passenger and freight cars to move, they need a locomotive. Such a locomotive can be either an electric locomotive or a diesel locomotive. Like all vehicles, they are serviced and repaired in the home depot, or they are sent from the depot to the rolling stock repair plant.


Trams are an integral part of urban transport. If you really want to ride in a railway carriage, but there is no reason, then the tram will fulfill the city's dream. After all, the car moves on rails, powered by a contact network. What is not a mini train? The tram is maintained and repaired at the depot.

Like trolley bus drivers, car drivers and conductors work in a tram depot. They also train tram drivers there.


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