Pine uterus grass: properties, uses and contraindications

This herb, unique in its medicinal properties, has many names - Borovinka, wine grass, hare salt, and pine forest uterus. All of them belong to one plant - one-sided ortilia. Herbal healing properties of ancient times were known about its healing properties. It has long been used in the treatment of many gynecological problems, and also prescribed drugs based on it for women who wanted to experience the joy of motherhood.

For a long time, scientists studied the composition of the plant. Over time, they were able to identify other properties of the grass of the uterine uterus, allowing it to be used in the treatment of the urogenital system not only in women, but also in men. In addition, it turned out that this herb is very effective in the treatment of some diseases of the digestive system.

Uterus leaves


Wine grass is widely represented in the northern part of our planet - in Canada, Germany, the Russian Far East, France, and some regions of the United States of America. However, the homeland of Ortilia is one-sided is Altai, where you can see huge glades overgrown with medicinal grass. She prefers moist forests and cool shaded areas.

Plant description

The grass of the uterus is a small, compact plant. Its stem does not exceed twenty centimeters in height. At the same time, the root system is well developed, which allows the grass of the uterine uterus to rapidly spread to neighboring territories. The stem is covered with alternately arranged oval leaves: on top of the stem is not more than 8 mm long, below - up to 4 cm. At the very beginning of summer, small inflorescences are formed, which are collected in a few pieces.

Bell-shaped flowers have jagged edges. They are painted in a delicate white-green hue.

Ortilia is one-sided

Chemical composition

Before talking about what the herb uterine uterus treats in women, you should familiarize yourself with the chemical composition of a unique plant. It includes:

  • Phytohormones are phytoestrogen and phytoprogesterone that always work together. The first has a beneficial effect on the reproductive function of the body, as well as on the hormonal balance, eliminating the severe symptoms of menopause. It rejuvenates the body, is an excellent prophylactic that prevents the development of ischemia, normalizes the central nervous system, and helps in the fight against infertility. The second helps to keep the fetus in the uterine cavity, alleviates the symptoms of toxicosis and promotes the production of other hormones.
  • Arbutin moisturizes the mucous membrane, removes excess fluid from the body, and relieves inflammation.
  • Hydroquinone is a powerful natural antioxidant.
  • Coumarins are strong anticoagulants that have an astringent, antiseptic and diuretic property.
  • Vitamin C has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, activates the process of hematopoiesis and assimilation of iron, normalizes the endocrine system.
  • Resins are a disinfectant that heals wounds, destroys pathogenic microbes, and increases the body's protective function.
  • Saponins have diuretic, expectorant, tonic properties. They perfectly affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract, the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, thin the sputum in the bronchi.
  • Organic acids - tartaric, eliminating heartburn, citric, regulating acidity, increasing immunity.
  • Flavonoids protect against inflammatory processes by providing a laxative, choleretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
  • Trace elements. Copper, used as an emetic, having antiseptic and astringent properties. Zinc, which is responsible for protein metabolism, brain activity, insulin synthesis, healing of various wounds and the function of reproduction. Manganese, which promotes the formation of connective and bone tissue, the normal functioning of the female genital area.
  • Bitterness, contributing to increased pancreatic secretion, regulating cholesterol, as well as blood sugar.

Agree, this medicinal herb has an impressive composition, which allows you to use it in the treatment of many serious ailments.

Hog uterus: indications for use

The beneficial properties of this plant have been appreciated by millions of women around the world. The fact is that the use of this herb in gynecology has long been widespread. Preparations based on this plant are very effective even in the fight against various neoplasms. In addition, its use is recommended:

  • with violations of the menstrual cycle and negative manifestations of PMS;
  • hormonal changes, adhesions, infertility;
  • inflammatory processes of the female reproductive system;
  • fibroids, uterine fibroids, endometriosis;
  • mastopathy;
  • colpitis, thrush, vaginitis;
  • to alleviate the symptoms in menopause.

The list of ailments with which the hog uterus grass can help to cope is continued with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and also bile ducts. Its use is justified for violations in the thyroid and pancreas, adrenal glands, and diabetes mellitus.

Flowers of the hog uterus

In addition, many people know that the herb Boron uterus treats diseases of the kidney and bladder of an inflammatory nature. This is primarily pyelonephritis and cystitis.

Application features

The category of potent remedies includes the grass of the uterus. The use of drugs based on it is allowed only as directed and under the strict supervision of the attending physician. Self-medication is unacceptable - it can cause negative consequences.

Usually, before starting treatment, the doctor recommends an examination to establish:

  • the diagnosis;
  • stage of the disease;
  • hormonal background;
  • the reasons that caused the pathology.

Only after receiving all the results of the examination, the doctor will be able to prescribe a medicinal herb of the pine uterus: he will describe in detail the individual dosage regimen taking into account your condition, select the necessary dosage.

Dry grass

Application in gynecology

Let us consider in more detail the diseases that this plant helps to fight effectively. With uterine fibroids, ortilia normalizes the level of hormones in a woman's body, eliminating pain and inflammation. The maximum effect can be achieved in the initial stages of the disease. It is no secret that with the onset of menopause, many women experience discomfort and discomfort. During this period, the grass of the pine uterus, the indications for the use of which are described above, can alleviate the condition. The therapeutic effect in this case is explained by the ability of the herb to suppress estrogen production - orthilia normalizes the level of progesterone.

The anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties of the plant allow it to be used for cystitis. Preparations based on the boron uterus do not allow infection to enter the genitourinary system.

Treatment of gynecological diseases

Mature women are often worried about urinary incontinence. One-sided orthilium can cope with this problem thanks to the beneficial effect on the walls of the bladder and central nervous system.

The ability of the plant to normalize the hormonal background is used by doctors and traditional healers to treat mastopathy.

Useful properties for the female body

Carrying out numerous studies, experts were able to find out how one-sided orthilium affects the female body. They concluded that taking drugs made from this plant:

  • helps to increase the ability to conceive due to the effect on the uterus, ovaries and tubes;
  • normalizes hormonal levels;
  • reduces discomfort during menstruation, stabilizes the cycle;
  • enhances libido;
  • positive effect on blood composition;
  • facilitates the condition in inflammatory processes;
  • It is an effective prophylactic and therapeutic agent against various neoplasms, including malignant ones.

Benefits for men

The grass of the uterine uterus is used for the manufacture of many medicines intended for the treatment of diseases of the genital area of ​​men. Endocrinologists note the benefit of the phytohormones that make up this medicinal herb in the treatment of:

  • prostatitis;
  • hemorrhoids and infertility;
  • prostate adenomas;
  • impotence;
  • diseases of the genitourinary sphere.

When using drugs under the supervision of a doctor, you can strengthen the nervous system, thereby helping to cope with many psychological and emotional stresses. The grass of the uterus enhances the physical stamina of men, restoring strength after work or exhausting workouts.

For problems with conception, a joint intake of grass with a spouse is recommended. This increases the chances of having a healthy and long-awaited baby in the family.

Features of use in men

To take orthilium as effective as possible for a man’s health, follow these recommendations:

  1. Strictly observe the duration of administration prescribed by your doctor. As a rule, the course of treatment consists of several cycles. The drugs take four weeks. This is followed by a week-long break, after which treatment continues for another 4 weeks. The duration of the full course is determined by the doctor, but usually it does not exceed 6 months.
  2. Before starting treatment, men (as well as women) should be tested for hormone levels. The dosage choice of drugs depends on their results.

Dosage Forms

The use of the herb of the uterine uterus has contraindications. We will talk about them below. And now we consider it necessary to warn about the purchase of herbs for the preparation of medicines in a pharmacy, and not from market traders.

Today, pharmacies offer a variety of forms of grass of the uterine uterus:

  • Dry grass - raw materials suitable for the preparation of decoctions and tinctures.
  • Tablets - the composition of such a drug includes a dry extract of ortilia. The course of taking the tablets is about 4 months.
  • Tea usually contains only one-sided orthilia. In some cases, the collection of medicinal herbs or green tea is added to the main component. In this form, orthilium is used for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes. Herbal tea is consumed once a day, as a rule, in the evening before bedtime.
  • Alcohol tincture contains an extract of orthilia leaves and ethyl alcohol. Before taking 35 drops, the product is diluted in 100 ml of water. Usually, doctors prescribe a triple dose.
  • Candles - they are made from castor oil. This is a very popular form of grass of the uterine uterus in gynecology. In addition, suppositories are prescribed in the treatment of pyelonephritis, cystitis, and other disorders of the urinary system.
  • Syrup - sugar acts as a preservative in this tool, therefore, syrup should not be taken by diabetics. He is prescribed by the doctor on a spoon (teaspoon) three times a day, 40 minutes before eating. The duration of the course of treatment can reach six months with mandatory interruptions.
    Pine-based uterine tablets

Use in traditional medicine

Orthilia decoctions, infusions and tinctures in combination with other medicinal herbs are used by traditional healers to get rid of kidney diseases and cystitis. To prepare the tincture, it is necessary to pour dry grass (10 g) with vodka (100 ml) and let it brew for 10 days at room temperature in a dark place.

The broth is prepared easier: a spoonful of raw materials (tablespoon) is boiled over low heat for 10 minutes, insisted for 4 hours, and then filtered. You can prepare an infusion on the water - the grass of the uterus (a tablespoon) is poured with 250 ml of boiling water and insisted for half an hour.

Pine uterus: methods of application and dosage

It is very important when treating with drugs made from the uterus of the uterus, strictly observe the dosage and the rules for admission. Usually the attending physician talks about this in detail.

If you want to conceive a child, tincture of the herb is taken three times a day, 30 drops, which are diluted in 100 ml of water. The course of treatment lasts at least three weeks, between which a week-long break is made. If necessary, it is repeated.

Pine uterus for conception

The same problem can be solved using a different treatment regimen: for the first two months, take a tincture of 30 drops with the same amount of saberfish tincture, then another three months with a peony tincture. The next three months, treatment is continued with tincture of pear, and the course of taking orthil with calendula completes the course. It is advisable to use drugs for both spouses at the same time.

A course is shown and in the treatment of uterine fibroids and fibroids - 40 drops, which are diluted in a glass of water, for twenty days with two week breaks. Tincture is taken twice a day. According to a similar scheme, medications are taken with adnexitis, but three times a day and a quarter of an hour before a meal.

To cure polycystic ovary will help tincture, which is consumed in the same quantities, but four times a day. In this case, the course of treatment is longer - up to a year. Treatment is carried out according to the following scheme: from the first day of menstruation for three weeks. Then follows a break for two weeks. For the treatment of mastopathy, you need 6 courses of three weeks with a rest for a week. Take 10 drops of tincture diluted with water.

Uterine erosion can be cured by douching from a warm infusion or the introduction of oil-soaked tampons for two hours twice a day. To prepare the oil, you need 100 grams of dry raw material, which is filled with 500 ml of warmed vegetable oil. The composition is placed in the oven at a temperature of +160 Β° C for two hours. Then the mixture must be cooled at room temperature, and the grass - squeezed.

Hog uterus grass: contraindications

As a rule, unpleasant symptoms and side effects occur with improperly selected dosage or with unsystematic self-treatment. They may appear with the following symptoms:

  • violation of the digestive tract, which is accompanied by nausea, diarrhea, lethargy, migraine;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • the occurrence of uterine bleeding;
  • an increase in body temperature and a change in the menstrual cycle;
  • the appearance of allergic reactions.

Contraindications to taking the boron uterus include:

  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • poor blood coagulability;
  • age less than 14 years;
  • gastritis;
  • late pregnancy and lactation;
  • monthly heavy bleeding.

The herbal uterus should not be taken with antibiotics, alcohol, or oral contraceptives.


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