Knee pain when squatting and standing up. Treatment with folk remedies

Some of us are familiar with a situation when knee pain occurs when squatting and standing up, it does not matter who you are - an ordinary pensioner or a professional athlete. No one is safe from the appearance of such pain. It is important to understand why this discomfort arose. From the causes that caused the pain, the treatment will largely depend. Let's look at the most common ones.

knee pain when squatting and standing up

The structure of the knee

The knee joint is the most complex in the entire human skeleton. In addition to the fact that it anatomically includes a huge number of all kinds of ligaments, muscles and tendons, providing it with the necessary mobility, 3 largest bones are connected with it - the bones of the lower leg (tibia and tibia) and femur.

As a result of this, this joint experiences enormous loads, and even with additional protection in the form of menisci (cartilage pads) it is quite easy to damage it. After this, pain occurs in the knees, the treatment of which is carried out for a long enough time.

Causes of pain

The most common reason that there is pain in the knees (we will discuss its treatment in the article below) is the incorrect load distribution in sports or injuries.

Incorrect exercise

If there is pain in the knees of a child or adult when squatting, and not when standing up, the cause is probably the incorrect exercise. When exercising, you need to make sure that your knees are looking forward, while being parallel to your feet. Doing squats, especially with a load, do not allow the knee to bend at an acute angle. At the same time, it gets a huge load, and there is a big risk of injuring the knee.

knee pain when descending the stairs

Tendon damage

Tendons are a dense fibrous tissue that attaches to areas of muscle bone. Such injuries are mainly found in athletes. In this case, the pain is not permanent, it manifests itself only during exercise - when jumping, running, climbing stairs, and also after it.

Mostly unpleasant sensations are manifested in the front of the knee and patella. Their manifestation primarily depends on the level of damage to the tendon and muscle. With complex injuries, when a complete break with the 4-head muscle occurs, a person cannot walk. Then surgical treatment is required.

Ligament damage

Very often after bumps or falls, a sprain occurs , after which there is pain in the knees when running. This is mainly accompanied by tissue edema and hematoma. In case of damage to the ligaments that fasten the bones of the lower leg and femur between themselves and are located on the outer and inner surface of the leg, knee pain during descent from the stairs and other loads can remain even after treatment is completed.

Meniscus injuries

This is a complete or partial rupture of the cartilage tissue that makes up the meniscus. If this process is slow, then, basically, it is not immediately noticed. It manifests itself as a small tumor and moderate pain. If the meniscus breaks completely, the cartilage fibers very often block the movement of the joint, while causing severe pain in the knees. Treatment with folk remedies of this condition is impossible, in this case, surgical intervention is inevitable.

knee pain treatment

Osgood-Schlatter disease

This pathology is usually affected by adolescents who are actively involved in sports. There are complaints of pain in the knees when squatting and standing up. They can be of different intensities - from light sipping to cutting pains. Mostly they subside after eliminating the load. In this case, edema appears on the front of the joint. This disease usually proceeds in a chronic form. It completely passes by the time the bone growth time ends.

Patella injuries

Basically, this is the displacement of a small bone that covers the front of the knee to the outer limb. It causes severe pain in the knees when descending the stairs and is determined in most cases visually. With such an injury, it can be found that the bone has shifted slightly and has taken a perpendicular position. But after that, further biases are possible.

Other pathologies

Do not forget that knee pain when squatting and standing up can be a symptom of a very serious disease.

Joint Diseases:

  • bursitis (inflammation of the joint bag);
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • arthrosis (cartilage disease).

knee pain treatment with folk remedies

In these cases, in addition to pain in the knee, there will be a variety of signs of inflammation:

  • changes in the shade of the skin over the affected joint, as well as a local increase in temperature;
  • swelling;
  • general reaction of the human body - weakness, fever;
  • stiffness of movements.

If knee pain when squatting and standing up is a manifestation of an illness caused by an infection and also having other causes, treatment and consultation with a rheumatologist, orthopedist or surgeon should not be postponed.


If a person does not suffer from diseases that lead to pain in the knee after bending, squats, then those factors that contribute to the appearance of unpleasant sensations should be affected. For this, it is necessary to select the load corresponding to the capabilities of the human body, and increase it over time. In addition, before starting a workout, it is recommended to warm up, which allows to increase the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus.

For the duration of classes, it is advisable to use special orthoses that reduce the load. This ensures that the knees do not hurt when squats. It is also necessary to remember that when each exercise is performed, a certain technique must be followed. It is worth referring to these rules the choice of comfortable and convenient shoes.

knee pain when flexing folk remedies

Pathological conditions: help

If the knee hurts when squatting, this may be a signal that you need to contact the right specialist. After examination, examination, the doctor can say why the pain occurred, and prevent the negative consequences of any existing pathology in time.

In order to get rid of the pain that was caused by all kinds of degenerative changes in the knee, they resort to the methods listed below. It:

  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • drug therapy;
  • folk techniques;
  • surgical intervention.

Drug therapy

If your knees hurt when squatting, then various medications can effectively cope with this problem. Soreness helps to stop glucocorticoids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The first drugs eliminate the signs of inflammation - swelling, pain, hyperemia, and are most often used for any osteoarticular pathology. Various ointments, tablets are used, injections are made, as well as compresses.

Glucocorticoids have excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Although they are mainly used when anti-inflammatory non-steroidal medicines do not give the necessary positive effect. Although treatment is more effective with intra-articular administration of drugs.

knee pain in a child

Surgical intervention

It should be noted that surgical treatment is possible after severe injuries, as well as the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy. The most common types of operations:

  • arthrocentesis;
  • arthroscopy;
  • joint replacement.

Arthroscopy makes it possible to make a minimally invasive intervention through punctures. After such minimal intervention, people quickly recover, and also return to normal life. Arthrocentesis allows you to remove excess fluid in the joint cavity with active inflammation. While endoprosthetics is a replacement for a diseased joint with an artificial one.

Knee pain during flexion: can folk remedies be used?

Often, traditional methods of treatment are not inferior in effectiveness to traditional medicine. The advantage of this type of treatment is a small number of possible side effects. Various medicinal herbs are used to relieve inflammation and eliminate knee pain. Treatment with folk remedies is carried out using burdock, comfrey, plantain, oats, calendula. At the same time, in the pharmacy you can buy ointments with extracts of medicinal plants - “Revmalgon”, “Tramalgon”. You can also use infusions, decoctions, prepared independently. In addition to this, baths with medicinal plants and phytoapplication are effective.

knee pain while running

Bee and snake venoms are in demand for the treatment of joint diseases. On their basis there are also therapeutic ointments - Apizartron, Viprosal.


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