Wind energy in Russia: state and development prospects

The constant increase in requirements for the generation of electricity makes us look for new means of generating energy. It is not the first year that the largest countries of the world have been considered, and in some areas technologies for the development of alternative energy sources have been developed and implemented. A special place in this direction is occupied by wind energy. In Russia, this industry is still not sufficiently developed to ensure a significant share of energy consumption, but the industrial potential with the proper level of technological support can fundamentally correct this situation.

The position of wind energy in the global market

The instability of oil prices and the tasks of increasing energy security determine the rapid development of wind generators as one of the most effective sources of alternative energy. According to various estimates, wind turbines with a total capacity of 150-170 GW are operating all over the world, and this amounts to about 1.5-2% of the total energy consumption in the world. However, it is worth emphasizing that we are talking about electricity, as the most suitable form of energy for the accumulation and conversion . Moreover, in some countries this indicator is growing at a very active pace. For example, wind farms in Dani already provide more than 20% of the needs of consumers of electricity, in Spain and Germany - at the level of 10%. In Russia, the state and prospects of wind energy are largely determined by state support and market incentives. But, again, unlike the European states that are successfully mastering this method of energy generation, the domestic industry is noticeably behind in the technological sense. At least, this concerns the directions of development of industrial energy on alternative sources.

Technical complex of domestic wind generators

Wind power generators

At the moment, several large-scale projects are being implemented that should ensure the energy independence of certain regions in Chukotka, Bashkortostan, Karelia, etc. The existing stations mainly perform emergency power supply functions and are only rarely used as a way to optimize energy costs. The fixed assets of the Russian wind energy complex include generator sets with a capacity of 0.1-2 MW. Especially popular are multi-component systems, including several small generators of 250-550 kW. At these capacities, an average of about 0.4 million kWh is produced per year.

The current state of wind energy in Russia is characterized by the spread of individual generators. These are small installations that can cover the energy needs of private households - at the level of 1-5 kW. However, the popularization of low-power windmills is facing problems, most of which are financially difficult in the design, installation and purchase of components.

The total capacity of generated wind energy in Russia

Wind energy in Russia

The total capacity potential of all domestic wind power plants is about 20 MW. Of the total electricity generating capacity in the country (220 GW), this is a proportion of about 0.008%. According to experts, the potential for the development of the industry in the form of finished electricity can reach 40 billion kWh. But this is only possible provided that the average annual wind speed is at the level of 6 m / s. And this is another complication of the redistribution of produced resources. At the moment, wind energy in Russia is based on facilities located in coastal and island zones. For example, in Kamchatka, in the Caspian, Barents and Okhotsk seas, as well as in Lake Baikal. Moreover, the most demanding objects for electric and thermal energy are located in the central and European parts of the country.

Obstacles to industry development

Even if we do not take into account the already mentioned technical problems of improving and building up the wind energy potential, many social and economic negative factors remain. Among them are the following:

  • Mainly, the development of the industry is hindered by the already existing and quite effective traditional energy complex. Moreover, it is supported by large reserves of resources, which, after 30-40 years, may lose their relevance. Therefore, even the possibilities of financial savings do not stimulate wind energy in Russia as much as it does in the same European countries.
  • High risks. Another factor that does not allow interested players in the energy market to make significant investments in the industry.
  • Insufficient information and, in general, misconceptions about the possibilities of wind generators.
  • Also, in addition, one can note the backwardness of power equipment and yet not the most suitable climatic conditions for the use of windmills.

Arguments for the development of Russian wind energy

Russian wind power

Despite the obstacles to the development of wind energy, existing and planned for implementation projects were largely able to get life thanks to the following positive aspects of the use of this kind of systems:

  • The concept of wind power plants completely eliminates environmental damage.
  • An unfavorable climate factor has already been noted from the point of view of using wind energy, but in many areas with active flows of up to 6-7 m / s private installations justify themselves as the only option for providing electricity.
  • Availability of construction. This is a conditional factor, but if we compare the implementation of such generators with the same traditional stations, then the savings will be significant.

The above aspects can be attributed to the natural, but there is also an effective stimulation tool in the form of support from the authorities. The Russian government, evaluating the prospects of wind energy in Russia until 2020, has set a goal to increase the share of generated energy from the total to 4.5%. On this basis, a number of regulatory acts have been developed aimed at creating comfortable conditions in the development of generating facilities.

Future industry development directions

New wind energy technologies in Russia

To date, several possible scenarios for the development of wind energy in the domestic space are proposed:

  • Emphasis on Western technology, including equipment and supplies.
  • Cooperation with foreign companies in order to build experience and acquire the same technologies.
  • Work on improving the investment attractiveness of projects that will allow solving specific problems at the federal level or within the regions.

To a large extent, the prospects for wind energy depend on tax legislation. The manufacturing, maintenance and servicing processes are very sensitive for units operating on alternative energy sources, so any facilitation of production and operation operations will benefit the industry.

Prospects for the development of Russian wind energy

Wind generator construction

The current situation in the areas developing the idea of ​​accumulating energy from alternative sources cannot be called actively developing and even stable. Despite this, experts see in the near future a rethinking of wind energy taking into account Russian conditions. In particular, much is associated with the planned construction of large wind farms - a project aimed at 2024 and supported at the ministerial level. Also, one cannot disregard the fact that the country has the largest technical potential in the world. This factor also allows us to count on significant dividends from the development of wind energy in Russia, even in the framework of individual large-scale projects.

New wind power technologies

As already noted, the lack of a high-tech base limits the capabilities of a fairly powerful industrial potential. And yet, some promising developments appear in this niche. For example, the universal wind energy infrastructure in Russia can be formed on the basis of modern blade-type generators that actively operate at an air flow rate of 2 to 6 m / s. In contrast, peak wind loads at 25 m / s dominate in some regions. And in this case, specialized materials are indispensable. Russian companies offer installations based on combined cylinders instead of blades for such purposes. They are not only able to withstand powerful flows, but also due to aerodynamic self-starting with effective regulation of operating parameters, they accumulate large amounts of energy at times.

Production of components for wind generators

Wind Turbine Maintenance

Russian industry today covers the full range of elements that are used in the assembly of wind generators. If we talk about the prospects for the development of wind energy in Russia for mass consumption, then such enterprises as Electrosila, Tolyatti Transformer, Ruselprom, IZ-KARTEX, etc. will come to the fore. For example, wind turbine control devices, frame structures, blades with towers, hubs and other station components are produced.

Wind Energy Communities of Russia

The largest and most influential organization in the industry is the Wind Industry Association. This is a non-profit structure that has existed since 2004 and sets its first priority to support the wind energy market. The organization’s employees provide a number of specialized services for equipment customers and other market participants. In particular, the Russian Wind Energy Association calculates the economic indicators of wind farms, evaluates power characteristics, conducts a technical audit of projects, etc.


Horizontal wind generator

In some European countries, the first technologies for using wind power at the industrial level appeared long before power lines. But even today it cannot be said that this direction is optimal and universal for use in any field dependent on electricity. Also in Russia, the state and prospects for the development of wind energy are determined by a wide range of technical and operational indicators of the final product. Of course, the wind generator as such has a lot of advantages in the form of environmental cleanliness and free energy production. But the costs of servicing such stations can be paid off only in the case of careful calculations and the use of the latest technologies, which will minimize the operational shortcomings of the equipment.


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