"Zagrebushka spoon" (souvenir for money): conspiracy, customer reviews

There are a lot of inexpensive souvenirs that are perfect as a present on a holiday or just to emphasize the location for a person. One of the most interesting and original is a spoon-pick. This souvenir is used to attract money and good luck to a specific person or even to the whole family.

spoon snag money souvenir conspiracy reviews

What material should the spoon be made of?

In principle, it is allowed to use a similar souvenir talisman made of wood, steel or ordinary aluminum. Some even simply take the coffee spoons available in the house, pronounce the corresponding conspiracies over them or perform rituals - and the amulet is ready.

However, it is considered nevertheless that the best made of silver is a spoon made of silver (a souvenir for money). A conspiracy (there are good reviews of such talismans) on such an item can really help to get rich and become successful. You can buy a talisman from this material both in a specialized store and through the Internet. A silver spoon-cap is usually not too expensive, because it does not differ in large sizes.

Mascot action

As already mentioned, the attraction of wealth is what the pick-up spoon is used for. This souvenir for money (conspiracy, reviews about it will be considered by us below), this one is often used both as a talisman and as a simply pleasant trinket. They usually carry it in a wallet or purse. If this talisman was not donated, but purchased, it should not be shown to anyone at all, even to the closest people. In order for the spoon to start working, it will be very nice to put it on the windowsill every full moon to "recharge". The forces hidden in this talisman are also activated when they mix bills or coins.

spoon snag souvenir for money conspiracy

Before using a spoon, a special conspiracy must be pronounced. A paper with treasured words is usually attached to the purchased talismans. However, if you wish, you can read any other text, even invented by yourself.

Snag spoon (a souvenir for money): a conspiracy for wealth

Those who do not want to write poetry or use their imagination to write "colorful" prose, it is better, of course, to use the ready-made slander. Next, we present to your attention several such “magic” texts for this souvenir:

  1. Spoon, spoon, help, rake a lot of money. We will be friends with you, to give joy and happiness to everyone.

  2. I had a silver spoon, and there will be a shovel for money. Who will be friends with her will never bother. I'm home - and the money is after me.

spoon snag souvenir for money plot photo

About this and this should be said over such an amulet as a spoon-comb (souvenir for money). The plot will be "absorbed" by the talisman and it will immediately begin to work.

Rules for writing text

Those who want to come up with a plot on a spoon on their own will have to adhere to certain rules for its preparation. Unfortunately, there is no information that this talisman is very ancient. Most likely, this is even just a modern invention. However, the force of the amulet, since its shape is actually very symbolic, does not detract from it in any way. In order to increase the effectiveness of the spoon, you can combine its eloquent appearance, for example, with elements of the ancient Slavic pagan faith.

A very good solution would be to use the appeal to the old Russian gods in the text. In this case, you can get a very strong spoon-comb - a souvenir for money. A conspiracy (a photo of such a talisman, by the way, can be seen on the page) in this case must be drawn up with the mention of the name Veles. It was this god of hunting, writers, forests and fields, who knew how to turn into a bear and considered the son of a cow Zemun and the god Rod, was responsible for the wealth of our ancestors. Also, when composing the text for the spoon, you should follow these rules:

  • Do not use in the text words in the past tense. Wealth should be with you here and now.

  • It is worth indicating where the money comes from, comparing it, for example, with moonlight or river water.

  • You should also indicate the number of future bills - “like stars in the sky”, “sand in the desert”, etc.

  • In the end, you should come up with some kind of “castle”, that is, seal your plot on a spoon. Otherwise, someone may jinx your talisman or cause damage to it.

souvenir spoon money souvenir

What could be the design

Design is something that usually does not have a special effect on the effectiveness of the action of such a talisman as a spoon-comb. This design can have a very different souvenir for money. The pens of such talismans are usually made in the form of any animals or insects. At the same time, a pattern is applied to their edges. But since the Slavic god of wealth loves to turn into a bear, it may be more pleasant for someone to buy a talisman with a pen in the form of this particular beast.

Patterns on the spoon may be different. The Slavs believed that rhombuses attract wealth. You may be able to find just such a spoon. You can also try engraving diamonds on a pen yourself.

souvenir spoon claw instruction

What you should know about

Thus, the conspiracy activates the action of such a “magical” item as a souvenir spoon-comb. Instructions for composing a magical text have been reviewed by us in detail. However, in order to fully unleash the power of this amulet, some rules must be observed when using it. It is believed, for example, that only an absolutely whole spoon without defects can be effective. Therefore, when buying this talisman, you should carefully examine it for any kind of damage. There should not be any chips or scratches on the surface.

A pick-up spoon is a silver souvenir (7-018 - its usual article in the catalogs of stores), which, among other things, will often have to be looked after. Probably, everyone knows that this noble material has the property of darkening over time. Therefore, the spoon will need to be wiped with a cloth soaked in ammonia.

It is not recommended to put any solid objects (for example, keys) into the wallet at the same time with this talisman. Otherwise, scratches may appear on the amulet metal.

souvenir spoon silver souvenir 7 018

Spoon Reviews

So, we have examined in detail what text can be spoken over such a talisman as a spoon-comb, a souvenir for money (conspiracy). Reviews this amulet deserved very good. Many believe that it really attracts money and is a thing that is really unusually effective. But, of course, success in using this talisman will come only in the case of unconditional faith in him.

However, such spoons are often also bought by people who believe that no miracles in nature can exist. The fact is that they look really very cute. In addition, 200 rubles for a little thing made of silver - this is really not so much. Often such souvenirs are bought by relatives and friends, for example, on New Year's or birthday. Some even give them to business colleagues.

What other money talismans exist

Very often, a mouse is used together with such an object as a spoon-pick (a souvenir for money, photos of which are presented on the page). This talisman is also put in the wallet. The mouse is responsible not for attracting wealth, but for preserving existing money. Having such a talisman in your wallet, you will not make unnecessary expenses. Often a spoon and a mouse are sold in amulets or souvenir shops in the kit. Of course, such a combination can actually be effective.

souvenir spoon money souvenir photo

Thus, a very interesting amulet - a spoon-comb. A souvenir for money (a conspiracy, reviews about it were considered by us in the article) is an original one, and also inexpensive. And therefore, it is definitely worth buying it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34066/

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