Face is a multi-valued word: variety of meanings, selection of synonyms

What do you pay attention to first when meeting a person? Surely, the first thing you look at is a face. You analyze his expression, look into a personโ€™s eyes. In this article, we will talk about the person, or rather, about his outdated synonym - the noun "face". From our article you will learn the meaning of the word "face" and synonyms for this noun, learn how to use the speech unit in sentences.

The lexical meaning of the noun and examples of use

The word "face" has several meanings. So they call a person or image, the appearance of a person:

  • His face was so pretty, like an angel himself came down from heaven.

In the dictionary of Ushakov it is indicated that a special cable for sheathing the edges of sails is called a face:

  • A face is needed so that the edges of the sail last longer.

The face is called the image of the saint's face, especially when it comes to the icon:

The face of the saint
  • The face of the saint was unusually peaceful.

A face is a multitude or host (in a church-religious style):

  • The martyr was counted among the saints.

Noun to the verb "rejoice":

  • My face was so sincere, I was just in seventh heaven with happiness.

A few synonyms

Letโ€™s pick up similar nouns to the word "face". This concept is quite ambiguous, so choose synonyms deliberately.

  • Appearance: โ€œThe appearance of your saint is for me, I pray for your image, as if you are the greatest person.โ€
  • Face: "Suddenly, the girl's face was distorted, as if she had eaten a sour berry."
  • Appearance: "With such a beautiful angelic appearance, you must always be in sight, and not sit in four walls."
    Smile on face
  • Physics (this synonym for the word "face" is a vernacular word): "What a disgusting physics, I canโ€™t look at this nasty person."
  • Icon: "I pray for icons, trust in the grace of God and rejoice in every day that has passed."
  • Joy: "You cannot measure my joy, it is limitless."

A face is a multi-valued noun, therefore, synonyms are diverse.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34067/

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