"Golden Silk", hair growth activator: reviews about shampoos

According to the manufacturer, the Folk Crafts laboratory, Golden Silk Shampoos not only promote hair growth, but also have a prophylactic effect against seborrhea, psoriasis or dermatitis.

Healthy, shiny, voluminous and long hair - all this promises the laboratory "Folk crafts." She produces the “Golden Silk” shampoo - an activator of hair growth, reviews of which look so that I definitely want to buy it, especially since its price is ridiculously low. However, we will try to pay attention not only to positive feedback.

golden silk hair activator reviews

Golden Silk Hair Growth Activator: Satisfied Customer Reviews

There are many positive reviews in which the authors were not too lazy to measure the length of the hair before and after. There really is growth acceleration! Here are the numbers you can meet: for six months at 8 cm, 4 cm per month, 1 cm in three weeks, 3 cm in a month and a half.

Of course, all these girls could have their own high hair growth rate before using shampoo, but it should be borne in mind that most reviews were written by owners of problem hair: burnt by "chemistry", weakened, split ends. In addition, many specify that initially the growth rate did not exceed the average of 1 cm per month.

Another of the advantages:

  • thin thin hair became thicker;
  • thick but unruly hair became smoother, silky, easier to style;
  • hard, dried with chemical dyes - softer, more elastic;
  • brittle bleached hair with yellowness - less brittle, more natural shade;
  • rare - more dense;
  • scalp became healthier, less dandruff.
    golden silk for hair

Reviews of dissatisfied customers

Despite the softness of the shampoo, good washing properties and a light unobtrusive odor, some customers say that after applying it it is difficult to comb the hair. At the same time, there is neither volume after washing, nor a prolonged sensation of cleanliness, nor any noticeable acceleration of hair growth. It turns out that this is a regular shampoo for daily use - daily, because on the second day the hairstyle loses its appearance. Another part of dissatisfied customers has a different claim: “Golden Silk”, an activator of hair growth, reviews of which are contradictory, not only does not help, but even harms! It causes dandruff; hair immediately after washing becomes stiff and dry, like straw. Although some buyers are willing to put up with dandruff (thicker hair with dandruff rather than dandruff or hair) or hair stiffness (you can use a balm to alleviate it), but most people who come across this problem immediately stop using shampoo.

It’s hard enough to say which reviews are more negative or positive. There is no definite impression of the Golden Silk brand for hair. The only thing that catches your eye is very few neutral reviews. Almost all users have a categorical opinion: either delight or complete disappointment.

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“Golden Silk”, hair growth activator: reviews on additional funds

Of course, most of those who noted accelerated hair growth used not only shampoo, but also other means. After all, shampoo, despite the content of useful components like silk extract, hot pepper, ginseng or chitosan, is made on the basis of a rather aggressive surfactant - Sodium Laureth Sulfate and contains parabens. Its main task is to wash away the dirt, and not to care for it.

In total, a series of growth activating products includes: cosmetic oil, balms for different types of hair, shampoos (for normal hair, damaged and split ends, shampoo with volume effect), shampoo and activator balm from the Silk Therapy series, as well as Golden Silk hair vitamins are indelible conditioners that facilitate styling and combing. In addition, five types of different masks are available.

In general, reviews about masks and balms make a more positive impression than about shampoos.

Tips for Using Gold Silk Shampoo

Reviews, no matter how high they rate the product, often contain valuable information and application tips. For example, shampoo should only be bought at a pharmacy. It is popular, and it is likely that there are fakes on the market. At least some users had the opportunity to compare the pharmacy and the option purchased in a random store. The difference is palpable!

Conclusions: I would like to mention separately the reviews in which the initial delight (“Hair really grows faster!”) Is replaced by cruel disappointment (“Grow, but it’s become like straw”). Although there are those who are happy with the shampoo without any objection, even after prolonged use. In general, as with almost any cosmetic hair care product, relying only on reviews is quite difficult.

When choosing a means for washing hair should take into account the composition. If your hair is well tolerated by aggressive sulfate surfactants and other components, perhaps this shampoo will be a real find, especially since its price (about 80 rubles) makes it easy to go for an experiment.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34068/

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