How to make two beams on the sides with an elastic band or a roller? Beautiful hairstyles

What hairstyle can be more versatile than an ordinary bundle made with an elastic band or β€œdonut”? It is suitable for publication, as well as for walks, sports, business meetings. But what if the classic bunch is tired? Try to make a few smaller cones (traditionally two), experimenting a bit with their variations. Consider how to make two beams on each side.

Which bumps suit different types of women?

So, owners of a thin long neck can afford almost any bundles: from small ones located at the base of the neck to lush on the back of the head. If you do not want to emphasize its length or even try to hide, stop at the first option.

Girls who cannot boast of a thin swan neck can use medium height and small volume.

Do not forget to take into account your height. So, short girls will look rather ridiculous with tall lush bunches, it is better to give preference to cones collected from light curls just below the back of the head.

Tall ladies can afford both a high bunch with a "donut" to emphasize growth, and low if they do not want to focus on it.

What you need for work

Before figuring out how to make two beams on the sides and what types of them exist, you need to prepare for the creation of a hairstyle. In order to stay satisfied with it, you will need:

  • Mousse or foam for hair.
  • Varnish medium fixation.
  • Studs and thin elastic bands.
  • Accessories (optional).

Two traditional bunches

To begin with, we offer the simplest and most common way to create hairstyles. Its algorithm is quite simple:

  1. Comb your hair in advance and add a little mousse or foam.
  2. Make a straight or oblique parting (at your discretion).
  3. Take one piece in your hands, tie a strong high tail.
  4. Start twisting your hair into a braid and wrap it.
  5. Hide the tip and fix the bundle with elastic or hairpins.
  6. They need to be inserted vertically, gradually turning in the horizontal direction.
  7. You can decorate the resulting cone with additional accessories (for example, a hairpin or a small bow).
  8. The same thing needs to be done with the second part. When the hairstyle is ready, spray two beams with varnish.

how to make two beams on the sides

As a decoration, you can pick up almost any accessories: from classic bows and ribbons to large hairpins and bright rims.

Bunches of "doodles"

No less elegant and easy-to-execute hairstyle, which does not require special skills, includes just a few steps:

  1. Also divide the hair into two parts, picking a parting that is more successful for you.
  2. Divide the first of them into several small locks (it is possible on 3-6, depending on the volume of hair).
  3. Twist your hair into tight braids and secure with hairpins.
  4. Use varnish and repeat the above steps with the second part. The bundles are ready!

beautiful hairstyles

This hairstyle does not require additional accessories.

Classic bunches

It is the classic bumps that are the most stringent option, suitable for business meetings or ordinary office attire. See how to make two beams on the sides in this style:

  1. Divide the hair into two parts (it is advisable to choose a straight parting).
  2. Both parts must be divided into three strands (the front should be larger than the back).
  3. From a large part of the hair we make a tight tail, we begin to wrap it around the elastic.
  4. Leaving a small loop, we pass the tip into it and tighten it tightly.
  5. We hide the ends there, securing with a hairpin.
  6. We begin to wrap the side strands around the beam in turn.
  7. The resulting hairstyle is fixed with varnish.

The same algorithm can be done with braids, having previously created them from free strands.

Bunches of curls

Are you planning a romantic date or a walk around the city? You can quite use the following option for which you need:

  1. Dry and straighten hair.
  2. Using a curling iron with a large diameter, create large waves.
  3. Divide the hair into two parts and make two high tails, without threading them into the elastic until the end for the last time.
  4. Flatten the two loops and fix their tips at the base of the cone.

hairstyle two buns

You can use accessories such as satin ribbons or flat bright hair clips for this hairstyle.

Bunches combined with loose hair

Long straight or slightly wavy hair is an excellent complement to two buns. Separate in advance a strand designed to create a cone (you can collect the tail for convenience). The remaining steps must be performed according to the above recommendations. Loose hair with buns is a fairly fresh solution, both for noisy parties, and for other events.

elastic band

Additional details for double beams

How to make two beams on the sides, giving them an extra twist? Try looking at one or more of the following details:

1. Zigzag.

A bundle with a β€œbagel” and a zigzag parting will make the hairstyle more interesting compared to a classic straight parting.

2. Negligence.

Negligence is now popular not only in clothing. Many stylists believe that beautiful hairstyles should not be perfectly neat. Try to make a bump as if you were gathering at the last moment before leaving the house.

3. Unusual hair color.

Remember the style of Japanese anime, this approach to creating hairstyles will make the image more interesting and playful.

bagel bagel

4. Straight bangs.

If you are the owner of a straight bang, cones of any kind and size will look advantageous with neat styling.

5. Oblique parting with loose hair.

Be sure to try this technique, but it’s not scary if one of the cones is slightly smaller than the other.

6. Low beams.

If the type of low beams are suitable for you (we talked about this at the beginning of the article), feel free to do them for any event. Such an idea will allow you to stand out.

7. Strands in the face.

Do you have a slanting bang, a short haircut, or just short locks on your face? Try not to hide them in the bump, but rather dissolve, thereby adding to your image.

8. Large braids.

Try braiding braids, starting from the neck and ending at the base of each bundle. They can be either ordinary French or openwork. And to the second, slightly disheveled volumetric bundles are more suitable, to the first - more accurate cones. Another topical option is a fish tail (accuracy in this case is not required).

9. Large bundles.

Some girls can afford this technique due to the density of hair, while others can make a bun with a roller. In any case, the hairstyle will please you with volume.

make a bunch with a roller

These techniques will help make the result more interesting and original. Do not forget only that any hairstyle should be appropriate for the situation. After all, it is unlikely that a specific hair color will be appropriate at a business meeting.

So, the hairstyle, which is two bunches, is really applicable for many ladies who follow modern trends and try to bring variety to their style. Try different variations, and you will surely find the best way for yourself and understand: beautiful hairstyles can be simple.


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