What professions will be in demand in 5 years? Future professions in demand

Every school graduate sooner or later raises the question of who to go to study further. Of course, we do not take into account the lucky ones who from a young age demonstrate a talent for a particular occupation or science, because for them life is simply inconceivable without a beloved job. Most modern applicants, when entering a university, choose professions such as a lawyer or an economist. Undoubtedly, owning these specialties, you can count on a successful career. However, you should be prepared for the fact that due to the fact that these professions are very popular today, you will certainly encounter very high competition when looking for a job. Moreover, over time, this situation will only worsen. Therefore, we propose today to analyze the research of specialists and find out which professions will be in demand in 5 years.

what professions will be in demand in 5 years

Marketing and Management

Due to the fact that the life of a modern person is riddled with a wide variety of advertising (billboards on the streets, videos on television and radio, banners on the Internet, leaflets and posters in stores and even porches, layouts in the press, etc.), the market is constantly will need appropriate specialists. Therefore, the list of the most popular professions of the near future, first of all, includes workers in the field of marketing and advertising. In today's market, trading companies, as well as service providers, require a wide variety of employees. Employment agencies annually note an increase in demand for a mass of professions in this field: from ordinary sellers to major marketers. And today it requires not only people who are able to sell the goods efficiently on the spot, as well as competently organize all work processes, but also specialists who know how it is profitable to present this or that product or service to a potential consumer, thereby prompting him to make a purchase.

professions in demand in the future

Programmer is the profession of the future

Recently, the field of computer technology has been developing at a truly incredible pace. In this regard, answering the question: β€œWhat professions will be in demand in 5 years?”, We can say with confidence that we will need programmers, system administrators and other specialists who are versed in modern computers. Also, people involved in software development and information protection will be very popular. In addition, the professions in demand in the future will include specialties related to the creation and support of Internet sites: these are designers, developers, content managers, etc. It should be noted that the field of IT technologies is developing so rapidly. that some already popular specialties are not even beginning to be taught at universities. Therefore, in order to succeed in this business, one should always be in what is called a trend, sometimes independently acquiring the necessary knowledge and experience.

the most sought after professions for women

Economists and financiers

Despite the fact that today they talk a lot about the overabundance of young specialists in this field, as a result of which they face great competition and sometimes are forced to look for jobs outside their specialty, real professionals in this field have always been and will be in demand. After all, it’s worth at least analyzing the situation in almost any city in our country. A few years ago, we could not even imagine that we would be surrounded by so many banks and other financial institutions. Moreover, every year the number of these organizations is growing steadily, and the population is offered new banking services and products. In this regard, these institutions constantly need real professionals in their field. Speaking about which professions will be in demand in 5 years specifically in the field of finance and economics, one can name such specialties as a financial analyst, credit expert, accountant and manager.

programmer profession of the future

Physicians and educators

Undoubtedly, such necessary professions will always be in demand in any country, such as doctors, nurses, teachers, teachers , etc. However, the undoubted disadvantage of these specialties in our country is the rather low level of salaries. Nevertheless, if you feel a vocation for medicine or pedagogy, you can count on success, which will be expressed not only in the recognition of colleagues, but also in monetary terms. So, having become, for example, a well-known doctor in a particular field, it is quite possible to open your own medical center. A talented teacher can always establish his own private school or development center.

Construction industry

It is safe to say that representatives of various construction specialties will always be in demand. Indeed, today both large and small cities are developing rapidly, and therefore new buildings and structures are constantly being erected. Residential complexes, shopping centers are being built, architectural monuments are being reconstructed, etc. The professions in demand in the future in this area are practically no different from modern realities: they are engineers, designers, foremen and workers of various construction specialties.

necessary professions

Hotel and tourism industry

Despite the fact that the tourism business in our country is not developed to the same extent as in some other countries, specialists in this field are becoming more and more popular with employers every year. Indeed, today many companies cooperate with foreign partners, who often visit local offices and, accordingly, need accommodation, as well as an excursion program. So, professional administrators who are able to organize the work of an entire institution (for example, hotels) in high quality are in great demand today. I would like to note that a mandatory requirement for specialists in this industry is fluency in English.

Working specialties

Due to the fact that today, working professions have a very low popularity among applicants, every year the most diverse industries are faced with an increasing shortage of these specialists. In this regard, applicants for such vacancies practically do not face competition and are in great demand among employers. The undoubted disadvantages of working professions are low wages and, as a rule, not the most comfortable working conditions. However, do not abandon such specialties in advance. Indeed, a true professional in his field always has the opportunity to count on a decent salary and on career advancement, especially in the conditions of a shortage of such workers.

list of the most sought-after professions

New specialties that will be in demand in the near future

As technology develops at a very fast pace, today there is the emergence of completely new professions that no one could even think of a few years ago. So, with confidence we can say that in five years there will be a steady demand among employers for specialists in the field of innovative technologies. For example, already now some educational institutions began to train professionals in the field of nanomedicine.

So, we found out which professions will be in demand in 5 years in the labor market. In short, these are financiers and economists, physicians and educators, builders, hotel and tourism specialists, workers, as well as professionals in the field of nanotechnology. Now we offer to find out about which areas of activity are most in demand for representatives of male and female.

highly paid professions of the future

The most sought after professions for men

For representatives of a strong half of humanity in the next 5-7 years, the most promising specialties will be the following: engineer, IT specialist, financier, physician, ecologist and builder. It should be noted that all these are highly paid professions of the future. Therefore, investing today in your education, you can confidently count on a decent return in a few years.

The most sought after professions for women

To date, the most popular and sought-after specialties for representatives of the fair half of humanity are the following: manager, accountant, administrator, assistant manager, lawyer, sales representative, secretary, marketer, dispatcher and realtor. According to staffing agencies, this situation is unlikely to change in the next few years.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34071/

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