How to delete a mailbox if you don’t need it already?

Today it is very important to have a personal computer at home, access to the Internet, because, oddly enough, the World Wide Web makes our life much easier with its advantages over non-virtual life. On the Internet you can find out almost everything that interests you, find the answer to any exciting question, get detailed instructions on a particular action, maybe go through distance learning and receive a document on education, you can become a freelancer by finding a job suitable for yourself on the Internet You can get free legal advice or advice from a doctor of any kind. And all this - without leaving your room. There are so many advantages, and there are so many that it’s simply impossible to list everything.

One of the obligatory parts of the virtual world is the email registered for each of us, which is necessary for registering on various sites of the Internet space and for receiving the necessary letters and notifications.

You can create your mailbox in different systems, such as Rambler, Yandex, Gmail, Mail, and others. These are the most common mail systems. Many users have several so-called emails, that is, email addresses. This is convenient, but sometimes a box becomes completely unnecessary. A person chooses one optimal option, and prefers to simply delete the rest.

Does everyone know how to delete a mailbox? Surely, many did not even think about it, since there was simply no such need. When such a need arises, a user of the World Wide Web begins to search for the answer to his question in forums and chats, where kind people will surely tell you the most convenient way how to remove your mailbox from one or another system.

So, now we will consider a couple of options for this process.

Let's start with Yandex. Registering a mailbox here is quite simple: there is a special window on the home page where you need to click on the link “Create a mailbox” and then follow the suggested step-by-step instructions. And how to remove the mailbox from ? For those who could not find the answer to this question, we will answer.

When you access your inbox using the username and password you created earlier, you will see a page with incoming letters. In the upper right corner of the screen there will be a “settings” link. You need to proceed through it to the next page. You will see a menu of email settings: “design selection”, “sender information”, “folders and labels”, “mail processing rules” and so on. We don’t need all this, so we go down to the very bottom of the page and in the lower left corner we find the link “If necessary ...”, where the word “delete” is highlighted with a link. This is exactly what we need - information on how to delete a mailbox from Next, we act strictly according to the instructions. You can do it easily, because there is absolutely nothing complicated.

Another option is the free gmail email service . First you need to go to your mail using the existing username and password. We follow to the section "My account". Then we find the link - “Close account ...” and click on it. At the end of the process of deactivating your mailbox in the gmail system, you need to check several items: “web search history”, “Google Talk” and “Gmail”. Next, enter your password again, then once again confirm your desire by putting a few more checkmarks next to the items: “Yes, I want to delete the account”, “Yes, I agree ...”, and click on the “Delete” link.

Now you have an idea how to delete a gmail mailbox with yandex, well, but in other systems this is done in exactly the same way. Available instructions and descriptions of one or another mail service will not leave you without an answer to a rather simple question - how to delete a mailbox.


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