Details on how to make poppy seeds for baking

Today we will tell you how to make poppy seeds for baking. The choice of this topic is due to the fact that most housewives mistakenly believe that during the preparation of flour products, dry poppy seeds are simply added to the dough or are used as a filling in the same form. But this is not so. After all, before applying the product we are considering for baking any products, it is carefully processed. How exactly, we will tell right now.

how to cook poppy seeds for baking

How to prepare poppy seeds for baking?

Poppy seeds are a fairly common product, which is very often used during the preparation of both home and store baking. They give products not only a pleasant taste and aroma, but also a beautiful appearance.

Poppy for baking is processed in various ways. We decided to present you the most simple and popular.

So, before you cook poppy seeds for baking, you need to purchase the following components in advance:

  • dry poppy seeds - 2 full glasses;
  • whole fatty milk - 1 cup;
  • high-quality butter - about 120 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup;
  • raw egg - 2 pcs.;
  • table salt - ½ teaspoon.

how to steam poppy seeds for baking
Base preparation process

How to cook poppy seeds for baking? To do this, take 2 full glasses of confectionery grains and grind them in a coffee grinder. If you do not have this device, then you can try to grind the product in a conventional blender with nozzle-knives. After that, high-quality butter is placed in a deep metal bowl , and then it is slowly melted. At the same time, they carefully monitor that cooking oil does not burn. Then white sugar is added to it and whole fat milk is poured. All ingredients are mixed well, making sure that the sweet bulk product is completely dissolved.

Cooking toppings

After all the described actions, raw chicken eggs, previously beaten with a whisk, are slowly introduced into the milk. Subsequently, the products are boiled until a thick mass is obtained. It is constantly stirred with a whisk, so that it does not burn.

Lastly, previously ground poppy seeds are poured into the dishes. They are thoroughly mixed and boiled for about 3-5 minutes. Then the bowl is removed from the stove, tightly closed with a lid and wrapped in a terry towel. In this form, the ingredients are kept warm for half an hour. During this time, the poppy gruel should well swell and thicken.

How to use?

After the poppy seed filling for baking is fully cooked and aged in a bowl, it is immediately used for its intended purpose. To do this, a thick slurry of dark color is smeared on a rolled layer of dough, and then wrapped in a roll and cut into pieces. The resulting semi-finished products are baked in the oven and get excellent buns.

By the way, if the poppy seed filling was not fully used by you, then it is placed in a container with a lid and stored in the refrigerator for no more than one week.

poppy seed for baking

An easy way to steam your poppy seed baking dish

As mentioned above, there is more than one way to prepare poppy seeds for baking delicious flour products. The most popular option was presented above. Now we describe a simpler method that does not require a large set of ingredients.

So how to steam poppy seeds for baking? For this we need:

  • thick heavy cream - about 350 ml;
  • powdered sugar - about ½ cup;
  • confectionery poppy seeds - 2 glasses;
  • fresh liquid honey - 5 large spoons.

Cooking process

Before making poppy seeds for baking, you can grind it with a coffee grinder. But if you want to get more beautiful flour products, then it is best to use confectionery grains in their entirety. By the way, pre-washing them is not necessary, as poppy seeds for baking are sold in a processed and prepared form.

poppy seed filling for baking

So, before steaming the grains, it is necessary to prepare a special milk filling. To do this, pour heavy fat cream into a deep bowl and slowly bring them to a boil. Then they add powdered sugar to them and spread fresh liquid honey. All ingredients continue to be heated until they are completely dissolved and form a homogeneous liquid and sweet mass.

Having prepared the filling, immediately begin to steam confectionery poppy seeds. For this, the dry product is placed in a deep bowl, and then poured with a sweet milk mixture. After thoroughly mixing the components, they are quickly and tightly covered with a lid. If desired, the dishes are additionally wrapped in a blanket. In this state, the poppy is kept for 1.8-2 hours. During this time, it will not only swell and take on a porridge-like consistency, but also completely cool. In the future, it is used to prepare various buns, pies, pies and other desserts.

To summarize

Using the described methods for preparing poppy seed filling, you can make very tasty and fragrant pastries. By the way, for impatient people there is an accelerated way to prepare such a product. To do this, mix in a deep bowl 250 ml of baked milk, 2 cups of confectionery poppy seeds and a full glass of granulated sugar. Then the products are put on low heat and very slowly brought to a boil. After poppy seeds are boiled for 6-7 minutes. At the same time, they are regularly stirred with a large spoon so that they do not burn.

how to prepare poppy seeds for baking

After the specified time, you should get a rather thick and dark slurry from the liquid mixture. It is removed from the stove, partially cooled, and then crushed in a blender. After that, poppy seed filling is used for its intended purpose.


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