Astragalus plant unique in its composition: healing properties

Herbal medicine is very popular all over the world. Each healer-healer is trying to find a new natural remedy that would have miraculous properties. It is to such herbs that astragalus can be attributed. The healing properties deserve respect. Let's take a closer look at the usefulness of this plant.

astragalus healing properties

It is found in many corners of our planet: in Siberia, Ukraine, Russia, Moldova. It grows on forest-steppe mounds, reaches a height of up to 40 cm. Any amateur summer clerk will be able to grow it on his site, using seeds. This perennial plant has an amazing aroma and dense silky-hairy leaves. In folk medicine, the aerial and root parts of astragalus are used. Raw materials are harvested in early summer, then they are dried and stored in glass jars or linen bags.

For a long time, astragalus can be stored in this form. The healing properties of the plant have a hypotensive, diuretic and soothing effect on the body. Infusions and decoctions of it stimulate the functional work of the cardiovascular system. It helps a natural remedy to cope with kidney diseases, hypertension, angina pectoris, migraines and dizziness.

Astragalus webbed healing properties

Astragalus membranes has an excellent antispasmodic effect . The healing properties are unique and are widely used even by medical practitioners. It is rightly called the strongest immunomodulator and stimulator of blood formation. In addition, the grass regulates carbohydrate metabolism and tones the body. The healing properties of plants have been studied for more than a decade.

And in the course of repeated laboratory studies it was revealed that the leaves contain the most important trace elements for humans, such as phosphorus, aluminum, iron, sodium, calcium, magnesium. In small quantities - barium, strontium, manganese, vanadium, silicon, molybdenum, and alkaloids, carotene, ascorbic acid, flavonoids and starch are also present.

Useful for astragalus weakness, fatigue and infertility. The healing properties increase efficiency, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, help cope with coughing, ease sputum discharge and lower temperature. Herbal preparations are made in Korean, Japanese and Chinese pharmaceuticals.

grass astragalus contraindications

Not only leaves are used, but also roots, which are rich in saponins, steroids, lignans, coumarins, nitrogen-containing compounds and carbohydrates. Traditional medicine notes its ability to enhance the work of the gonads and increase libido in both women and men. In addition, astragalus has a rejuvenating effect .

There are still contraindications to the plant. You can not use it for young children under the age of two, with extreme caution should be used in patients with severe hypertension. And now let's go directly to the astragalus recipes:

- An infusion, which is prepared from two tablespoons of dry raw materials and half a liter of boiling water, will help eliminate arrhythmia - the liquid must be boiled for 20 minutes and drunk in a filtered form 50 ml before meals (three times a day).

Astragalus plant

- You can get rid of neurotic conditions and depression with the help of a decoction. Brew a glass of boiling water with a spoonful of grass and leave to insist in a thermos all night. The next day, strain the infusion and drink in several receptions throughout the day. Such a decoction can be used to gargle with any inflammatory diseases.

- To stimulate the functional activity of the heart muscle, prepare an infusion from the collection of medicinal herbs. It is taken in 2 parts of motherwort, jaundice, astragalus and 3 parts of red hawthorn. All plants need to be filled with hot water (500 ml) and insisted for half an hour. Then filter the liquid and take half a glass before meals - 3 times a day.

Doctors of the East recommend taking astragalus grass in case of loss of strength, constipation and lack of appetite. The healing properties are widely used in cosmetology. Healing ointments for external use are prepared from it, which treat furunculosis, purulent abscesses, etc.


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