Silicone baking mats: reviews, types, benefits

Many housewives still have doubts about the use of heat-resistant silicone rugs in the oven. But this is a useful thing in the kitchen. Raw dough and cooked products do not stick to the material, it does not need to be lubricated with oil. According to reviews, silicone baking mats are easy to clean and store. The types and advantages of products are described in the article.


Silicone oven baking mats are made from heat-resistant silicone. Products are able to withstand temperatures from -40 to +260 degrees. According to the reviews of the hostesses, the rugs can be placed in the oven, but it is important to control the temperature regime.

silicone baking mats reviews

The main purpose of the accessory is to provide a non-stick surface and protection for dishes, which makes washing easier. Washing a thin sheet is much easier compared to a baking sheet or bulky pan. Silicone is not able to absorb odors and fats, so one product can be used for various dishes.

Rugs are divided into bilateral and one-sided. In one-sided, the second side is not smooth, which is necessary to neutralize sliding off the table. On smooth products, it is convenient to cook both large piece and small products in batches. They are used for baking pizza, cookies, rolls, pies.

In order for the silicone pan to serve for a long time, you should not work on it with a sharp knife, clean it with metal washcloths and brushes. It is allowed to wash in a dishwasher, but in this case there is no need, since the surface must be washed in warm water.


According to reviews, silicone baking mats have the following advantages:

  1. Protection against sticking of baking, easy removal from the surface without damaging the appearance.
  2. In addition to baking, preparation can also be carried out on products, for example, rolling dough.
  3. Rugs do not need to be greased.
  4. Baking is baked evenly.
  5. Silicone does not emit harmful substances during heating, therefore it is safe for health.
  6. The product is easy to store, does not take up much space.
  7. You can cook on it several hundred times.
  8. The product is suitable for a different test.
  9. This device can also be used in the freezer.
  10. Easy cleansing.
silicone dough mat with markings

According to reviews, silicone baking mats are convenient to use. To choose the right product, you should familiarize yourself with the assortment.

Size and shape

This kitchen utensil is round, square, rectangular. The former are convenient for use in a pan, and rectangular ones are for baking trays. Dimensions should be selected based on the dimensions of the dishes and oven. Even if the sheet is larger than required, it can be cut.

Also consider the thickness. Thin sheets are able to pass more heat from the metal and are cheaper, but it is advisable not to skimp and choose a thick option. In this case, the risk of burning is reduced. Professional surfaces are created in rolls, they should be cut independently.


Silicone mat with markings for dough allows you to "carve out" its necessary shape and size. For example, the perfect pizza is easily obtained on a square sheet with a marking in the form of a circle. The line is convenient not only when rolling, but also for applying the marked side to the dough or other products during cooking.

silicone baking mat how to use

Usually the layout is functional - several circles with different diameters, rulers in cm and mm on different sides. Small circles are used to deposit meringues and eclairs.


Silicone baking mats are ideal for those who love biscuit rolls. In this case, leakage is not allowed and the correct shape is created. The layer does not need to be removed from the mold, it is immediately lubricated with jam or cream and rolled into a roll.

Of course, other products can also be baked on a side sheet. The option is ideal for making leafy pastille or homemade formation marmalade. According to reviews, this model cannot be cut to reduce size.


Thanks to microperforation, the mat can let in hot air. Heat enters through openings, so products are better baked. Such bedding is not used for batter, meringue, marmalade.

silicone oven baking mats

On these surfaces you can bake shortbread cookies, hearth bread, rolls, crackers, pies, pizza. Allowed to cook everything that does not emit fat. Otherwise, it will leak and stain the pan. To protect it, it is advisable to cover it with special paper.


According to reviews, non-stick products are in demand. They are not as multifunctional as smooth, but convenient for solving narrow problems. In this line there are models for creating the following products:

  • smooth and beautiful eclairs;
  • figured cookies;
  • Macarons cookies
  • biscuit pancakes;
  • neat meringues.

The advantage of the goods is the convenience of laying out the dough. No need to think about the distance between the products.

Texture surface

You can’t rush to buy a texture rug. You need to make sure that it was created for baking, and not to give a drawing, relief to raw dough. If the temperature allows you to bake in the oven, then you can buy it.

silicone baking mat

The relief surface is great for shortbread and biscuit dough. Due to the non-stick surface and the flexibility of silicone, the resulting dough leaves the mold freely and the pattern will be clear and beautiful. According to reviews, silicone baking mats are convenient devices for those who often bake.

Solving serious problems

Thick heat-resistant rugs are used for baking meat, poultry, fish. According to reviews, surfaces with frequent cells are most in demand. Fat in this case is less in contact with food, so the dishes are not so harmful and fatty.

With pronounced reliefs, additional air exchange is provided, so the dish is baked evenly. These models are not used for batter, but they are used for baking bread.

Terms of use

To evaluate all the benefits of the appliance, you should learn how to use a silicone baking mat. The rules of application are as follows:

  1. The product is used for baking only on a hard and smooth surface.
  2. In a gas oven, it is necessary to lay silicone on a pan or a baking sheet, do not place the sheet on a wire rack above the flame.
  3. The surface is considered non-stick, it should not be greased with oil or grease. But in some recipes, lubrication is required.
  4. Devices are allowed to put in a cold and hot oven.
  5. Products suitable for microwave.
  6. It is better not to cut on silicone, as there is a risk of surface damage. But sold and durable species.
  7. It is better to store the sheet in a roll, securing it with an elastic band. Do not fold it several times, since the product deteriorates from creases.
  8. Such dishes are not suitable for the grill mode. Do not use it in a wood stove.
  9. It is forbidden to cook on an open flame and on a burner.
  10. For washing, you need to choose detergents without alkali.
silicone pan

In the absence of confidence in silicone, attention should be paid to the baking stone. It is used for bread and pizza, without fear of burning and pestering.


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