Methods for Studying Family and Family Relations

The main problem with family counseling is that spouses do not want to provide full information about their marriage to a counselor. In this case, you can resort to an independent analysis of the relationship. In our article, you will learn about the basic methods of studying the family, as well as the principles that will help create a strong relationship with the second half after the wedding. Believe me, this information will be relevant for any person who wants to live in a happy marriage.

Social and economic research

Most modern methods of studying the family are based on a detailed analysis of the social and economic situation of the spouses - and this is not surprising. Many spouses feel unhappy in the marriage precisely because they barely have enough money to support their families, not to mention the satisfaction of their own needs. Therefore, family psychologists primarily try to find out the social and economic situation of the family and, based on the analysis, give spouses specific recommendations.

Wife yells at her husband.

A rather interesting fact is that the happiest couples have average material wealth. For too rich families, money is a constant object of quarrels and scandals, and for the poor - depression and reproaches. Therefore, if you plan to establish a relationship with your spouse, you should first think about whether the amount of finance affects your life together. If so, then try together with your husband to think about how to fix this situation.

Premarital relationship research

Methods of studying the family and family relations are also quite often based on a detailed analysis of premarital relations. Of course, such a technique is possible only if the couple knew each other before the wedding. If the marriage took place by calculation, then the study will be possible only on the basis of those days that the couple lived together after the wedding. Try to remember your relationships in great detail and find out how they differ from your current situation.

Boyfriend and girlfriend are happy together.

Premarital relations often include the best moments that people have experienced together. After the wedding, men stop giving their women flowers and show much less concern for them. However, women, seeking their own, often let everything go by its own accord. Because of this, cheating and constant scandals occur in the family. Remember the premarital relationship and return those notes that were lost by you. Quite often, such a technique allows you to resume even the most hopeless relationship.

Methods of studying the pedagogical culture of the family and its features

To make your child feel needed, he should be given a certain amount of care and attention. In addition, it is necessary to regularly monitor its microenvironment. This is especially true for children who are in puberty. So that your offspring does not begin to communicate with a bad company, it is necessary to convey to him the importance of moral principles and the importance of observing them in time.

Many family psychologists recommend that parents pay more attention to self-development so that the child is brought up properly. For example, you can read psychological literature or watch educational videos, one of which is presented a little higher. After reviewing it to the end, you will learn about the eight main mistakes that most parents make when raising children. That is, the methods of studying pedagogical culture, as a rule, consist in the study of videos or books that contain psychological information on raising a child.

You can also analyze how your child responds to certain parenting methods. Some of them may categorically not be suitable for the development of the personality of a certain type of people. For example, in many “uncontrollable” children, a huge creative potential is hidden, which they cannot realize because of the opinion of society. In this case, it is recommended to give the young talent to some section or circle so that his talent is not wasted.

Identify common problems

Methods of studying the family and family education very often are based on an analysis of the behavior of family members in various situations. For example, you can offer your relatives to go through a regular questionnaire, in which there are a number of questions to identify typical problems in the family. However, the answers to them should be as sincere and informative as possible so that the psychologist can properly analyze the state of the relationship and find ways to resolve conflict situations.

A wife reassures her husband.

We give a small example. Quite often in families, adolescents complain that their parents do not understand them and do not follow their life. Such words may be slightly exaggerated, or may be pure truth. In this case, testing will help to achieve the truth using a regular questionnaire, which must be carried out together. Each person must confirm their answers with certain facts that occurred in his life. After that, based on the results of the study, it will be possible to adjust the way of “treating” the relationship.

Study in educational institutions

The methods of studying a family in a preschool educational institution (school) may differ significantly from the methods followed by a family psychologist. However, this does not mean that they are incorrect or show insufficient information. For example, in kindergartens, psychologists very often pay attention to the relationship of spouses and how much internal conflicts in the family affect the behavior of their child. If, say, a father swears all the time, then such behavior will be characteristic of his child.

Kindergarten teacher with parents and child.

With regard to studies conducted in schools, they most often represent anonymous testing, which is carried out in most cases among students whose age ranges from 12 to 16 years. Based on various psychological tests and questionnaires, you can identify many problems at the stage of their formation and draw up competent educational work that would allow adolescents to feel needed in this world. However, all studies must be anonymous without fail so that the answers are as sincere as possible.

Study of leisure, interests and values

Methods of studying the family and the experience of family education in preschool institutions are also based on various issues related to family leisure. That is, the teacher can ask parents some questions about how they spend the weekend with the child, what they do, and so on. To get an objective assessment of this, it is recommended to ask not suggestive, but simple questions: "How often do you play with your child in the fresh air?" or "How much time per day do you devote to reading books for the kid?"

Children play with parents.

As for research methods from professional psychologists, they are usually based on the study of family values ​​and the goals that family members set themselves. If parents do not have a specific goal in life, then they are unlikely to be able to raise a child properly and will simply "go with the flow" in this matter. In addition, the specialist can ask several questions about the interests of parents. For example, most couples who are interested in literature on parenting almost always bring up a person who is worthy to live in modern society.

Spouse personality study

Psychological methods of studying the family can be based on a study of each spouse individually in order to find a problem that leads to disagreements and conflicts within the family. As a rule, various methods of differential analysis are used to identify psychological imbalance and a tendency to conflict. The most common tool for research is design drawings, in which each person can see different images, according to their nature and mental characteristics.

The wife and husband are smiling.

The study of personality often helps to find the root of the problem, but it is worthwhile to understand that not all people are ready to accept the fact that all the fault lies with them (and this rarely happens). Therefore, after a detailed analysis, you must first think about how exactly you will present the information to the young couple. In the event that the study is conducted by one of the family members, the spouse should approach with the publication of such information with extreme caution. Otherwise, you risk setting your loved one against yourself.

Assessment of individual phenomena in a relationship

Unfortunately, the methods of studying family relationships are impossible without the study of individual phenomena inherent in a particular pair. For example, some conflicts may arise on the basis of distrust, which originates from the distant past, which everyone is trying to forget about. However, if no one mentions such a fact, this does not mean that it does not affect people's lives. In most cases, exactly the opposite. The past can haunt happy couples for many years and ruin relationships between lovers.

Married couple at the reception of a psychotherapist.

To identify various phenomena that even the family may not be aware of initially, various questionnaires compiled by experienced psychologists and designed to identify unusual situations using tricky questions should be used. For example, such tests can easily reveal a tendency to betray or the presence of selfish motives in one of the studied people.

The psychogram of matrimony and its features

Modern methods of studying the family are based on the use of various psychograms, which allow using a series of simple questions to determine the level of compatibility of two people or their pedagogical preparedness for raising a child. The list below shows the main methods for conducting such psychograms, which will allow you to understand the relationship as detailed as possible. Family study methods include the following elements:

  1. Authoritarian socialization is a reflection of child control and forms of education. With a high rate of this element, the parent can be sure that his child will be able to adapt in society in a few years. But with a low rating quite often there are problems with education. Some parents can punish their children for any manifestation of independence, as well as scold them for thoughts, feelings and individual abilities.
  2. System "Little loser". It is a reflection of the methods of parenting and perception of parents by the child. The meaning of this method is that the baby should be fully aware that their own desires and ambitions are much lower than the instructions of the parents. If this test shows a high result, then you should seriously think about changing the methods of raising a child, otherwise it will lead to the fact that the male will completely ignore his parents.
  3. The technique of Rene Gilles, based on a study of the personality of the child and his parents. As the material for study, various pictures are used to help identify certain traits of a person’s character. In addition, such a technique involves passing a special test that identifies the potential behavior of a person in a particular situation. In the test tasks there are from three to five answer options, so passing it will not be difficult for even a primary school student.
  4. "Cooperation" - the desire and ability of parents to engage in joint activities with their child. The study is carried out using various individual tasks that a family therapist gives his patients. If a specialist notes that the child is very reluctant to complete the task with his parent, then there will be a need to find the root of the problem. This technique also includes joint testing, the results of which show how well the child and parents get along.
  5. "Symbiosis" - a scale that reflects the interpersonal distance between the objects of study. High test results indicate that the parent is not only trying to make contact with his child, but also to establish a trusting relationship with him. In such families, there are no secrets between parents and children, which leads to mutual understanding and respect even in the most difficult life situations.

To master the methods of studying the family (briefly about the main ones we described above) is not so difficult.


We hope our article helped you understand what a pedagogical culture of a family is. The methods of its study (culture) can be very different, so each person can choose for himself a technique that suits him. However, before proceeding with the normalization of relations with relatives, it is necessary to understand the root of the problem that led to a deterioration of mutual understanding. Just for this purpose the research methods described above are used. If you not only learn this theory, but also begin to practice it in real life, you can eliminate all family conflicts even at the stage of their occurrence. Any person who knows how to correctly use such information will create a strong and friendly family.


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