Soul: meaning of the word, synonym. Expressions with the word "soul"

The soul is a subtle matter, the mystery of which has still not been solved to the end. Every person is endowed with it, and you need to think and take care of it. Is it possible to lose or sell it, you will learn after familiarizing yourself with the meaning of the word "soul". In the dictionary Ozhegov so called the psychological and internal state of a person, his consciousness. Dahl calls her a soulful immortal being who is gifted with will and reason. The spiritual qualities include conscience and inner feelings. What are the meanings of the word “soul” in philosophical, religious, scientific interpretations? What expressions with this word are often used in speech and literature? Immerse yourself in a little interesting research.

soul meaning of the word

The meanings of the word "soul" according to the dictionary of D.N. Ushakova

Philosophical, religious, idealistic trends defined the soul as an immortal substance, intangible essence. It expresses the divine nature of a person’s personality, which determines thinking, sensations, feelings, consciousness and will. Affectionately they call her “darling”, in a dismissive form they use “darling”. It is opposed to the body. The meaning of the word "soul" in the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language of Ushakov is defined as follows:

  • The intangible beginning of life, a creature without flesh, which remains after the death of the human body (according to religious and idealistic views).
  • A complex of mental manifestations, feelings, emotions, impulses, a fundamental element of a person’s mental existence.
  • A hidden, psychic world of personality.

soul is synonymous

A vision of the soul from ancient times

Previously, the soul was represented by a special force that lives in the body of an animal or person. People have always been interested in the distinction between living and nonliving. During the observations, they saw the soul in breathing from the outside, then called it the bearer of blood. Visions in a dream gave people an idea of ​​this matter as an entity independent of the body. Ancient philosophers - Empedocles, Democritus, Anaxagoras - attributed to the soul the properties of a very fine substance. She was seen by a special force living in the body of animals, people, and even plants.

Our ancestors believed that the soul leaves the body in a dream, and then returns again. Finally, she leaves only after death. She only leaves the body, but continues to live, moving to another creature. This phenomenon is called metempsychosis. Ancient philosophers even tried to study the soul of the world and talked about animate space. Aristotle considered this matter to be the active expedient principle of the body, which is inseparable from it. Descartes called the body and soul independent substances. Plato saw in her an immortal and intangible entity that preceded the appearance of a physical body.

expressions with the word soul

Philosophical view

The vision of a person’s spiritual life refers to self-consciousness, when everyone realizes himself as unique and individual. Most philosophers consider the soul inseparable from the body. Aristotle wrote that all parts of the soul are also interconnected. Kant, Schopenhauer, Hegel, Leibniz devoted themselves to the study of this substance. The concepts of Freud and Brentano in interpreting this substance are especially appreciated.

Religious concepts

In religion, the soul is described as an entity created by God. Christians speak of the trinity of the soul: reason, feelings and will. According to religious beliefs, after death she continues to consciously exist, and her fate is determined by God. She is also called the immortal spirit. His further location will be heaven or hell, as the Lord decides.

Christians constantly associate the soul with salvation. By it is meant the deliverance of man from eternal punishment for sins. Believers believe that the saved souls of dead people will return to their bodies and gain eternal life.

sentences with the words soul

Synonyms of the word

In the dictionary of synonyms, the soul is associated with the mastermind or inspirer. Synonyms are the affectionate "darling" and the dismissive "darling". Less commonly, nevertheless, Lara, Larva, Lemur, Mana are used. Often the concept is synonymous with mood, nature, disposition. Psychologists associate it with temperament, character, feelings. The most striking synonym for “soul” is “heart”. The words "spirit" and "psyche" may be used.

soul concept

Expressions with the word "soul"

Often before death, a person expresses the will of his soul, and the one who is destined to fulfill it is called the executor. It is believed that only God controls the soul, so the saying " how God puts on the soul " is popular. When they say about a person that he has no heart, they mean his inner evil spirit. There are a lot of expressions and sentences with the word "soul":

  • "Broad soul, good soul man . " That’s what they say about good people.
  • "He has no soul . " They are used to characterize the person who is insensitive to the suffering of others. Most often, he is cold, proud and callous.
  • "He does not shine with either heart or soul . " Used in the meaning of "indifferent." Such a person does not show much interest in anything.
  • "Appreciate the soul . " It matters - respect and love each other.
  • "Live soul to soul." This refers to understanding each other without words, trusting a loved one.
  • " Souls do not dare . " It means to love very much, to spare nothing for another.
  • "Betrayed by soul and body ." Characterizes a faithful person.
  • " With all my heart . " This format is used to wish something nice.
  • " Open the soul ." It matters to share the most intimate.
  • "Deep down . " This is what they say about hidden inner experiences.

Many emotions are expressed by phraseologisms with this word. To do this, you need to have the concept of the word "soul". So, in a fright, they use "the soul is gone ." After some great and pleasant event, they say that "the soul has unfolded ." Often this concept is remembered as a living being - " dusha rejoices, rushes, hurts, has no peace, works."

Probably, you often heard phraseological units “in which only the soul holds”, “the soul is barely in the body”. They characterize sick, weak people. There are a lot of similar expressions in the Russian language.

The word "soul" is very often found in famous quotes and aphorisms. They contain grains of truth. Konstantin Ushinsky said: "If you successfully pick up labor and put your whole soul into it, then happiness itself will find you." The popular Polish writer Janusz Wisniewski wrote: "The brain functions well if the soul is calm."


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