Jobs in Beauty Boutique: Employer reviews about the employer

Today we will try to figure out what kind of employer this one is, this Beauty Boutique. Employee reviews, its activities, as well as the opinions of visitors about this company will be presented to our attention. In fact, these are very important points that you can imagine. The thing is that, taking into account these indicators, the prestige of the company is formed, as well as the desire of outsiders to become new employees of the company. So let's get down to business as soon as possible.

beauty boutique employee reviews

What does he do?

To begin, we will study with you the activities of Beauty Boutique. We will find out about employer a bit later. In the meantime, we add up a general idea of ​​the corporation.

What are we dealing with? With the largest system of island-type stores that are engaged in the production and sale of various cosmetics and perfumes. Beauty Boutique, the reviews of which we will find out today, is the place where you can easily and simply buy what you need. Moreover, according to advertising, at very reasonable prices.

But is everything really good? What do employees and customers themselves think about this employer? That is what we and you have to find out now. So let's get down to business as soon as possible.

Manager (remote)

Let's start with the fact that Beauty Boutique is getting more and more feedback from employees regarding specific job openings. And now the most popular among them is a remote sales manager. What is his responsibility and what does he do? Let's try to figure this out.

beauty boutique employees reviews moscow

If you got a job as a remote sales manager, then, as many employees say, you have to look for customers and promote product digging through the Internet. More precisely - to help people place orders using the online store. As a payment for the work, such employees receive a small salary (about 9,000 rubles) plus interest from sales.

The work at Beauty Boutique gives very positive feedback from employees regarding this vacancy. After all, a remote sales manager can work 2-3 hours a day, and receive an income of about 25-30 thousand rubles. Depending on sales. Plus, such an employee has the opportunity to combine this vacancy with the main place of work. It is very convenient and practical.

Salesman in the store

Also, "Beauty Boutique" reviews from employees (Moscow and other major cities) get very good and relatively sales manager at the "points" and in stores. The thing is that this vacancy is not much different from its "remote brother." Unless the schedule and place of work.

beauty boutique employer reviews

Shops and outlets of our today's company are available in many large cities. And their employees are very pleased with their work. If you got a job as a sales manager, then you have to, in fact, sell the products of the store, as well as provide advice to customers and give them advice on the purchase of a product.

In fact, Beauty Boutique reviews employees (Moscow and other cities) collects extremely positive. The sales manager in the store, as a rule, works with people, moreover, "non-malignant." And if a person also knows his job, then the customers will be happy. And this plays an important role. Of course, no one wants to serve a capricious and always dissatisfied customer. But no one is safe from this. Fortunately, such cases are extremely rare. And so the work here is not only profitable (salary + bonuses), but also very calm, measured and successful. What else do you need to build a career? Perhaps this is enough to enjoy going to work every day without delay. Only this moment is not the only one for which Beauty Boutique is famous. Reviews about this employer can be found on many otzovik sites. And each of them highlights some feature of the company. Let’s see what we can face.

work in a beauty boutique reviews of employees


In truth, many are promised career advancement when employed . And with all this, in fact, it does not turn out to be. Employees can "sit" for several years at the same place, and then leave the post. This usually happens after the realization that no career growth is expected.

But here are the reviews of employees about the company "Beauty Boutique", to be honest, say that you really provide the opportunity to build your own career. Especially to remote sales managers. For example, each such employee has the opportunity to combine a position with another profession. But that is not all.

You can get a job in the selection of new personnel over time. The salary here is 15,000 rubles + bonus. And the tasks are all done over the Internet again. Usually this is placing ads, as well as sending out ready-made instructions to potential employees. In general, a “dustless” job. We can say that everyone has the opportunity to take a leadership position. Thus, Beauty Boutique receives extremely positive reviews regarding career growth. But what else should be emphasized from all the opinions expressed? Let's try to figure this out.

employee reviews about beauty boutique

Working conditions

In many stores, and even more so on many Internet sites, work requires a lot of effort. Especially if you work with cosmetics. Indeed, now there are a lot of different competitors in each cosmetics store. And the success of the company depends on the working conditions. Only Beauty Boutique has received extremely positive feedback from employees regarding this indicator.

The thing is that at the points of sale, each sales manager has a convenient work schedule, as well as a stable lunch break. In addition, many retail outlets have a computer, so you can "kill time" while you wait for customers. And it sometimes helps a lot.

Plus, every sales manager has a great opportunity to work on a 2/2 or 5/2 schedule, as well as in shifts. Typically, a working day lasts from 9 am to 5-6 pm. It is very convenient, and also this move has a good effect on the work of employees. But remote managers generally have a free schedule. And their earnings depend on the orders placed. As a rule, all this has a very favorable effect on the overall picture of the company.

beauty boutique employee reviews


It is also worth paying attention to colleagues who are present at the workplace. Indeed, it is often they who are able to form an opinion about a particular company. "Beauty Boutique" reviews of employees in this field, to be honest, gets very different. And now we have to figure out with you why this is happening.

The thing is that those workers who are on equal terms, as a rule, are friends with each other. And do not compete. But the attitude towards the interns is a bit different. Beauty Boutique stores have so-called makeup and express manicure centers. And just here between the interns and sales managers there is huge competition. Often, customers are simply "led away" from under the nose by young and "inexperienced" employees. And it does not please. Many trainees, due to such moments, leave the post and look for other jobs.


So it's time to take stock of our talk today. To be honest, many describe Beauty Boutique's business quite positively. Of course, nowhere is it without its drawbacks, but there are very few of them.

beauty boutique job reviews

Beauty Boutique employees get mixed reviews, but overall good. Typically, negative can be heard from interns and new employees who are just learning the work process. Thus, if you plan to work in this place, then do not be afraid. Through such a "school of life" everyone goes. The main thing is to have a desire to work. And then you will have a chance of success.


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