Some tips on how to eat mussels

One of the sea delicacies - mussels - is quite tasty and incredibly healthy.

However, if you first tried them in a second-rate restaurant, your opinion about them may be biased: mussels may crunch in the sand. However, an unpleasant crunch is not the fault of the mussels themselves, but of the cooks, who have cleaned the mollusk of poor quality sand. Another unpleasant sensation may be a piece of silt, which can often be found on mussels in such a place of catering. He also had to be separated.

In the case when the mussel is well washed and the sludge is removed, it represents a true pleasure. The only problem is that rarely does anyone know how to eat mussels, that is, how to eat them correctly and beautifully.

Usually this mollusk is very popular already in the finished purified form in the form of canned food and salads. In this case, you will not need to separate its contents from the sink.

If you had to eat mussels in shells, in other words, in their original form, when the flesh is inside the shell, then it is best to take a few tips from people from high society.

Since such mussels will lie on a plate in half-open shells, your task is to remove them from there.

Depending on whether the mollusk is in a solid or liquid consistency, one should determine the method of its extraction.

If the consistency is solid - you decide how to eat mussels: simple or secular. All the difficulty will lie in the leg, with the help of which the mussel is attached to its shell.

If you are in a simple company, at a picnic or at home, you can use your hands, an ordinary fork, knife or spoon. Therefore, here you do not have to decide how to clean the mussels. You will hold the sink with your hand, cut the leg with a knife, and with a fork or spoon you will pick out the mollusk. By the way, you can do with any one cutlery at all. True, if you take into account the fact that there is a knife - making enemies, and using a spoon to grab and tear the mussel from the sink is somewhat problematic, it is better to choose a fork. Then, using a fork, rotate the mussel and forward it to the mouth.

If you were lucky enough to treat yourself to mussels in a refined society, then the question of how to eat mussels should be decided more elegantly. Typically, in prestigious restaurants, special tools are served for extracting mussels: tweezers and an oyster fork. Using tweezers, you will hold and clamp the sink on a plate, and with a fork - remove the clam. It is best to hold the tweezers in your left hand, and the fork in your right. The essence of this method is to not get your hands dirty. The only difficulty will be to properly fix the tweezers on the edge of the sink. Therefore, we advise you to check the fasteners several times before making efforts to work with the plug. If the tweezers slide off, it is better to change the grip.

If mussels are served in a liquid state, the eating strategy is simplified. The only thing - do not forget to squeeze a lemon on a clam or grease it with sauce before sending it into your mouth.

Two options for eating are allowed: the usual β€œdrinking” of the contents and forwarding it to the mouth with a spoon or shell.

If you decide to drink the contents, make sure that the liquid does not drip onto your clothes. To do this, firmly press the shutter of the sink to your mouth and secure yourself from below with a napkin. When drawing a mussel into itself, it is also necessary to ensure that the contents are not too loudly absorbed.

In addition to this classic method of extracting mussels, it is allowed to use an empty mussel shell as a spoon.

It is quite clear that once or twice the practice will allow your problem to disappear, as there are mussels. And then you can truly enjoy this truly delicious dish.


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