Hair bleaching: pros and cons

There are few girls who have not tried to change something in their appearance. Such is the female nature of impermanence - girls need changes in order to feel alive, desired, bright.

Closer to the topic ...

And to be more precise - many girls decide to experiment with their hair. Here I recall the very expression that gives at least some hope of correcting the error "Hair is not teeth ...".

lighten hair

You know the sequel. But is it really so easy to regain your natural hair after bleaching your hair? We will talk about this in this article: what, why, and why.

Is lightening rushing to the rescue?

A cardinal decision made under the short-term desire to become another ashen blonde. The trend of the last year is slowly but receding - dark hair is becoming fashionable again, but those who wish to do their own hair bleaching have not diminished. The most common reason for changing the image may even be a banal unsuccessful painting. Itโ€™s prosaic, isn't it? But this is no less tragic.

ash blond

If you dye your hair at home, bleaching can be your lifeline if something goes wrong. The chance is very great to run into the mass market for goods of not the best quality. An unfortunate failure can be remedied if a bleaching agent is found at hand.

What kind of beast is this?

Lightening or bleaching hair is a procedure for erosion of natural or artificial pigment. Therefore, they can be carried out both on natural hair and on dyed.

The most important thing here is the choice of the right tool, since poor-quality paint can cause irreparable harm to your curls. The difference between lightening and bleaching is that lightening is done with the expectation of a difference in several shades, and bleaching the hair leads to the result "Ash blonde".


As for the procedure itself. Firstly, it is worth knowing that bleaching is aimed at lightening the color by 6-7 tones. Moreover, a good master knows how to carry out this procedure without damaging the hair structure. If you notice that after this procedure they sharply lost their shine, became brittle and started, God forbid, to fall out, immediately change the master or beauty salon.

Cons after using hair bleaching dye

Before deciding on such a decisive and sometimes irreversible step, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the possible consequences of staining.

soft color

Firstly, protective hair flakes can become a victim of a burn. The thing is that the effect of an alkaline environment affects the special scales with which the hair is covered, so that they have to open. If a burn is received, it will be almost impossible to return to its original state even with high-quality care products and vitamins. Hence the consequences in the form of thin and weakened hair that look, to put it mildly, are quite unpresentable.

When the protective layer disappears, brittleness, difficulties with combing and a strong cross section of the tips appear. Not much is pleasant in such results. To restore the hair structure, the girl will need numerous sprays, balms, conditioners with a restoring effect. But all these funds will give only a temporary protective effect.

bright blonde

Another adverse consequence of improper hair bleaching technology at home or in salon conditions may be a decrease in the secretion of the sebaceous glands. As a result, the protective film on the hair follicles disappears, which leads to intense hair loss.

Deplorable results

As it turned out, the wrong approach to bleaching hair can lead to disastrous consequences. If your curls are dear to you, try to use the services of only highly qualified masters of the Expert level, and not the Beginner. The right master will not only conduct the procedure at the highest level, but also give useful recommendations on the use of home or professional hair beauty products.

Which paint is best for bleaching?

First of all, it is worth mentioning that almost any procedure that involves bleaching can be quite painful if the technology is violated. Therefore, if you are not sure that you will cope with this task yourself, trust the professionals.

But if the desire to dye at home is great, you can try bleaching hair with ammonia-free paints, since the harmful effects of their use are minimized. In addition, their effect is much milder than, for example, the salon line of professional tools.

White hair

According to reviews about bleaching hair, one of these colors is Garnier. This choice is explained by the fact that the paint contains wheat and jojoba oils, olive oil extracts that provide gentle care. The components of the paint do an excellent job of protecting against the aggressive effects of an alkaline environment, which is necessary for bleaching.

Color Shine is considered to be a rather good means for coloring, in the composition of which you can find argan oil and cranberry extract. A significant drawback in comparison with other paints is the fact that the lightening will be limited to only a few tones, and the effect will last no more than two to three weeks.

An excellent choice, many consider the paint from L'Oreal. She brilliantly paints over gray hair. In addition, the probability of staying with yellow straw on the head is almost zero. Due to the presence in its composition of the active component of collagen, wheat proteins and a complex of essential oils, the aggressive influence of the alkaline environment is practically neutralized.

The only negative of this tool is its relatively high cost. But if you can afford such a paint, do not save on yourself and use the best option for saving hair. By the way, such a paint is universal, which means that even dark hair can be discolored with it.

Folk remedies

Hair bleaching at home is also quite real, only the result will not always correspond to the desired.

If you want to only lightly lighten your hair, then even folk remedies can perfectly cope with this task, which will additionally have a beneficial effect on the condition of your curls in general.

Means number 1 in this list is an ordinary pharmacy chamomile. The use of chamomile is very simple: you need to brew 30 grams of flowers in a glass of boiling water. The resulting broth before straining should be infused, so it is advisable to cover the glass with a lid and insist for half an hour. After this procedure, it is necessary to strain the liquid and pour into a small amount of warm water, which is used to rinse the curls after washing. By the way, to consolidate the effect, you can not wash the broth from the head.

If you want to dye your hair a golden honey color, you can use turmeric or saffron. To do this, take two spoons of one of the spices, dissolve them in water, put the solution on a small fire, bring to a boil, but do not boil.

long hair

Next, the broth should be insisted for half an hour, and then thoroughly moisten their hair with it. For convenience, the curls can be twisted into a bundle and covered with plastic wrap on top. The mask should be kept on your head for half an hour, then rinse with regular shampoo. That's just with dark hair, such manipulations will not work.

Other bleaching methods

Let's consider other options.

  1. Powder for bleaching hair (or powder for lightening) brightens the pigment of the hair or individual strands. The action of the product provides clarification up to 7-8 tones. Suitable for both natural light brown shades and painted dark shades. Since this tool has a rather aggressive effect on the structure of the hair, it should not be used at home. Only an experienced master, versed in the technique of applying and diluting pigments, will stain taking into account the initial shade and condition of the curls.
  2. Cream for bleaching hair is often chosen by ladies who love comfort. The product is very easy to apply, it is not necessary to mix the components, there is no danger of mistaking the proportions and causing damage to hair and skin. The components of the product gently act without coloring everything around. However, it is rarely applied to the hair on the head, many prefer to use it to bleach the hair on the face or hands. Its effect is not so effective - about 1-2 tones - but it helps to hide unwanted hair on the body.
  3. Discoloration of hair with hydrogen peroxide is one of the most affordable ways to โ€œthrow offโ€ several tones. When using this tool, oxygen combines with the coloring pigment and triggers a chemical reaction that helps lighten the natural color of the pigment melanin. Lightening hair in this way is usually carried out before dyeing to further brighten the shade.

Staining tips

The process of dyeing hair after bleaching is the same as normal. It is only necessary to take into account the fact that your hair will need a little respite due to the aggressive influence of the alkaline environment on each hair.

hair bleach at home

The best option is to completely abandon the use of cosmetic procedures on the hair for several weeks. An excellent care for this period will be the use of home masks that will allow each hair to find a new life. So, you can restore the hair, get rid of a lifeless dull color and fragility for a while.

Hair bleaching is a decisive step that needs to be carefully considered. If you really want to - do it, but do not forget about the health of your hair.


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