"ArtPostel": customer reviews and photos

The right choice of bed linen is very important for a comfortable and deep sleep. The quality of sleep and the time spent in the bedroom determines how our day will go. That is why the choice of bed linen should be approached very carefully. The materials from which the products are made must be natural, without artificial additives. This will avoid the occurrence of various allergic reactions and rashes.

In the market for sleep products, you can find bedding of more than one hundred different brands. Each manufacturer is in a hurry to assure a potential buyer of the uniqueness of their products, convinces that it is the product of this brand that has all the necessary qualities for a comfortable sleep and rest.

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Trademark "ArtPostel" reviews has good. And during its existence, the linen of the famous brand was preferred by millions of people from all over the vast country. The demand for ArtPostel products is associated with high quality materials and affordable prices.

About the manufacturer

The ArtPostel factory has been manufacturing sleep products for seven years, the ArtDesign factory, the history of which began more than twenty years ago. Today the company is a large textile holding. It includes production facilities of the latest generation, a logistics base, and own retail outlets. The factory has its own design studio, which develops ideas for the design of bed linen and other products for the home.

The products of the famous company are in demand not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries - Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.

Bed linens, like other products of the brand, are made on the most modern equipment using innovative production technologies. Employees of the factory "Art Design" regularly improve their qualifications and professional skills.

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Materials of manufacture

Linen for sleeping "ArtPostel" is made of various materials.

  1. One of the most popular fabrics for sewing bed linen "ArtPostel" is poplin. Customer reviews confirm this. The popularity of the material is due to its softness and pleasant to the touch texture. Poplin is characterized by increased strength and density, practically does not crease. The fabric is completely hypoallergenic and airtight. It perfectly retains heat. That is why poplin bedding is in demand in the cold season.
  2. Satin is a durable cotton material. It is popular among consumers due to its excellent characteristics. Outwardly resembles silk. Despite the very low cost, satin looks beautiful and presentable.
  3. Coarse calico is a practical fabric, the main advantages of which are environmental friendliness and high wear resistance. Linen from ArtPostel coarse calico reviews is positive, due to the fact that it does not need additional care, does not stretch and does not sit down after washing and for a long time retains its original appearance. Coarse calico absorbs moisture well and retains heat. The cost of the material is lower than that of the above fabrics.
  4. Knitwear - soft-touch fabric used to make bedding for children.

A potential buyer of ArtPostel products can choose the fabric that will meet precisely his requirements and needs.


On the market of products for sleeping, one can purchase ArtPostel sets of linen in the following sizes and configurations:

  • one and a half;
  • double;
  • double with "Euro";
  • "Euro";
  • family;
  • childrenโ€™s.
artpost bedding reviews

The size of bed linen for one and half beds is 150 * 215 centimeters. The similar value of double products is 180 * 220. In such sets there is a Euro sheet, the size of which is 220 * 215. For linen of the Family category, the size of the sheet is 220 * 215. The width of both duvet covers included in the set is 145 * 215. The size of pillowcases in all sets the same - 70 * 70 centimeters.


All products have standard equipment: a sheet, two pillowcases and one duvet cover. For "ArtPostel" laundry belonging to the "Family" category, the set includes two items for a blanket. If necessary, you can purchase an additional item for a standard set of bed linen.

Main advantages

The demand for and reviews about ArtPostel bedding is primarily due to a number of product advantages:

  • Affordable price, the value of which is the minimum retail price.
  • Quality assurance. All ArtPostel products have all the necessary certificates. Even at the production stage, products undergo the most stringent quality control. Brand-name bedding has many awards at textile exhibitions.
  • A huge range of products allows a potential buyer to choose the most suitable design based on their personal needs and requirements. Even the most fastidious person will be able to choose a set of bed linen to their taste.
  • The opportunity to purchase linen and other products of the brand "ArtPostel" on the official website on the Internet at the best price.
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The companyโ€™s website contains a complete catalog of products. Resource navigation is simple and accessible to everyone.

"ArtPostel": reviews about bedding

Users respond well about all products of the ArtPostel trademark. The average rating for bedding on a five-point scale is 4.2.

Consumers note high wear resistance of the material, good performance. According to people who have preferred brand products, underwear retains its presentation for at least two years. Some say that after buying clothes may seem tough. To soften the fabric, customers are advised to use conditioners and special gels during washing.

A huge advantage, according to consumers, is an affordable price and a wide range of products. All seams are even and neat, properly processed, do not creep during washing, the quality of the fabrics of which the linen is made is high. Buyers consider the ArtPostel wide assortment of fabrics to be a great advantage. Reviews about bedding from poplin are the most positive. Buyers like the softness of the material and texture. The demand for fabric is due to high wear resistance. Poplin practically does not crease, looks stylish and presentable.

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Many note that they prefer not only sets of underwear, but also related products of the brand. Users leave feedback about the ArtPostel pillows, in which they report that the pillows are very comfortable, they have a good night's sleep, and the down products are placed in special covers. This prevents the filler from escaping outward.

From the reviews of ArtPostel blankets, it is clear that the products have a small weight, they take up little space in the closet. In the assortment of the brand there are also blankets with sheep's down, filled with bamboo and eucalyptus.

In reviews of ArtPostel bedspreads, users say that the price category of products depends on the material of manufacture. The range of bedspreads is huge, as is the selection of bedding sets.

When buying bedding and other brand products, consumers are advised to ask sellers for documents confirming the authenticity of the products, or to purchase their desired items on the company's official website. This will reduce the risk of buying fake goods whose quality is poor.


One of the advantages of ArtPostel bedding, along with high quality materials and tailoring, is affordable cost. One and a half set of products can be purchased on average for 1200-1500 rubles. For double beds, linen can be bought for 1500-1800 rubles.

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The average price of Euro sets ranges from 1600 to 2000 rubles. Bed linen from the "Family" category can be purchased in stores of goods for sleeping for 1800-2500 rubles. At some points of sale, the cost may differ from the indicated figures up or down.

Where to get

You can buy products for sleep and relaxation in almost any retail store of household goods. The Internet also has the opportunity to purchase bedding "ArtPostel", reviews of which confirm the high quality of goods on the official website of the brand.

Instead of a conclusion

Received recognition among consumers not only in Russia and the neighboring countries, bed linen and other products of the brand "ArtPostel". The reviews of people who have opted for products of the specified brand confirm this. Products meet all European standards and are manufactured on the most modern equipment.

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In the market for sleep products, other products of the famous brand are also in demand. The main advantages of ArtPostel products are affordable cost, high quality and environmental friendliness of materials. Bed linen is made from 100% cotton. This minimizes the risk of allergic reactions and the appearance of any irritations and rashes. And the abundance of colors and the color scheme of the sets will not leave anyone indifferent. Even the most capricious buyer will be able to choose a product to his taste and color.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34143/

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