Dutch greenhouses: description, device, features, photos

Today, Dutch greenhouse technology is one of the best in the world. In such buildings, you can grow quite large volumes of vegetables, berries, fruits and flowers, and the design features allow you to get the maximum yield from one plant. In our country, this technology is only beginning to gain momentum, but most farmers are rather flattering about greenhouses made according to Dutch standards. More information about this can be found in our article.

What is a Dutch greenhouse?

Growing vegetables and fruits in greenhouse conditions has long been a commonplace, but it was the Dutch designs that served as the starting point for business development in many countries of our world. Without exaggeration, such structures can be called the best, but their use will be justified only on a large scale. That is why the construction of the Dutch greenhouse, the photo of which can be found in the next section, is most advisable to carry out in large areas, and not in a private compound.

Dutch greenhouse.

The advantages of greenhouses from the Netherlands are their durability, since the highest quality materials are used in the construction process. For example, a metal frame provides structural reliability even in the harshest conditions with strong winds. Durable coating allows you not to be afraid of a large hail. And reliable insulating qualities provide the farmer with confidence that the crop is safe.

Design Features

As mentioned earlier, the frame of Dutch industrial greenhouses is made exclusively of metal parts, since this material is highly reliable and durable. As a rule, a rectangular metal pipe with a section of 60 by 40 millimeters is used in the construction process. The upper trusses are brewed from thinner iron, since their main task is to fix the structure in one place, and the main load falls on the beams.

The design of the Dutch greenhouse.

As for the coating, then everything is extremely simple - cellular polycarbonate is the only right solution for the construction of the roof and walls of the greenhouse. Depending on the type of roof (bent, gable and so on), problems with the removal of precipitation may occur. To do this, it is customary to equip greenhouses with a special metal gutter, along which the liquid flows into the designated place.

Inside, the structure is insulated with glass wool, especially at the joints of polycarbonate sheets and the contact of the walls with the ground. Particularly enterprising farmers create condensate drains inside, which take their origin from the ceiling of the greenhouse, after which they move towards the water tank for irrigation. Well, or as an alternative, you can use a special gun that drains the room. Although this equipment is quite expensive.

The advantages of Dutch designs

Have you decided to start growing roses in a Dutch greenhouse? To begin with, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the main list of advantages of such a design so that you can not worry about the danger that your expensive flowers are in danger. It looks approximately as follows:

  • light penetrates through polycarbonate in a sufficiently large amount;
  • the size of the structure allows you to grow any crops inside
  • greenhouses are equipped with protection from strong winds.

In addition, on an industrial scale, you can equip your greenhouse with almost any automatic system: drip irrigation, additional lighting, water heating, warm beds and so on.

The disadvantages of Dutch greenhouses

Water for a Dutch greenhouse.

There were no pronounced flaws in the Dutch designs. However, do not forget that such greenhouses are most suitable for industrial production, since the cost of their construction will be very serious. If you decide to put a greenhouse in your garden, then it is best to give preference to the classic version of the boards and film. In many regions, the construction of such facilities is funded by the state, so you can return most of the funds for the construction (300 rubles per square meter). Well, as a greenhouse for large scale, the Dutch version is best suited.


Ventilation in Dutch greenhouses.

In the summer, any greenhouse should be well ventilated, especially when it comes to construction in the warm regions of the country. To do this, you will have to make special ventilation frames at a fairly high height (about 6 meters). This is one of the main features of Dutch greenhouses. Even if you make twice as many windows in a conventional design, but at a low height, ventilation will still not be as effective as in Dutch greenhouses, because the air speed is reduced due to plants that interfere with the normal flow of air inside. In addition, hot air, as you know, all the time tends to up.

Irrigation system

Drop watering for cucumbers.

The irrigation system in Dutch greenhouses is fully automated and is based on special tapes that fall on the beds. Water is supplied using a water tower located in the center of the building or using a special pump that is connected to a computer. Also, in a tank with water, there is usually a special department for fertilizing. Water is mixed with useful elements in the right amount, and then sent through main pipes to drip tapes. By the way, holes in such tapes are placed every 30 centimeters, so plants will have to be planted after 30, 60 or 90 centimeters so that water gets under the root, and unnecessary holes are simply sealed with adhesive tape for a while.


The shading grid.

Have you decided to start growing strawberries in a greenhouse using Dutch technology? Then you will have to take care of additional shading in the hot season, since excess sunlight can negatively affect this crop (the berries will simply bake in the sun, not having time to grow to the right size. Therefore, it is recommended to shade the greenhouse from the inside using a special shading net for the summer) . For this, it is necessary to put several wire lines under the polycarbonate even at the construction stage, in order to then hang the shading material on it. Well, by autumn, you can simply remove it so that the plants again enjoy a lot of light.


As for additional lighting, it is most needed for young plants and seedlings. If your greenhouse has a special department for growing seedlings, then most of the fluorescent lamps must be located there. However, several light sources should also be hung over adult cultures (at least every 5-6 meters). Such actions will allow you to grow berries and vegetables even in the winter season, without fear for the fact that there is not enough light for the fruit to set.

As you can see, Dutch greenhouses are high-tech facilities in which almost all the main systems are automated, and harvesting can be carried out throughout the year. However, the construction of such a construction can cost quite a large amount, so the technology is most suitable for professional farmers.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34148/

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