Hair Masks At Home - Fast, Convenient And No Need To Go Anywhere

Masks are one of the most important hair care products. They perfectly nourish and effectively deal with imperfections. Making hair masks at home is very simple. First, you need to determine what goal you want to achieve, and based on this, select the necessary components of the mask.

Properly prepared homemade masks for hair growth stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, causing hair follicles to become more active.

There are several proven recipes that will help hair growth:
β€’ Mustard mask.
A glass of kefir mixed with two yolks and a spoonful of mustard. Apply the mask to the strands. For a better effect, keep at least an hour. Then rinse with water. Reuse the mask during the month once a week.
Such a mask not only promotes hair growth, but also intensively nourishes them.
β€’ Protein mask.
Mix two beks with a glass of beer. Spread the mask over the strands, starting from the roots. Wrap the hair with cellophane and cover with a towel. After an hour, you can rinse.

Homemade masks from hair loss will help strengthen hair . You can make them in several ways:
β€’ Castor mask.
Mix alcohol and castor oil in equal proportions. Apply to hair and rinse off after half an hour. Use this mask once a week for two months.
β€’ Yogurt mask.
Mix natural yogurt with yolk. Apply this mask to the strands and rinse off after half an hour.
β€’ Onion mask.
In the gruel of onions, add a decoction of oak bark. Apply the mask to the hair. Rinse off after a quarter hour.

Dry curls need special care. To moisturize them, you can prepare the following hair masks at home:
β€’ Horseradish mask.
Mix a spoonful of sour cream with an equal amount of vegetable oil. Add the horseradish pulp. Apply the mask to your hair, cover your head with cellophane and a towel on top. After half an hour, rinse off the mask with shampoo.
β€’ Honey mask.
Beat one protein, and in a separate container, grind the yolk with a spoon of honey. First apply the protein, and then the mixture of honey with the yolk. Keep an hour, then rinse using shampoo.
β€’ Olive mask.
Add lemon juice to two tablespoons of olive oil. You need to keep such a mask on your hair for half an hour.

If the hair quickly becomes oily, prepare hair masks at home that normalize the pH level:
β€’ Apricot mask.
Pound the pulp of apricots and add a little yogurt. Lubricate the hair with the mixture and rinse off after a quarter of an hour.
β€’ Yeast mask.
Stir a spoonful of yeast with warm boiled water. Add whipped protein. Apply the mask to the hair and hold until completely dry. Then rinse off.
β€’ Bread mask.
Pour boiled water with rye bread. After softening, mash it and wipe through cheesecloth 2-3 times. Spread the mask over the strands and rinse off after an hour.
β€’ Ginger mask.
Grated ginger mix with sesame oil in a ratio of 1: 2. Apply the mask to the hair and rinse off after half an hour.

For normal curls that are not subject to excessive dryness or greasy, prepare nutritious hair masks at home:
β€’ Peach mask.
Grind the peach pulp and add warmed peach oil to it . Rub the mask into the scalp and distribute along the entire length of the strands. After an hour, you can wash off the product.
β€’ Potato mask.
Grate fresh peeled potatoes on a grater. Pour yogurt or yogurt into the pulp. Hold the mask for an hour, and then comb the strands and rinse with water.
β€’ Mask with aloe.
Mix a spoonful of aloe juice and honey. Add one yolk. Keep the mask on your hair for half an hour, and then rinse with water.

Indulge your curls with a home mask, and they will again become beautiful and obedient. The natural components of the masks not only take care of the appearance of the hair, but also enrich them with all the necessary vitamins.


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