Topping a tomato in a greenhouse: when and what to fertilize?

Foliar top dressing tomato
In some Russian regions, the most optimal conditions for growing tomatoes are greenhouse. There they grow better and delight in large crops. However, this is a very time-consuming task, because if you do not take appropriate measures in time, this culture is much more often affected by diseases.

As a rule, there is usually enough heat for vegetables in greenhouse conditions, so feeding tomato in the greenhouse requires main attention .

Sometimes tomatoes grow well, but they do not bloom for a long time. They only intensively develop stepchildren. In this case, such fertilizing a tomato in a greenhouse as phosphoric and potash will help. In some cases, wood ash also works well at the rate of half a glass for each bush.

Topping a tomato in a greenhouse
Most of all, fertilizing tomatoes in a greenhouse is necessary during the flowering period and during the formation of fruits. There are frequent cases when there is an abundance of fruits on the bushes, but they do not ripen.

To speed up the process of browning, many resort to such a procedure as foliar top dressing of a tomato. For this, superphosphate is used. The composition is prepared as follows: forty grams of the substance (or approximately two matchboxes) are dissolved in one liter of hot water, left for a day, and then diluted with nine liters of water. Many are interested in the question of how to recognize what the tomatoes lack and how to help them.

I must say that sometimes even experts are at a loss to answer this question. If the bush is large, there are a lot of dark green leaves on it, then this means that fertilizing the tomato in the greenhouse was done with fresh manure and it’s not worth it to water it further.

Tomatoes in the greenhouse

And it happens the other way around: a bush grows poorly, it has pale leaves. In this case, you need to use nitrogen fertilizers - urea, nitrate, and better in combination.

Often a purple hue appears on the seedlings or on the trunk. This is due to a lack of phosphorus. Although usually it is in the soil, however, for some reason, it is poorly absorbed. If there is too much phosphorus in the soil, then the leaves on the bushes begin to turn yellow or curl. This means that the next feeding of tomatoes in the greenhouse should not contain this element.

The first feeding of tomatoes in the greenhouse

In general, growing vegetables in greenhouse conditions implies the existence of a certain calendar, which indicates the periods of work, including the introduction of fertilizers

The first top dressing of a tomato in a greenhouse is carried out on the eighth day after planting. Bushes under the root are watered with mullein solution at the rate of one part of fertilizer per ten parts of water. The flow rate of the solution is calculated from the ratio of one liter per bush. Root watering requires care not to erode the soil.

The next feeding is needed only after twenty days. In addition to the mullein solution, the β€œZavyaz” biostimulant sold in agricultural stores is also used.

Greenhouse tomatoes

Many experienced vegetable growers believe that the second top dressing of tomatoes in greenhouses, in addition to mullein, should contain potassium and magnesium sulfates , as well as boric acid.
At the beginning of the process of mass ovaries, the tomatoes are sprayed with a solution consisting of water with milk, boric acid, iodine and soda ash.


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