Deep poem analysis. Balmont "Verbosity"

Konstantin Balmont at one time was incredibly popular. Especially his poems were fond of the younger generation, prone to analysis and reflection. Balmont's works are filled with romanticism and lyricism, they are imbued with tenderness and youthful longing. This poet belonged to the number of Symbolists, to whom Alexander Blok included himself. In many ways, the analysis of the poem helps to recognize the main idea of ​​the work. Balmont "Verbosity" wrote with a special mood. He shows the reader a Russian soul, prone to experience spleen and depression. The lines are literally imbued with a secret sadness with which the poet announces to the world his presence.

Verbosity (Balmont)

Analysis according to the plan is effective, it allows you not to miss anything and highlight the most significant details. The main idea of ​​the text is what the whole narrative is aimed at. Its selection is facilitated by a deep, thoughtful analysis of the poem. Balmont “Verbally” wanted to show the soul’s search for the lost “I”, this is an unsuccessful attempt at self-knowledge. The lyrical hero yearns for himself and his own potential, which has not yet been fully revealed. That is why there is no satisfaction in the heart, and a feeling of fullness does not visit. Loneliness is the central problem of the work. This state seems to the lyrical hero as comprehensive and limitless, and therefore a chilling feeling of hopelessness appears.

poem analysis balmont verse

One can hardly find such pathos as those written by Balmont (“Verbosity”). The story of the creation of the poem itself shows the hopelessness itself, the inability to take decisive steps to change the situation. Inaction manifests itself literally in everything: from the impossibility of the lyrical hero to resist the laws of this world to the ringing silence spilled in nature.

The image of the main character

The lyrical hero of Konstantin Balmont is immersed in himself; he is burdened with sad thoughts and thoughts about life. The disappointing truth to which he comes hurts him much more than the experiences associated with the state of nature. He is not confident in himself, unable to appreciate his own prospects, does not see a way out.

balmont verbosity creation story

He can be called a hopeless romantic, dreaming of finding his place in the world and discovering his belonging to nature. Looking at the world around him, he yearns, contemplates his own state.

Image of silence

Nature at Balmont personifies the Russian character, a mysterious soul that cannot be comprehended by the mind, but only by the heart. This gives rise to a penchant for reflection, a typical national spleen that accompanies deep and important rethinking. Silence is spread in nature - this is the last hour, minutes before dawn. The state of the world is marked by secrecy.

vermin balmont analysis according to plan

Nature seems to be in its own cocoon, allowing it to hide from prying eyes. Here comes the famous metaphor of Balmont: feelings are hidden, the restraint of their manifestations. The central image of silence is exalted to the limit - it envelops the entire visible space, and the analysis of the poem helps this vision. Balmont, “Verbosity” show the reader a mysterious Russian soul, which does not find understanding and reassurance.

Instead of a conclusion

This lyrical work is one of the most beloved and recognizable in Russian poetry of the Silver Age. Especially his lines are painfully understandable to young people. They excite the soul, make the heart tremble sweetly with delight and a feeling of closeness of everything that happens. Reading these lines, as if you are starting to live independently everything that is said in them. This is why a poem analysis is needed. The Balmont “Verbosity” shows the attitude of an individual person to the world, to himself, to his abilities.


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