Why does a person work? Arguments for work

You probably heard the saying: "He who does not work does not eat." Sigmund Freud, in turn, argued that the main life goals of a person are to love and work. Labor is really necessary for humanity. And it's not just about making money. In today's article, we will discuss why a person works and what gives him work other than money.

Financial independence

labor activity

Of course, the main driving force that makes us work is the eternal need for money. And as you know, there are not many of them. There is always something for which to strive to earn more - new shoes, a high-quality sofa of an expensive brand or apartment renovation.

At the same time, psychologists argue that labor achievement means for many people much more than pay. Others value their own value in monetary terms. That is, they cost as much as they earn. This is fundamentally the wrong approach, which devalues ​​a person as a person. After all, having lost a high salary, he literally becomes nothing. This trend is laid back in childhood, when parents evaluate the child according to their actions: removed toys - a good boy, did not remove - a bad one. And he learns that the assessment of his affairs is an assessment of his personality.

Self-realization is important!

team worker

Self-realization is possible only if you love your work - this is a fact. But it is not necessary for this to hold a leadership position. Some work as full-time teachers, refusing a higher-paid head teacher position. Why? Because a person feels in his place. He constantly communicates with people, discovers new facets within himself, feels that this is not the limit of his personal growth. Yes, yes, it is personal, not career. That's why a person works. Because climbing the career ladder does not always make him happy. It is not necessary to engage in creative activities. For some, creativity is expressed in writing books, for someone - in calculations and numbers. Confucius said:

Choose a profession that you love and you won’t have to work a day in your life.

Opportunity to escape

From whom or from what? From yourself, from quarrels with your loved one, from depression? Each answer is unique and individual. During work, we are immersed in a completely different world, which allows us to temporarily forget about problems. Yes, most of us work for the boss, and not for ourselves, but this does not prevent us from devoting ourselves entirely to the work. On the one hand, it is fraught with emotional burnout, on the other hand, it makes it possible to feel needed. Hemingway said:

Work is the main thing in life. You can find one deliverance from all troubles, from all troubles - in work.

Communication with society

While working, each of us communicates with different people. The need for regular contact with society is difficult to overestimate. Remote work robs us of this vital aspect of life. Communication skills develop only with regular practice, but are quickly lost in its absence. Communicating, we (again!) Feel ourselves to be part of society, which is very important for internal harmony and self-esteem. That’s why a person needs to work. The argument is irrefutable, agree.

friends and work

Feel right

Why does a person work? Each of us wants to feel necessary, necessary. And not only to relatives, to whom we are important a priori, but also to society as a whole. Thus, we feel part of this world, though not ideal, but native. That's why a person works.

The need to be needed is expressed in all aspects of our life: in work, study, relationships. It is noteworthy that this need should be moderate, otherwise a person has a need for constant someone else's approval.

We need recognition

career ladder

It is important for us that the work we do brings some benefit to society. If a person’s labor is constantly criticized, and achievements are not noticed, his hands will gradually drop. He feels unnecessary and worthless. But a few approving words can inspire a tired employee.

Psychoanalyst Helene Vecchali claims that recognition satisfies our deep need to feel needed, as we discussed above. That's why people work a lot. It is important for everyone to feel like a full member of a society that contributes to its development. Self-esteem is impossible without public recognition, that’s why a person needs to work in society, says Helen.

Feeling of constancy

Even an extremely fickle person seeks reliability and stability. It is the work that makes it possible to accustom oneself to self-discipline. You noticed how in the morning you don’t feel like waking up too early, how difficult it is to force yourself to go somewhere. However, it is worthwhile to come and surrender to the workflow, as all these annoying nuances are forgotten. Because labor gives us a sense of stability, it teaches self-discipline.

Competition is a way to work more efficiently

employee competition

“Colleagues are our reference group,” says psychologist Natalya Tumashkova, “and therefore the feedback we receive from them is so important.” A person spends more time with colleagues than with friends, and sometimes even with family. A good team is considered a gift of fate, because at work people (especially women) often share their feelings and problems. And they often get the emotional support they need.

The competitive component is also important. Many work better when there is someone to compete with. It’s not interesting to work without an opponent, says Natalya.

In teamwork, a synergy effect arises. That is, the whole works much more productively than the individual components. Collective emotions that arise when solving certain tasks are incredibly valuable.

But is a person worth working all his life? What for? Indeed, with age, vigorous activity no longer causes enthusiasm and a surge of energy. But remember, movement is life. And the more we move, the longer we live. Therefore, do not lock yourself in four walls after retirement.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34162/

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