"Van Gogh" - a cocktail that gives a festive mood

Fans of mixing drinks have probably already managed to appreciate how good Van Gogh is - a cocktail (see photo below) that can amuse even a misanthrope and also knock down the most stable person. However, if you limit yourself to one glass, you can stop at the first stage. Convinced teetotalers should also try this club drink - at least in order to know what they scold.

van gogh cocktail

Creation legends

Among the active participants in the city’s nightlife, a myth developed that the hellish mixture had once been composed by Van Gogh himself: the cocktail, he says, was his favorite drink and inspired artistic exploits during creative crises. Narrators agree that the taste of the drink in those days was different, because the components included in it were different, but the principle itself remained the same.

The legend is beautiful, but unlikely. As you know, the painter died in poverty. It is unlikely that he had “every day” funds for the purchase of elite alcohol. On the other hand, maybe the artist was treated by fans of his talent ...

cocktail van gogh recipe

Cocktail Van Gogh: recipe

Let's turn to the creation of a stunning alcohol. First, consider the drink most often served in nightclubs called Van Gogh. A cocktail, the composition of which does not differ in the richness of ingredients, by the way, is very popular. After all, he is notable for his "destructive power." Serve the cocktail in a narrow glass on a long thin leg. One hundred milliliters of good champagne and 20 - absinthe are poured into it. The bottom line is to observe the order of pouring: if you first pour absinthe, it will dissolve poorly in "pop", and the taste will turn out to be different. And for beauty and showiness, a cocktail cherry is added to the glass.

Vincent van gogh

It will be a slightly milder “Van Gogh”: the cocktail, again, contains absinthe, but champagne was excluded from it, replacing it with other components. Moreover, the authors of the composition assure that the recipe is correct, since the cocktail is not just called “Van Gogh”, but the name of the artist is also added here. Moreover, a shaker is required for its preparation. There are poured 20 grams of absinthe, ten - raspberry liquor and five - cranberry and lemon juice. The drinks are shaken with ice, after which the cocktail is filtered in a glass.

van gogh cocktail composition

"Van Gogh Garden"

Here, the inventors of the recipe do not directly claim the name of the great Dutchman, they only “draw up” his leisure time. Legends with a cocktail is not connected. But it exists much longer than the club "Van Gogh" - a cocktail that appeared relatively recently. To create a “Garden”, two circles of peeled cucumber and kiwi are kneading right in the glass. Sugar syrup (30 ml) is poured into the porridge and mixed. Then ice is put in, absinthe is poured in - also a stack of 30 ml - and soda is added to the volume of your choice. As a decoration, a kiwi circle is used, mounted on the side of the glass.

Alternative Van Gogh

This is little known in Russia, but Van Gogh is very popular in Israel. Cocktail, in contrast to those already described, dispenses with absinthe. But it includes a whole bunch of other ingredients. So, a blender is taken and half filled with ice. Then a pound of vanilla ice cream, 30 grams of chocolate mousse and ten - whipped cream are put there. The alcoholic components are: 60 milliliters of Irish Cream liqueur, the same volume of Frangelico liqueur and 120 ml of Van Gogh double espresso vodka. And if liqueurs, if desired, can be replaced with others that are similar in taste, but more affordable, then vodka should be only the specified brand. Otherwise, the cocktail loses the right to a name.

We suggest you start testing with the first recipe and compare the drink with the others on the list. It seems that by the end of the tasting the taster himself will be very cheerful!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34178/

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