How to calculate the turnover rate

Many companies today consider high personnel turnover to be one of their most pressing problems. Therefore, the ability to manage this phenomenon in the enterprise is considered very important. To do this, you must learn to identify the causes of staff turnover. It is also necessary to maintain statistics and take appropriate measures in a timely manner.

When a company has a high staff turnover rate, there is a need for a constant search for a replacement for outgoing employees, adaptation and training of newcomers. Important aspects such as the continuity and safety of commercial information, enterprises also begin to acquire a problematic nature and require a solution.

As a result, the formation of the image of the company, which will characterize it as an employer on the attractive side, will noticeably become more complicated. No less difficult will be the creation of a favorable psychological climate in the team of the company itself.

Thus, the turnover rate is one of those key indicators that give an idea of ​​how effective the human resources management system is at the enterprise .

However, if you look at personnel turnover from a slightly different angle and imagine its complete absence at the enterprise, you can see that it is this fact that will cause the company to become less competitive due to the absence of any organizational changes. In a word, the company will remain in stagnation.

Staff turnover becomes minimal under favorable working conditions prevailing in the enterprise. It:

  • high profit payment;
  • light load;
  • lack of too high requirements;
  • material costs of the company for staff training.

As a result, people begin to perform work according to a pattern, guided by established professional habits. The possibilities of introducing any innovations are limited.

In this case, the low staff turnover rate becomes an indicator of the fitness of working personnel for a comfortable existence at the enterprise so that it begins to play the role of a β€œweed”, which should be disposed of in time.

Therefore, when forming the personnel potential of the company, the most correct approach would be to choose a middle ground, and the percentage of staff turnover should be justified. In this case, many factors should be taken into account and statistics should be analyzed. It is also necessary to take into account similar information about other companies engaged in similar activities.

For example, many domestic manufacturing companies consider the personnel policy at their enterprises to be successful, focusing on the staff turnover rate, the norm of which is from seven to ten percent. In trade organizations, insurance companies, as well as in catering enterprises, an acceptable level of staff turnover can reach thirty percent.

But how to correctly determine such an important indicator as the turnover rate? Its formula is as follows: the coefficient value is determined by dividing the number of employees who quit (by a certain period of time) by the average staff of the same period. Since this indicator is expressed as a percentage, the result is multiplied by one hundred.

Thus, the turnover rate, which clearly reflects the comfort of work in the company and the principle of management in it, is not only an indicator of corporate culture, but also the result of working with people. All these factors, albeit indirectly, but affect the profit of the enterprise. Therefore, it is very important not only to take these indicators into account, but also to keep them under control.


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