The best cheese producers in Russia

The Russian food embargo has been over three years old. The situation for many related spheres and regions has been mixed, but nevertheless over the past years, even a few worthy domestic food products have appeared on store shelves. Including cheese. Perhaps the most worried for his absence.

To begin with, we will determine some specific nuances regarding this product. It is important to know that the younger the grade of cheese, the easier it is to organize its production, that is, to master the manufacturing technology.

Features of cheese production

In this regard, the middle-sized varieties of burrata, ricotta and mozzarella appeared on the shelves of our stores first. But if you want really high-quality, as well as seasoned cheese, you will have to wait a while. Popular worldwide Parmesan matures at least a year and a half. In addition, cheese makers must use several so-called “harvests” of a single variety to develop technology. It is also worth noting that such fastidious varieties of cheese require significantly higher financial costs than the aforementioned “fast” young products.

cheese producers in Russia

In addition, one cannot but take into account the scourge of all Russian cheese producers - the instability of quality. If you liked some sort of one company, then it is not a fact that in the next batch it will be just as tasty. Similar trends are observed in all food sectors, and not just with cheeses. The problem is treated very simply - the accumulated experience.

The specifics of domestic cheese production

It is also worth taking into account local conditions. In general, the concept of “import substitution” is itself ambiguous, especially in the food sector. Creating an ideal copy of a foreign product is impossible in principle. Our country has a different land, a different climate and other cows than in the same Italy or France.

So, connoisseurs of this wonderful product should know that even with all the technologies, the most serious cheese producers in Russia will make something different from the original - neither better nor worse, but simply delicious cheese with a loud brand label. So true gourmets will have to buy their favorite treat abroad - in the homeland of the product.

The best cheese factories

Below we list the most popular and best cheese producers whose products can be found in Russian stores. For a clearer picture, the list of companies will be presented in the form of a rating.

Rating of cheese producers in Russia:

  1. "Volga cheese".
  2. Lefkadia.
  3. "In Riga farmer."
  4. "Cosa Nostra".
  5. "Maria Koval Cheese Factory".

Consider each participant in more detail.

"Volga cheese"

Judging by the statistics of the autonomous non-profit organization “Russian Quality System” (“Roskachestvo”), TM “Volzhsky Cheeses” is the best producer. Cheese "Arthur", "Volzhanin" and other products are widely in demand in domestic supermarkets and other network points of sale.

Volga cheese

But most of all the plant was distinguished by the release of the noble brand d'Amour. The latter is just a great example of how previously unfamiliar to us French technology was successfully adapted to Russian realities.

In Volgograd, where this cheese producer is located, the climate is completely different from France, but nevertheless the output was more than a decent result. The brend d'amur product has a sharp, slightly harsh, but at the same time rich and distinctly salty taste.


One of the best cheese producers is located in the Crimean region, in the Krasnodar Territory. The company has existed since 2004 and, in addition to food, is engaged in winemaking. Lefkadia is a vast agricultural complex. That is, the local production is organized from and to: the cultivation of cows, goats, as well as vegetables with further processing of the latter.

Lefkady cheese factory

Judging by the responses of Roskachestvo, the noble variety of Camembert cheese became the most successful product of this manufacturer. It can be seen not only on the shelves of local stores, but also throughout Russia, starting with the capital and ending with the northern regions of the Russian Federation.

The taste of camembert turned out to be dense, with tangible nutty notes. The product itself is covered with a thin mold crust, that is, as the original should look. It is also worth noting that the production of this grade is controlled by French specialists.

"In Riga farmer"

This cheese producer is located in the Moscow region in the Istra district. This is a private cheese factory, which in its volume is not inferior to the previous participant in the rating. Here, the whole production process is organized on its own: its cows, its vegetables and good imported equipment.

Riga farmer

A prominent representative of the brand's products are halloumi cheeses, whose homeland is far Crete. The taste practically does not differ from the original: dense, rubbery and creaking on the teeth. In some varieties of this variety, the manufacturer adds flavored mint, which gives the product sophistication and sophistication.

One of the main advantages of this cheese is that it does not melt when heated. That is, it can be safely fried on the grill or in a frying pan before use. Many manufacturers have tried to recreate such specific qualities of halloumi, but the products of “In Riga Farmer” can be called the most accurate “copy”.

"Cosa Nostra"

The main complex of the enterprise is located in the ecologically clean region of Russia in the Taldom region, in the Moscow region. “Cosa Nostra” began its work in 2009 and to this day delights compatriots with quality food, including delicious cheese of different brands.

Cosa Nostra

"Roskachestvo" recognized the most delicious and healthy "Goat cheese in ash." A team of technologists tried to interpret the classic French dish - goat cheese bouche. And judging by consumer reviews, the result is excellent.

The cheese turned out to be sharp, slightly sour, covered with white mold, as well as a layer of food ash. The latter is, in fact, the same activated carbon. That is, here we have a double benefit: a stomach cleansing ash and sour-milk bacteria. True, not everyone can afford to eat such a delicacy every day for breakfast, because the cost of cheese of this brand can not be called democratic.

"Maria Koval Cheese Factory"

This is a fairly large farm, coupled with production, which is located in the vicinity of Yaroslavl. The cheese factory is located on the territory of the Plescheevo Lake reserve, where the air is of exceptional frequency, and the meadows are distinguished by lush flowering.

Maria Koval Cheese Factory

The producer is famous for preparing natural homemade cheese according to the author’s recipes while preserving the ancient Russian traditions. Capacities also inspire respect: modern machines from Europe, an established conveyor and a scrupulous OTK.

The most popular and widely demanded cheese variety from this producer is Russian Roquefort. Russian cheese makers rarely succeed in real blue mold, but at Maria Koval it is very worthy.

Aged Roquefort is a dark yellow cheese with blue and black veins. The product crumbles slightly, and the taste is clearly felt sweet notes. Russian gourmets leave only positive reviews about him. Despite the complicated technological process of preparation, cheese cannot be called so expensive, unlike a similar product from Europe.


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