Bending forward from a sitting position: implementation technique and standards

Leaning forward from a sitting position is one of the most useful and effective exercises for developing flexibility. The main advantage of this movement is that it does not need to use any additional equipment. Leaning forward from a sitting position on the floor can be performed not only in gyms and fitness centers, but also at home. The only thing that is required of you is your desire.

The technique of leaning forward from a sitting position


Before you familiarize yourself with the technique of leaning forward from a sitting position, you first need to find out what benefit this exercise provides. During the implementation of the slopes, blood circulation in the muscles is activated, they gain elasticity and become taut. In addition, the body becomes more plastic and flexible, which in turn improves gait and posture.

Sitting forward bend: standard

Execution technique

Many people believe that leaning forward from a sitting position is a simple movement, the implementation of which does not require a high level of physical fitness. This is not true. Incorrect performance of this exercise will not only not have a positive effect, but also can seriously harm. Beginners who have only recently embarked on a healthy lifestyle should perform this movement very carefully.

Technique for bending forward from a sitting position:

  1. The exercise should begin by checking the pelvis for a range of possible untwisting. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward, bend your knees slightly. Being in this position, try to tighten and untwist the pelvis. Increase the amplitude with each new repetition.
  2. After spinning the pelvis, begin to stretch forward, trying to grab the knees with the ribs.
  3. Let your back stretch forward. Do not try to straighten it, because it is impossible purely anatomically.
  4. As soon as you grasp the feet or lower legs, begin to pull your shoulders off your ears.
  5. Continue to spin the pelvis in an incline, strain your hips, lower your knees as far as possible. This will help you improve your tilt technique.
Technique for bending forward from a sitting position

Leaning forward from a sitting position apart

This option is designed for more experienced athletes who can easily do classic sitting bends.

The exercise is performed as follows:

  1. Take a sitting position. Arms apart and legs apart. Keep your back straight.
  2. Tilt the housing to the left. Bring your left hand back, and extend your right hand forward.
  3. Slowly return to the starting position.
  4. Tilt the housing to the right. Pull the right hand back, and pull the left forward.
  5. Slowly return to the starting position.
Leaning forward from a sitting position apart

Sitting forward bend: standard

The exercise discussed in the article is of interest not only to people who regularly play sports, but also to schoolchildren and students who need to take it in physical education. How does the norm take on leaning forward while sitting? What details should I look for when doing this exercise? What mistakes should not be made when passing the standard? We will now try to figure this out.

To evaluate the result, a special measuring ruler is used. Its middle is taken as "0" (zero). On one side of the center, one centimeter marks are marked with a "+" sign, and on the other - with a "-" sign. Being in a sitting position on the side of the marks with a β€œ-” sign, the student makes two preliminary tilts, sliding his palms of his hands along the marks. After that, he makes the third tilt, lingering in this position for at least 3 seconds. The feet should be at the width of the pelvis and held vertically, the heels should be at the level of "0". If during the exercise the participant bends his legs in the knee joint, his result will not be counted. The final result is fixed at the mark that the student reaches with the tips of closed middle fingers: with a minus sign if he has not reached the zero value of the scale, with a plus sign if he has exceeded this zero value. Measurement accuracy - 1 cm.

Leaning forward from a sitting position on the floor

Bends forward with a bar in a sitting position

Leaning forward from a sitting position with a barbell is an exercise from bodybuilding that is performed to work out the straightening muscles of the spine. The indirect load during its execution is obtained by the gluteal muscles.

Technique of execution:

  1. Install the box in the power frame and lock the stops at the required height. Stand under the bar, putting it on your shoulders (namely on the shoulders, and not on the trapezoid). Connect the shoulder blades, turn your elbows forward, trying to bend the bar.
  2. Remove the shell from the rack, bend the lower back. Do not lower your head and keep it straight. Press your knees and pelvis against the box, holding your back, shoulders and spine, and begin to tilt. The hips should be relaxed. You have taken the starting position.
  3. Hold the bar firmly, bend at the hips as much as your body allows. Set the stops in parallel: this, firstly, will provide you with security, and secondly, it will make it possible to stop in time during the execution of this movement.
  4. Stop when you are slightly above the stops, and then make a movement in the opposite direction until the body is again in a vertical position.

Video lessons

To understand how to properly perform this or that movement, one text instruction will not be enough. It is also important to observe how this exercise is performed from the side. To consolidate the above material, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the thematic training video.

And the technique of performing forward bends with the bar in a sitting position can be seen in the video below.


We would like to end this article with useful tips, thanks to which you can make your sports activities not only effective, but also safe.

  1. Never forget to warm up. Warming up plays an important role in the training of each athlete (and it does not matter how you exercise: with heavy weights in the gym or with your weight at home). During the warm-up, you prepare your muscles, ligaments and joints for subsequent loads, which at times reduces the risk of injury.
  2. Engage in technical skills. Before adding this or that movement to your training plan, make sure that you have studied in detail the technique of its implementation. In addition, for beginners, before starting training, you should also familiarize yourself with contraindications and consult with a specialist.
  3. Do not hurry! This is the main mistake of many beginners. You should not perform an exercise designed for experienced athletes if you have just recently started playing sports.
  4. Train regularly. No matter how trite it may sound, but you will not be able to achieve any results in sports if you spend less time on classes.
Sitting forward bend

Now you know how to properly lean forward from a sitting position, what advantages this exercise has, and what varieties of this movement exist. We hope that the information presented in this article was useful to you and you learned a lot of interesting and informative facts!


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