“Traveler with luggage”: a brief summary, a clear description

Many are familiar with the works of Vladimir Karpovich Zheleznyakov. This "Scarecrow", "Eccentric of 6 B" and others. Films were made based on his works. One of them is the “Traveler with baggage”. Famous actors such as Tatyana Peltzer, Mikhail Pugovkin also starred here. Zheleznyakov wrote The Traveler with Baggage in 1960. Like most of his works, this one is also intended for children. But it will be interesting to read for adults. Someone first learns the plot of the story, others will have a great opportunity to mentally travel to childhood and present themselves in the center of events.

Luggage Traveler Summary
The story “Traveler with luggage” contributes to this. The summary will allow the reader not to spend a lot of time reading the original, but to familiarize himself with the work in a couple of minutes.

Seva goes to Artek

The story is being narrated on behalf of the 12-year-old Sevka. He lives in the virgin state farm "New". When he was only 3 years and 5 months old, he came here with his parents. The boy remembers the days when instead of houses there were only a few tents blown by the winds.

The collective farm was given a ticket to the Artek pioneer camp. After the debate, it was decided to give it to Vsevolod. Maybe because he was the "old-timer" of the village, or because the boy did not have a father. Rather, he was, but had long since left for Moscow in search of an easy life. Therefore, Seva and mother lived together. The boy secretly hoped to meet his father and talk with him. But while he goes on a journey. This is how the “Luggage Traveler” begins, a brief summary of which we are considering.

The road to Moscow

Zheleznyakov traveler with luggage

From Tselina to Simferopol trains did not run. It was necessary to make a transplant in Moscow. The children were put in a carriage, and the journey began. Seva met a boy named Helium.

He liked the pioneer leader Natasha right away. She did not allow only to get off the train, but then allowed to make noise. So the guys happily reached Moscow. Natasha announced that their train to Simferopol will leave only after 8 hours, and for now they will go sightseeing in the capital. But Seva, the “traveler with luggage,” decided not to do this; a brief summary will tell about his adventures in Moscow.

The boy had already developed a plan in advance, because his dad lived in Moscow, so he wanted to meet with him. It was inconvenient to come without a gift. And Seva for 2 rubles bought a beautiful vase with cocks.

Adventures in the capital

The boy figured out how to break away from the pioneer squad. He pretended to tie a string, and quietly went to the other side. Seva was nearly taken to the police, as he forgot to buy a ticket for a trolley bus. The driver stood up for him, everything ended happily.

story traveler with luggage

The teenager had his father's address, but when he arrived in that area, he did not have the right house. The child was told that all tenants were given new apartments. Seva found out the address in the information desk and hurried to his father. There is a tense moment that can be seen in the movie “The Traveler with Baggage”. The summary will tell about it not so emotionally. The child almost got under the car! But the driver cursed only because of a scratch on the car.

Seva came to his father, but he did not recognize him. The boy did not explain to someone who had already become a stranger who he was, but went to Kursky Station to go to Artek. The story “Traveler with baggage” ends just like that.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C3421/

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