Active points on the legs. Everyone needs to massage feet!

The feet of a person are a kind of mirror reflecting the state of organs. They contain a large number of nerve endings associated with the bone marrow. Even during the time of Avicenna, records appeared that certain points on the legs are responsible for specific organs, the feet are full of such points. Scientists of that time proved in practice that, using a special massage technique, one can achieve excellent well-being and increase vitality.

Points on the feet

Moreover, if when massaging the foot you feel pain in a specific area, then you can identify problems in the body much earlier than their manifestation and take appropriate measures.

If you care about the overall health of the body, then doctors recommend that you keep it in a constant tone. Walk barefoot on the ground, on pebbles. If not, it will be replaced by peas or small chestnuts. Various devices are widely used and very effective, which stimulate points on the feet, especially Lyapko's applicator. Its design involves needles containing copper, silver, zinc, nickel and iron, useful to the body.

Points on the feet
Massaging the correct points on the feet, feet in particular, you can bring your body in full order.

The treatment of diseases through exposure to points is a very long process that requires patience and time. Only those who can approach the issue with all due responsibility and complete the full course of treatment can succeed.

Foot feet (active points on it in particular) before massage should be well steamed or specially kneaded. The back side is prepared for the session by rubbing, vibration and point impacts for 2-3 minutes. Soles and fingers - in the same way, at the end adding passive movements for 1-2 minutes. Only observing these simple rules can guarantee that a conceived event will succeed.

Activating the corresponding point on the feet (whether it is the foot or not, it does not matter) will help to solve a specific problem. This technique has been successfully used to treat headaches and toothaches. Certain manipulations even reduce the temperature.

Foot feet active points

Massage should be carried out in circular pressing movements, reminiscent of the course of the drill. If during the exercise you feel discomfort, which manifests itself in the form of burning, pain, numbness or aches, then this means that you are on the right track.

But remember that a trip to the doctor does not replace the massage of every point on the legs. Feet, of course, are rich in active zones, but this is not a panacea. This measure will only help relieve pain effects and improve the general condition, but the problem can only be solved with the help of an integrated approach, which includes a visit to a specialist, purchase of medicines and an appropriate course of treatment. Only in this way will it be possible to completely get rid of the ailment.

On the other hand, the massage procedure helps to relax and makes the internal organs be in an active state, which not only prevents possible relapses, but also increases your tone. Such a healing massage is one of the keys to longevity and a healthy lifestyle.


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