Black hair with red strands: a description with a photo, a palette of colors of red and black, the choice of hair dye, dyeing technique, features and nuances of hair care after coloring

The owners of black hair have little choice for the transformation. But this does not mean that you need to constantly stay in the same image or radically change the color. Stylists advise in this situation to play with highlights, giving the desired tone to the strands. This can be done by highlighting or by coloring the ends.

For several seasons, at the peak of popularity, bright, saturated shades. One of the most popular is red, because it does not look as defiant as, for example, blue or green. The combination of black hair with red strands to some extent can even be attributed to the classics. When deciding on such a bold step, be prepared for the fact that this color will always attract the attention of others. From the article you will learn what coloring methods exist, how to choose the right red color, and to whom it may not work.

Change the shade of hair

Dyeing is one of the most popular ways to change the image, and the presence of red color on the hair can be attributed to radical measures. This is a bright and provocative shade, which is always relevant and requires courage from a woman.

The idea of ​​this method of dyeing is very popular in the USA and European countries, the fashion for black hair with red strands came to Russia recently, you can say, stepped with one foot. But, according to professionals, the number of people who want to color curls unusually is growing daily.

red strands on black hair

Types of staining

When choosing the type of staining, you need to decide for yourself what exactly you want. It can be minor changes or a radical change in the image. In the selection process, it is necessary to take into account the features of appearance and fashion trends, and it is best to seek professional advice.

Every year, there are changes in hairdressing. They are manifested in the introduction of new technologies, techniques and interesting color schemes. There are quite a few options for dyeing today, the most suitable techniques for dyeing black hair with red strands will be described below.


Initially, this technique was widely used to dye only blond and blond hair. But over time, the dark-haired beauties were also able to appreciate the advantages of this method. Today highlighting on black hair occupies a separate niche in the hairdressing industry. Unusual combinations of contrasting colors can not leave others indifferent. The highlighted black hair looks thicker and more voluminous, and for women of mature age there is one more pleasant moment - excellent shading of gray hair. A large selection of highlighting options (classic, coloring, shuttle, ombre, etc.) allows you to choose the best for every woman, taking into account the structure of the hair, age and style.

Red highlighting

You can diversify the rich black color of hair with fine highlighting of red color. For him, most often they use a color palette from a copper shade to a ripe cherry. The most popular are: mahogany, ruby, titian, cherry, plum, pomegranate, copper and walnut.

Depending on how large you are going to transform, you can apply red highlighting on black hair only on the bangs, crown or along the entire length. Owners of an asymmetric short haircut, for example, bob, can choose the option of coloring only on the upper or lower layer of the strands.

black hair with red curls

Highlighting Techniques

Many women think that highlighting is a kind of “zebra” on the head, which passes through the entire length of the hair. This is a misconception. Such staining can be performed in different techniques, depending on the expected result:

  1. The classic version. At the same distance from each other, strands are selected, and a coloring composition is applied to them. The thickness of the stained curls can be any.
  2. Fine highlighting. Only the top locks are stained. The result will be especially effective when combining black hair with red locks or white.
  3. The technique of "reverse" application. Black curls first lighten and only after that apply the selected color. This method is considered gentle, since the strands are lightened by a maximum of three tones.

Staining techniques

An experienced master by eye determines the condition of the hair, its thickness and length. There are times when the first time it is not possible to discolour the curls, repeated application of the coloring composition is required. Everything is individual, since the structure and length of hair in women is different, and this is the main criterion for dyeing. It is important to understand: what looks beautiful on a short haircut is likely to look ridiculous on long curls.

Red highlighting on black hair is performed by a specialist in several stages. If the master invites you to do everything at once, then you should think about his competence, since the quality of staining will be extremely low. Partial dyeing begins with the bleaching of black hair. Next, red strands on black hair are made (photo of examples is in the text). This procedure is called tinting.

So, let’s take a closer look at how the procedure is performed:

  1. On a short length. A required attribute is a special cap with small holes. The master puts it on the client’s head and, using a special hook, pulls thin strands through them. A hat is necessary to maintain the correct distance.
  2. On long hair. Before starting the procedure, the specialist selects the color, thickness of the strands and the distance between them. After this, parting is done. It is needed in order not to stain other strands with paint and to avoid tangling. Next, a coloring composition is applied to the selected locks, they are wrapped in foil and held for some time. Then the master rinses the paint off the lock with water, thoroughly rinses all the hair and applies a nourishing mask.
  3. On previously colored curls. Red strands on black hair (photo below) look great. Some really want to try this dyeing on themselves, but doubt whether it can be done on dyed, rather than natural, dark strands. Specialists answer this unambiguously - yes, it is possible! True, in this case, some rules must be observed:
      Before highlighting, at least a month should pass from the moment of the last staining. Damaged and thinned locks must not be discolored. If the hair is brittle, then before you make red strands on black hair, you need to cure them. In addition to these options, American equipment, as well as ombre and balayazh, are very popular for performing red highlighting. As for color, it is best to use bright and warm shades such as fiery red, red and soft yellow for colored brunettes.
  4. black hair with red locks


This technique has been very popular in recent years. Famous actresses were the first to use it, and photographers “conveyed” the trend to the masses. Fans and fashionistas quickly orientated themselves and went to a beauty studio to apply a game of colors on their own hair.

Ombre staining is universal because it is suitable for any length and structure of curls. Red locks on black hair look very advantageous, but only if the color line is done correctly. It should not be above the cheekbones.

Balayazh in red

The technique of dyeing balayazh is used on short and medium hair. You can use it when painting dark blond, dark and black curls. This tandem looks especially beautiful on owners of brown eyes. When staining this technique, not only pure red colors are used, but also shades close to them. For example, raspberry color is suitable for women with pale skin and dark eyes. This image can also be complemented with pink lipstick, the effect will be amazing!

Shade of red on the hair

If you look at the photo of black hair with red strands and dream of such a coloring, then you should think carefully. The fact is that it is not suitable for everyone.

Red locks go well with dark olive skin, the color of the eyes can be anything. But for those who often have skin problems in the form of various redness, it is worth abandoning the red tone on the hair. It will attract the attention of others to skin imperfections more strongly.

But do not rush to be upset, because the situation can be corrected by choosing the right shade. However, it is better to entrust this process to a professional, he will choose the right option that will emphasize the dignity of the person. Black hair with red curls can be reproduced in different shades:

  1. Copper.
  2. Pomegranate.
  3. Cherry.
  4. Burgundy.
  5. "Red tree".
  6. And many others.

The main thing to remember, each of these tones indicates that the girl has an active lifestyle and loves to dominate.

black hair red strands photo

Choosing the right red

Black hair with red locks always attracts a lot of attention. This color is very expressive, bright and he generously shares these qualities with his owner. But not everyone can afford it.

Red color, as a rule, suits girls with natural light curls: yellow and light blond. Also, women related to the winter color type (light skin and dark hair) may not be afraid of experiments. And now it's time to consider the red shades in more detail and understand their advantages.

"Red tree"

It is not just classically red, it has added a variety of brown notes. For example, if there is a chestnut tint, then the red color acquires a chocolate tint. The final version of "mahogany" always depends on the degree of intensity of a particular tone.


  1. It paints over gray hair well.
  2. Visually masking wrinkles. For this reason, professionals often offer a shade of "mahogany" to women of mature age.

This variety of red color is not so bright, the tone is not defiant. For example, if a lady does black hair with red locks of bra and complements the hairstyle with the right things and cosmetics, you get the perfect, rigorous look.

Dark red color

When examined carefully, this shade is similar to brown. He is very restrained and calm, but at the same time deep and intense. This tone will blend beautifully:

  1. With dark or tanned skin.
  2. With olive complexion.

The hair in this case should be dark, and the eyes brown.

Dark red color has a huge palette - from purple to ripe cherries. The choice of tone should be approached responsibly and look at each of them. For example, fair-skinned girls with blue and gray eyes are better suited to cold options, and, accordingly, vice versa.


It is obtained by mixing several tones, that is, it is created artificially. Copper color is difficult to compare with any natural manifestation, but it looks great on medium and long hair. This is especially true for girls with pale skin and fair eyes.

Reddish red

When choosing this shade of red should be prepared for the fact that it will draw attention to all skin imperfections. It can be acne, inflammation, scarring and more. Bright red strands on black hair are most suitable for women of the fall color type. These include:

  1. Owners of olive and golden skin color.
  2. Girls with blue and green eyes.

A reddish shade of red with brown and dark gray eyes will also look harmonious.

red strands on black hair photo

Fiery red

This is perhaps the most provocative and daring shade. Only eccentric and courageous women who express themselves in this way decide on it. Variations of staining can be different: fiery red strands on short black hair, highlighting, highlighting ends and so on. Surprisingly, stylists claim that this shade is suitable for almost all of those who can decide on such a step.

To whom to trust coloring

Of course, the professional way has more advantages. In the beauty salon , all the necessary conditions for the procedure are created, there are special products that are quite difficult to find in the free market. The hairdresser has the appropriate skills and knows exactly how to make red strands on black hair, he can choose a shade taking into account the characteristics of the client and the condition of his hair. In addition, a specialized institution uses a more stable dye, which means that the next staining will need to be done only after 1.5-2 months.

If we talk about dyeing hair at home, then difficulties immediately arise. The main difficulty is that the means for home use are much less. If in a beauty salon you can be offered more than hundreds of shades of one color, then in the store the choice is scarce. The dye sold in stores has a simple color, unlike salon paint. When choosing a professional, he himself determines the ideal shade, for which several tones are often mixed.

Well, the last reason it’s better to go to the salon is that store paints quickly fade and wash out. After 3-4 weeks, you will need to repaint again.

red highlighting on black hair

Dyeing black hair at home

If for some reason you can’t turn to a professional, then, as an exception, you can highlight black hair with red strands yourself. For the procedure, some staining skills and strict adherence to the instructions will be required. To work, you will need:

  1. Brush
  2. Plastic container.
  3. Comb.
  4. Foil.
  5. Brightening agent.
  6. Oxidizing agent.
  7. Dye.
  8. Towel.

The process, which should result in black hair with red strands, consists of the following steps:

  1. Divide the entire mass of hair into 7–10 parts.
  2. Secure each of them with a separate clip.
  3. Dissolve one part and use the sharp end of the comb to separate the strands for staining.
  4. Place a piece of foil under them.
  5. Apply a brightening composition to the hair, cover with foil.
  6. Repeat the same with the rest of the pieces.
  7. Withstand the time indicated in the instructions.
  8. Remove the foil, rinse the locks thoroughly.
  9. Dry it.

After the locks are discolored, it is necessary to apply a dye of the desired color on them. The process is carried out in a similar way. After washing off the paint, a special balm should be applied to the hair, soak for the right time and rinse.

To get a good result, you must follow these tips:

  1. Use only fresh formulations, i.e. mix immediately before use.
  2. Perform manipulations quickly. This is very important for uniform staining.
  3. Do everything with gloves.
  4. Strictly follow the rules prescribed in the instructions for the paint.
  5. Perform the procedure no more than once every three months.
  6. Subsequently, use special products for colored hair.

Henna hair coloring

Those who do not welcome synthetic formulations can use available natural dyes. The first place among them is henna. Externally, the product looks unpresentable, and the mixture obtained after dilution is quite difficult to apply to the hair, especially when it comes to partial dyeing. Nevertheless, henna gives a good result: the curls become more shiny, gain elasticity and a new shade.

black hair with red strands medium

Only one circumstance can spoil the impression of painting - after using a natural dye for six months you can not change the color of curls. The composition penetrates very deeply into the hair, so the result lasts so long.

Advantages and disadvantages

As with any cosmetic procedure, highlighting on black hair with red strands has pros and cons. The benefits include the following:

  1. Shading gray hair.
  2. Correction of minor imperfections in appearance.
  3. Exposure to chemicals on only a small part of the hair.
  4. A rare correction.
  5. Visual increase in volume.
  6. Outwardly healthy and radiant curls.
  7. An opportunity to show individuality.

The disadvantages of red highlighting are much smaller, but they still are:

  1. The duration of the procedure is from three to six hours.
  2. The need to contact a specialist. Qualitatively perform this kind of staining yourself is almost impossible.

Features of colored hair care

As you know, hair grows about fourteen millimeters per month, respectively, it is recommended to do the correction monthly. If you skip the procedure, then the roots will stand out, and the hairstyle will look untidy.

If the hair is black by nature, then first you will need to stain the roots and only after that apply another dye. Tinting with red paint is a must, because bright colors wash off and fade very quickly. Staining should be freshened at least once a month and a half, but not more than twice a month.

Red locks on black hair - this is one of the most interesting solutions. If you have doubts about the choice of highlighting color on dark curls, then feel free to choose its shades. It does not look as defiant as blue, green or pink, but the image is spectacular.


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