Strollers "Adamex Mars": description, reviews, photos

Today , the Adamex Mars stroller will be presented to our attention. Characteristics, reviews and experience of real customers are what many are interested in. After all, the choice of children's vehicles is not so simple. You need to pay attention to a wide variety of points and nuances that can affect your decision. It is clear that each parent sets his own priorities - for someone, appearance is more important, someone focuses on the functionality of the strollers, some look at the manufacturer and versatility. Nevertheless, the general impression of certain offers still develops with buyers. So what can the Adamex Mars pram offer? Is it worth paying attention to her? Or find some other analogue?

strollers adamex mars

Sense of style

Of course, it all depends on your personal preferences. Someone thinks that Adamex is not the best company for producing children's vehicles at all. So the final decision is yours. Nevertheless, it is worth paying attention to many characteristics of the proposed models.

For example, you can start with the appearance. It's no secret that I would like to go out with a child for a walk with a stylish means of transportation, so as not to be ashamed. Strollers "Adamex Mars" - a truly fashionable solution for modern parents.

Usually used double color scheme. The first shade is the main one, it is usually dark. The second plays the role of decorating the structure. In any case, you can choose a stroller for the girl, and for the boy, and universal. All the colors that the manufacturer offers do not catch the eye, but are perfectly combined with the minimalism that designs have. In general, if the appearance of the stroller is important to you - "Adamex Mars" was created just for you!

Wheels and chassis

The benefits do not end there, there are still a lot of them. The thing is that the Adamex Mars stroller (photos are presented below) receives a lot of positive opinions when it comes to the main characteristics of the device. For example, wheels and chassis deserve attention.

In total, the design has 4 large wheels. They, one cannot but notice, are inflatable. Front - do not turn, which is a huge advantage and a guarantee of reliability. Rear - swivel wheels. This solution contributes to smooth and smooth movement on the most rough roads. Just what parents need it so much! The baby can sleep peacefully while you walk with him. You do not have to worry that the wheels will crack - they are of high quality in the models, but they cannot crack a priori. After all, before us, as has already been emphasized, are inflatable options.

stroller adamex mars 2 in 1

The chassis is also pleasing. Stainless steel, light and high quality - this is what parents get if they have an Adamex Mars pram. This means that such models will last a long and high quality. In addition, it is often emphasized that, if necessary, the wheels can be easily removed and replaced - there are no problems and unnecessary hassle with this moment.

Station wagon

Also, you should not forget that the Adamex Mars 2 in 1 stroller is a universal solution for all parents. That is, you can use it at any time of the year, as well as at any age of your baby.

This is a huge advantage. Often, parents try to find a universal children's vehicle that will suit both a newborn and an already grown child. "Adamex Mars" is what you need.

Here, if you carefully look at the main characteristics of the device, you will get both a cradle for the baby and a walking block. That is, you can walk with a newborn, and with an already older child. As the manufacturer notes, our today's offer is a solution for the first three years of your baby's life. Versatility is what delights parents. Now you can not think about buying a "walk" or a separate stroller for a newborn. Strollers "Adamex Mars" will save you from this headache.


Another point that is often paid attention to is seasonality. All children's vehicles have it. Typically, in the characteristics of such moments are not indicated, so as not to scare away buyers.

Stroller adamex mars photo

The Adamex Mars stroller , the description of which interests us today, is, as already mentioned, a universal vehicle for your child. Both by age and season. That is, in the winter, and in the summer, and in the fall, and in the spring it is possible to use only it.

If you take a closer look, the fabric that makes up the structure retains heat well. That is, the child will not be cold in the cold. And in summer, upholstery, on the contrary, transmits heat. So, there will be no "greenhouse effect". Just what you need. This action is due to the high technology that the manufacturer uses to create Adamex strollers.

What about movement? Stroller "Adamex Mars 2 in 1" reviews receives in this sense only positive. All this thanks to the inflatable wheels. This design easily copes with dirt, and with the earth, and with ice, and with snow, and with puddles. A dream, not a stroller!

About blocks

Attention should also be paid separately to the building blocks, which play a huge role. The stroller "Adamex Mars 2 in 1" (photos are presented), as already mentioned, has a walking part and a cradle.

stroller adamex mars reviews

Each has its own characteristics. There is nothing to say about the cradle - it is compact, while it weighs about 5 kilograms, which is good. So, at least, you can walk with a newborn without much stress. Although some parents are unhappy with the cradle, it looks small and uncomfortable. By the way, large children, indeed, are placed here with difficulty. So, Adamex Mars strollers are not always as good as they seem.

Special attention is paid to the walking block. It weighs 6 kilograms, while the back is equipped with position adjustment. Just what interests many parents. There are 3 positions of the back, which are installed without any problems. Only here the "walk" seems to some not quite convenient. Firstly, the Adamex Mars stroller receives not very good reviews here for the weight of the structure. Many say that with a walking block it will be about 8-9 kilograms, which is not particularly suitable for walking. That is, the stroller is quite bulky and heavy. But the walking block is equipped with a crossbar in front of the child, as well as five-point seat belts. They help ensure maximum safety.


Another point that many parents emphasize is the equipment. It's no secret that I would like to buy not just a stroller, but a universal vehicle in which there is everything you need. And in this sense, "Adamex Mars" is not indifferent.

stroller adamex mars 2 in 1 reviews

After all, you will get a complete set of everything you need for walking with a newborn and an older child. Here you can find a mosquito net, and a cape on the legs, and a bag for mom, and a raincoat. True, there is no clutch on hand, but this is not such a problem.

However, not all parents are enthusiastic about this product. Many note that mosquito nets and raincoats are components that will still have to be changed. They are short, which does not fully protect the baby. In principle, a normal phenomenon, but it repels some.

Care and storage

Stroller "Adamex Mars 2 in 1" reviews does not earn the best in terms of maintenance and storage of the structure. Nevertheless, this is not a reason to refuse the offer. What is emphasized by the manufacturer and parents in these areas?

Firstly, storing the component strollers is easy - they are detached and placed in any place convenient for you. But at the same time, in the assembled state, both the cradle and the "walk" are distinguished by their bulkiness. This does not suit everyone. To save space in the house, you have to constantly disassemble-assemble the structure.

Secondly, the chassis has a book mechanism. It contributes to the easy storage of wheels separately from the blocks. This decision pleases, if you do not take into account that you constantly have to detach the cradle or walk from the chassis.

baby stroller adamex mars

Thirdly, the issue of care remains controversial. All fabrics adamex are upholstered are easy to clean. But only the components are not removed. This means that you can not wash them in the washing machine. But with a damp cloth, cleaning is excellent. It all depends on preferences - it’s easier for someone to remove the components and throw them into the washing machine, while someone, on the contrary, does not consider this option. So, opinions on cleaning can be found both good and bad. In any case, the fabric is well washed and repels dirt.


You need to pay attention to some key points highlighted by parents. The stroller "Adamex Mars" is not at all some special means of transportation, it has its own drawbacks.

For example, some note that a shopping bag on models is a nightmare. It is located high, it is difficult to get close to it. In addition, there are no metal inserts here - only fabric. And she is very quickly wiped. The Velcro, on which the basket is held, deteriorate and fall off.

It is also noted that with active use, the stroller begins to wear out quickly. On average, it will serve you for one child - this is about 3 years. Although there are exceptions.

Over time, when the wheels of the Adamex Mars wheel are moving, they begin to creak and make noise, this is not corrected in any way. In principle, this is not a huge problem, but it frightens some.


The price tag for Adamex Mars strollers is also pleasing to a few. Especially if you take into account some design flaws. The thing is that such a stroller will cost parents about 20-25 thousand rubles. And at the same time, many note that the product is not worth that kind of money.

Stroller Adamex Mars 2 in 1 photo

For example, for a newborn there is no carrying. A huge flaw for such and such money! Also, you will not find in the kit and car seats. Many claim that for 25,000 rubles you can find a β€œ3 in 1” or a transformer that will be no worse than Adamex.


What conclusions can be drawn from the foregoing? Firstly, the Adamex Mars specifications are standard for 2-in-1 models. Secondly, the cost of goods is somewhat overstated. You will have to pay for a promoted brand, as well as for design. Thirdly, our strollers are not bad today, but you can always find a less expensive counterpart.

But to buy "Adamex Mars" or not, decide for yourself. In any case, if you have extra money or expect to buy a universal stroller without a car seat within 30,000 rubles, then Adamex is perfect. You will not regret it, especially if you comply with all operating conditions!


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