Muksun Stroganina with sauces

Stroganina is a traditional dish for many peoples of the north. It is a sliced, planed frozen fish. They do not boil it and do not heat it at all, that is, in fact it is raw. Many can spoil the whole impression of slicing, having prepared it incorrectly.

Make a dish of fatty fish. Stroganina from muksun is a great option for a first acquaintance with him.

General tips for those who want to try stroganina

Many people are tempted to prepare this version of frozen fish, for example, by looking at the photo of muksun sliced ​​planer. But not everyone knows how many nuances can affect the taste and the serving itself.

First of all, you need to remove the dish in advance for serving in the freezer. A cold surface will allow the fish to stay frozen longer. It should be understood that thawed fish cannot be re-frozen!

Also, for the same reason, you cannot immediately cut many pieces. It is necessary to roughly calculate how much can be eaten, in a pinch, it is never too late to plan more fish.

Muksun Stroganina is a great appetizer for hard liquors. When serving, it is best to immediately make sure that all the guests are seated at the table and all have spilled drinks. It will also help save precious minutes.

how to make stroganina from muksun

How to chop fish?

To make stroganina from muksun, you need to remove the skin from it, and then gently smooth the meat. It can be removed down to the bones, but as soon as the insides are visible, it is worth stopping. By the way, it is recommended to remove this skeleton in the freezer, in order to later boil a rich ear from it or just fish stock.

Also, the fatter the fish, the better. The most tidbits were traditionally considered the area near the tail and the rear fin. It is there that the fish has a supply of fat. Sometimes they use ready-made fillets, the principle of cutting is the same.

By the way, there is no need to be afraid that small bones will fall. They do not interfere with anything, moreover, they are not felt frozen and dissolve with the fish.

fish stroganin

Fish recipe

How to make stroganina from muksun? Here is a fairly traditional option without any refueling. Only spices and onions are used for serving. You can take red varieties of vegetables for a change.

For such a simple but tasty dish you need to take the following ingredients:

  • one frozen fish;
  • a pair of onion heads;
  • salt and black pepper (their amount depends only on taste preferences).

The fish is taken out of the freezer and allowed to rest for up to ten minutes - so it will be easier to work with it. More time to defrost the product!

The tail of the muksun is wrapped with a towel so that it does not melt from the touch of hands, the fins are cut from the back, and an incision is made along the entire belly. They remove the skin with one layer, if necessary, cut it in the right places.

They begin to plan fish with a sharp knife in the direction from the tail to the head. Make rather thin slices, place them on a frozen dish, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Next lay the onion rings.

Muksun stroganina photo

Delicious apple horseradish for serving stroganina

A lot depends on the fish feed. For horseradish from muksun, spicy horseradish with a hint of malic acid is perfect. It is done in advance, so that it can be delivered to the fish in time, before it melts. To prepare fragrant horseradish you need to take:

  • one hundred grams of horseradish root;
  • 400 grams of green apple;
  • a small slice of chili pepper;
  • 20 grams of salt and sugar;
  • 10 grams of rice vinegar.

Horseradish and apple are peeled, seeds are removed from the fruit. Rub both ingredients on a fine grater. Peppers are also finely chopped. Mix everything in a bowl, add salt, sugar and vinegar, mix again. Allow to infuse for ten minutes.

Stroganina with horseradish

In any dish, serving and combination of ingredients are important. For this, the options for preparing stroganina from Muksun fish you need to take:

  • 30 grams of fillet;
  • 50 grams of apple horseradish;
  • two pinches of sea salt and black pepper;
  • some chili pepper;
  • some toast;
  • some lettuce leaves.

How to make stroganin from muksun according to this recipe? Frozen fillet is taken out of the freezer, allowed to stand for five minutes, then, using a slicer or a sharp knife, cut into thin slices.

Muksun fish stroganina

Toasts are placed on a frozen dish, and salad is on top. Sprinkle fish with salt and pepper, add chili. Stack on a salad. Near the hill put horseradish.

Stroganina with lingonberry sauce

Light bitterness is great for fresh fish. The right amount of it is found in cranberries, so you can safely make a sauce of them. For such a variation, you need to take:

  • freshly frozen fish;
  • two hundred grams of soaked lingonberry;
  • small horseradish root;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

First, prepare a sauce in which dipped stroganina. To do this, beat the berries with a blender along with the liquid, add horseradish, chopped on a grater, and spices. Leave the sauce until the ingredients dissolve.

Thaw the fish for ten minutes, remove the ice and skin, making cuts. After using a sharp knife from the back, filet is sliced. Lay the pieces on a dish, put a sauceboat with lingonberry dressing next to it. Dip the pieces of fish in the sauce.

how to make stroganina from muksun

Stroganina from fish is a great and interesting dish. Its only negative is that you need to eat quickly so that the pieces do not melt. When cooked properly, tender chips are produced that melt on the tongue, leaving an oily mark. For a long time, in order to diversify the taste of fish, they prepared β€œdough”, that is, sauces. Sharp, with a hint of bitterness, as well as sour dressings, for example, from horseradish seasoned with a green apple, or from lingonberry, are great.


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