How to live happily, and most importantly feel it. Tips & Tricks

Remember the words from a fairy tale known from childhood: “And the prince kissed Cinderella, and since then they lived together happily ever after”?

Probably from the age of four I was periodically worried by the same question: “Is it like living happily? What does it mean?" Those. what is “long” and “together” I could well understand and realize, but with the category of happiness the situation was more complicated.

I constantly annoyed my parents, trying to figure it out, but the only answer I managed to get from adults was: “You grow up, and you understand everything!”

Well, I’ve already grown up. We can say that even very, very grown up. I know how to be myself, how not to change my principles, how to succeed in a career. Probably, it's time to deal with the category of happiness.

1. The concept of happiness.

Before answering the question of how to live happily, let's try to define this word.

The Encyclopedic Dictionary states that this state should be understood as a feeling of the highest inner satisfaction in completely different areas of life: in everyday life, in a career, in family life. Also, at the same time, one must feel both the fullness and the meaningfulness of one's existence.

In the process of writing this article, I had to read a huge amount of relevant literature. It turned out that most of the population of our planet, namely 51%, are pessimists. Those. these are people who, according to psychologists, deliberately mentally attract trouble to themselves. Trying, as they say, to live for themselves, they are much more likely to get divorced, get cancer, remain single and forgotten in old age. Why it happens? The thing is that only positive and bright thoughts always generate joyful events.

Those. I want to say that thinking about the bad and waiting for success or the same happiness is a priori a hopeless and futile exercise

2. What does it mean to be happy?

Before starting to write this material, I decided to conduct a small sociological survey. In one of the social networks, I just asked the above question. I admit, the result made me think.

The respondents put satisfaction on life in general first, luck on the second, and third and fourth went on to strong and joyful experiences and the possession of the highest blessings.

I guess I would have arranged everything a little differently. Although I note that all the respondents were people of the same age group and social status, therefore, the data obtained may well be considered very, very subjective.

3. How to live happily and is it possible to learn?

Psychologists argue that those who seek to achieve this state, you just need to adopt a few life principles.

  • Smile more often. To whom? Friends, acquaintances, relatives, passers-by, their own reflection in the mirror.
  • Give compliments every day. Even if you are very sad, find the strength to at least pick up the phone and please with a kind word, say, a girlfriend or beloved grandmother.
  • Become brighter. Well, this recipe, of course, will be more useful to girls. Try to dye your hair, apply brighter makeup, dress a little more defiantly than usual.
  • Experience pleasure even in small things.
  • Remember minutes of happiness and live in anticipation of good fortune and positive.
  • Surround yourself with bright colors both in clothes and in the interior.
  • Feel something new, learn something. Develop, find a hobby, because there are so many interesting things in the world.
  • To clean up the room and on the desktop in the office. According to psychologists, neatly folded things create a feeling of confidence in achieving your goals.
  • Talk more often than write. As it turned out, happy people are more open to communication, while gloomy people tend to exchange only a couple of phrases.

Well, we, perhaps, have answered the question posed at the very beginning of the article about how to live happily. Difficult? I think not. It turns out that in order for luck to accompany, you just need to take a step towards it. Make and smile sincerely.


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