How to choose a house for permanent residence?

The one who decided to leave the boundaries of the metropolis and permanently live outside the city immediately raises the following question: “Which house is better to choose?”

how to choose a private house

Indeed, in this matter there are too many nuances that should be taken into account before leaving the walls of a high-rise building. In this case, you will need to choose the right land, its location, as well as determine the size of your suburban residence.

Should I decide to move?

Even before the walls of the apartment are left, you must answer your question: “What are the main goals of this move, and will the conditions outside the city be comfortable for all family members?” Only with this approach will the purchase be successful and as much as possible.

how to choose a house

Anyone who does not wonder how to choose the right house, and makes the move only on emotions, may encounter various problems in the future. This is the constant traffic jams on the way to work, and the considerable remoteness of the nearest school, kindergarten or store. And only a clear understanding of your goal will help the newcomer to avoid losing money, nerves and time. It should be understood that moving out of town is a very responsible process. It changes the lifestyle of the family, and also imposes additional burdens and certain obligations on the owner of the house. Among other things, this event is very expensive. This applies to acquisition, construction and further utilities. That is why those who decided to escape from the bad ecology of the city and join the nature, should, first of all, carefully study the topic, which will answer the question “How and which house to choose for permanent residence?”.

Buying or building?

What is preferable for those who decide to live outside the city? In this case, build a house from scratch or buy a ready-made one? There is no single answer to this question. However, many people still prefer to engage in construction. This is because spending money gradually for them is the most profitable option.

But in this case, it is necessary to take into account the social activity and age of future homeowners. For example, for older people it is preferable to purchase a ready-made house. Housing for them will be a difficult test.

which house to choose
According to experts, it is not worth starting the construction of emotional and creative natures having an unstable form of earnings. For them, the construction of a home can be an endless process.

Preliminary "testing"

Many people decide to move, but at the same time continue to judge life in the country by the standards of a comfortable apartment. How, then, to make a mistake?

Experts advise even before moving to try to temporarily live in a rented house. This period can last from two months to six months. Only after the expiration of the specified period will it become finally clear whether the family is comfortable with a new place for housing.

Land plot

Unlike a city apartment, a certain territory should be allocated for a country house. It should be borne in mind that this site will be further improved and cultivated. In this regard, before buying, future landowners must correctly evaluate and weigh their strength.


How to choose a house? Even before buying a finished building or land for it, you should carefully navigate the terrain. Indeed, the quality and comfort of suburban life will largely depend on transport accessibility and the surrounding infrastructure of the village. To do this, future owners must determine where the nearest schools, shops, kindergartens and hospitals are located. Everyone should think about this issue, because otherwise the family will have neither the strength nor the time to admire nature, since they will all be spent on solving the most pressing problems.

The size

How to choose a private house? It is important for future owners to decide which rooms should be in their home and in what quantity. The area of ​​the house will depend on this.

How many rooms does a family need? Their number will directly depend on the number of inhabitants of the home. So, a family raising two children will need a bedroom for parents, a living room, as well as a room for each child. It is impossible to imagine a house without a kitchen. Recently, it is most often combined with the living room. This solution has its advantages. After all, this allows you to get a fairly spacious room with extensive functionality. However, those who do not like the fact that there is not always order in the living room, there is a smell and smoke, it is worth placing the kitchen separately.

how to choose a house

How to choose a private house so that all family members are comfortable and comfortable in it? To do this, pay attention to the number of bathrooms. Their number is determined depending on the number of household members. So, for a family of four people, only one bathroom will be enough. Although, if you wish, you can arrange another one that will be small in size. Most of them should be the toilet and bath, washbasin and washing machine. The second bathroom is equipped with a shower instead of a bath.

The hallway or corridor in the house should not take up much space. But at the same time, space should be felt here. Indeed, in this area you will need to put a hanger or cabinet for shoes and outerwear.

In a house with individual heating there should be a room intended for a boiler. It is usually located in the basement or in the basement. Here, a column is installed, equipment that supplies water from the well, a tank that acts as a storage tank, and so on.

Almost all private houses have a veranda. It is located in front of the main facade and is close to the living room and kitchen. The area of ​​such an extension depends on the size of the house. Often a porch is combined with a porch. But it can also be separate. It is advisable to glaze the porch. In this case, it will carry the function of a vestibule.

All other rooms in the house are provided at the request of the owners. This can be an office, guest rooms, etc.

What is the area of ​​such a private house? Without corridors between rooms, it will be approximately 140 square meters, including:

  • parents bedroom - 15-20 square meters. m;
  • rooms for children - 2 x 12 square meters. m;
  • living room - from 25 to 30 square meters. m;
  • kitchen - from 15 to 20 square meters. m;
  • bathroom - 5 square meters. m;
  • corridor - 6 square meters. m;
  • boiler room - from 6 to 10 square meters. m;
  • veranda - from 15 to 20 square meters. m;
  • porch - 4 square meters. m


It is impossible to choose a house for construction or for purchase by the number of rooms alone. It is also necessary to determine its number of storeys. Of course, with a limited area of ​​the plot, a taller house will look quite logical on it. On the second or third floor it will be possible to place pre-planned premises. However, the construction of such a house is often only a tribute to the existing fashion. After all, many believe that the higher the dwelling, the more beautiful it is.

According to this criterion, which house is preferable to choose? Of course, one-story housing is constructed mainly when there are not too many rooms in it, and at the same time they will not have significant areas. In addition, few of the owners will occupy their land only one house.

But it is worth keeping in mind that one-story housing is ideal for older people who find it difficult to constantly climb stairs. In addition, it is much easier to repair or attach additional premises to the house. For those who like to consider everything from above, an option with several floors will also not bring any pleasure. After all, as a rule, in suburban villages, houses are built on a small territory and are located close to each other. Therefore, from the second floor you can only admire the roofs of neighboring buildings and other people's gardens. And vice versa. The owners themselves are responsible for the view from the windows of the first floor. At the same time, they have the opportunity to originally decorate their site or to set up a picturesque garden.

Some advantages are possessed by houses with several floors. For example, their entire area can be easily divided into zones. On the second floor in this case, as a rule, there are living rooms and bathrooms. The first is reserved for the kitchen, living room, dining room and office.

what house to choose for permanent residence

If there is a ground floor, it can accommodate not only the boiler room, but also the garage. However, the latter option is not always convenient due to the smell of oil, gasoline and other harmful substances that will certainly penetrate the house.

And if you want to take advantage of one-story and two-three-story dwellings at the same time? In this case, which house to choose? To satisfy all the desires of future owners, they will have to take a closer look at the structure that has an attic floor. It has a lighter design of partitions, but at the same time gives the opportunity to equip new rooms. The usefulness of such a solution lies in the most efficient use of the usable area of ​​the attic space.

Sometimes the surest option for those who do not know how to choose a house is to purchase or erect a building, different parts of which differ in number of storeys. Such a solution allows you to equip a flower garden, summer ground on the "lower" roof or make it just a green lawn.

Types of houses

One of the parameters of the home is its reliability. After all, the one who makes the purchase does not want the walls of his house to become cracked after some time, and the structures gradually lose their bearing capacity. And this is primarily influenced by building materials from which the construction was erected. To make it reliable and serve its owners for many years, how to choose a house? Types of houses vary based on the material used for the construction of walls. And in order to navigate the diversity of the proposed property, you should be aware that there are four main categories of dwellings. Among them are frame and wood, made of cellular concrete and brick. Let's consider these categories in more detail. This will help determine how to choose a house.

The advantages of houses and the disadvantages of each of these types should also be more fully known to future owners. Consider these criteria.

Frame houses

This category includes buildings, the construction of which uses a metal profile or edged board. A frame is made from these materials. It is a plank or profile interconnected vertically and horizontally. Further, from the inside and outside, the frame is sewn up with plates, for example GSP or GVL, or with boards. The resulting internal space is filled with insulation.

This technology is very common. As a rule, this applies to buildings with a wooden frame. This category is especially relevant for those who do not know how to choose a house for a summer residence. After all, the main advantage of such a building is its cheapness. As a permanent home, this option is considered a family with a limited budget. The positive qualities of the frame house include its seismic resistance. With proper assembly of the supporting structure, it is able to withstand an earthquake of up to 9 points. Very affordable is the repair of such a house. After all, sheathing boards and boards are easily replaced by others.

Those who are still interested in how to choose a house should also know about the shortcomings of the frame structure. These include:

  1. Fragility. Fifteen years after the completion of construction, the frame house needs redecoration or overhaul. That is why, before buying, you will have to ask the owner how old his structure is.
  2. High degree of fire hazard. During the construction of frame houses, flammable materials are used. That is why before buying such a home, you should find out what material it was built from and whether the walls were treated with flame retardants.
  3. Low resistance to mold and mildew. To eliminate this problem, the tree must be treated with special compounds. However, unscrupulous sellers can hide mold and fungus under siding.
  4. Low strength. This makes it possible to simply break down the wall.
  5. Opportunity for the spread of rodents and insects. They can settle between the casing and systematically destroy the frame.

Wooden houses

This category includes buildings whose walls are made of logs or beams. Typically, softwood materials are used for these purposes, the leaders among which are spruce and pine.

how to choose a house the advantages and disadvantages of houses

Anyone who is trying to figure out the question of how to choose a house needs to know the advantages of houses made of timber and logs without fail. And they are as follows:

  • in relative cheapness;
  • environmental friendliness (the tree does not emit harmful substances);
  • breathability, which is expressed in the fact that in such a house the walls "breathe", that is, do not interfere with the natural circulation of air;
  • aesthetics (cottages made of logs and beams look very attractive);
  • low sound and thermal conductivity (walls made of coniferous material protect the house from external noise and perfectly retain heat).

Those who are wondering how to choose a house should know about the shortcomings of wooden buildings. This primarily concerns the indefinite life of the building. After all, a tree requires constant processing from a fungus. If this rule is not observed, the house will lose its attractive appearance and will serve much less.

Another disadvantage of this structure is the low quality of the material that has recently been offered on the construction market. Indeed, today everyone is only concerned with making a profit, which affects the life of the house. It is worth remembering that wood is a highly flammable material. It not only burns, but also supports burning.

Aerated Concrete House

This material is produced using an astringent (lime or cement). In addition, it contains water, fine sand and a foaming agent. And before answering the question “How to choose a house?”, The advantages and disadvantages of such buildings should be considered as well. Among the advantages of a cellular concrete dwelling are the following:

  • relative cheapness compared to brick houses;
  • fire safety;
  • resistance to mold;
  • high heat and sound insulation characteristics.

However, all of the above properties directly depend on the brand of blocks. The higher it is, the more the building is degraded.

There are disadvantages of such houses. They are manifested in the following:

  • in a short period of operation (from 10 to 30 years for blocks with open pores and up to 100 years with closed ones);
  • low mechanical strength (this disadvantage manifests itself, for example, in those moments when the owner drives simple dowels into the wall, falling out after a significant load);
  • high water absorption (in cellular concrete with open pores, this figure is 35%);
  • lack of natural air circulation.

Brick house

This is the last, fourth category of buildings. It includes buildings whose walls are built of clay, ceramic or silicate bricks. For those who decide how to choose a good house, it is worth considering this option. Brick buildings are highly reliable. This is most of all and attracts potential buyers and developers.

how to choose a house the advantages of houses

Get advice on how to choose a house for permanent residence, based on information that the brick is a material that has long been tested by time. However, not everyone is able to afford to buy or build such a house. After all, a brick is very expensive.

Anyone who is wondering how to choose a house needs to study all the advantages of buildings from this material. These include:

  • strength, that is, the ability to absorb large compressive loads;
  • fire safety;
  • reliability;
  • durability (the life of brick houses reaches 100 years);
  • ease of maintenance.

The disadvantages of brick houses include their high cost. Indeed, in the real estate market, such structures are the most expensive. So, under the same conditions, for the same price, you can purchase a frame house, the area of ​​which is 150 square meters, and a brick house of 70-80 square meters. m

Those who dream of a reliable house can be advised to pay attention to the recently emerged ceramic block. This material serves as a modern alternative to brick. It also contains clay. However, the ceramic block is not ordinary, but porous ceramic. During its production, small wood chips are added to the clay, which burns when fired. This allows you to create micropores, which increases the thermal insulation properties of the material.

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So, people who decide to purchase housing for permanent use must decide for themselves how to choose a house and what it should be. After all, each of the options offered on the real estate market may have its pros and cons.

In addition, when buying, please note that the house is not the only building on the site. There should also be sheds and garages, arbors and benches, as well as other auxiliary buildings. It is necessary that all this constitute a single stylistic ensemble and complement each other.


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