What are they doing in prison with rapists? What is the relation to rapists in the zone?

In order to understand the number of rumors and the correct information from the “eyewitnesses” regarding what they are doing in prison with rapists, it is necessary to study in detail the article of the Criminal Code, the differences between zones and colonies.


Sections 131–135 impose punishment for abusive acts or violence. They consider sexual relations with minors, as well as coercion to have sexual intercourse without mutual consent using threats, physical force by one person or a crime committed by a group of people. Illegal actions also include harassment of persons under the age of 14–16 years.

The Russian state for each individual episode prescribes and applies punishment in the light of the circumstances. It is understood as an administrative punishment - in the form of community service or a fine, and criminal (from 3 to 6 years). This is a criminal stay in custody and isolation from society. A rape can be filed with the police by a person over the age of 18, parents or guardianship authorities.

what they do in prison with rapists

Pre-trial detention center

After submitting the application, the process of bringing the perpetrator to justice begins. Given the severity of the crime, the accused may wait for trial at home or in the pre-trial detention center.

In the pre-trial detention center, the accused are required to identify the accused under articles on violence in a separate cell for more convenient work of defense bodies and prosecutors. But in practice, it is not customary to isolate the “status” one, so that with great zeal he could take part in the investigation and begin to cooperate. Therefore, the convict is put in a common cell where he undergoes “training," that is, he is simply beaten there.

what in prison do with rapists

Court and stage

If the court decides that the accused is guilty, they determine the sentence and place of detention.

In practice, convicts are distributed according to the gravity of the crime. If the period is short, a person can be left in the colony at the place of residence. If the guilt is severe, the convict is sent to stay away. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, it reduces the possibility of a criminal rebellion, and secondly, the relatives of the victim are less likely to independently take revenge on the offender.

The stage is the transportation of the convicted person to the place of serving the sentence.

what do the rapists in the zone

What they do with rapists in prison and in the zone

Until the 90s, the laws of the underworld were based on purity of thoughts. Theft and murder were considered elite occupations in which there was no place for violence. This is a “noble” work, and it could not be dishonored by senseless and useless mockery of a victim. In this regard, rapists were considered despicable members of society, not people, and were humiliated. "Sinking" occurred both sexually and in the form of psychological breakdown of a person.

What awaits rapists in prison these days? By 2015, priorities have shifted a bit. Sexual acts of violence no longer have such a shameful status. Especially if the prisoner proved to his cellmates "the need for the deed" or the guilt of the victim. The status of pedophiles and people with a painful craving for cruelty (maniacs) remains unchanged. In these cases, no excuses are considered.

The subtleties of prison laws

In each prison, a senior “watchman” is selected from among the prisoners, as well as the main ones by cell. In zones and colonies the same system. But the zones are divided into “red” and “black”. In the “Reds” there are the so-called cop (police) orders, there are no “thieves watching,” and all decisions are made by the leadership of the zone. In the “blacks”, the official authorities do not have a special status; thieves laws decide everything here .

The status of a new person is assigned quite quickly. His determination is influenced by the reputation that he has earned in the wild, article and personal behavior. They do not adhere to any strict laws, but decide in each case separately. Therefore, not only the rapist, but also a person who behaves incorrectly or is seen in “rat” acts can “be omitted”.

what are they doing with the rapists of children in prison

"Down" and "roosters"

What are they doing in prison with rapists? The “watchers” clarify circumstances in detail and make decisions. If we are talking about violence against a woman, then a person has the opportunity to take advantage of exculpatory moments. This is blackmailing the "insidious" mistress for the purpose of marriage, and revenge for infidelity and deceit. Such stories are perceived with sympathy and justify the act.

What are men doing in prison with rapists? They are "cocked." Homosexuality is strongly discouraged in a criminal society. It’s hard for a convict to find an excuse, and he becomes a common “lover”.

It is necessary to determine the difference, because “lowering” and “cocking” are not the same thing. “Down” may not be a “rooster”. He sleeps at the bucket, cleans up in the cell, fulfills any whims of his cellmates from telling tales to feeding from a spoon. This is a common slave, but he also has his privileges. If the "lowered" well and conscientiously fulfills his duties, he must not be in vain and for no reason beat and have sex with him. It can even be caressed, like a pet, and fed with good food. But you can’t say hello to his hand and eat from the same plate.

What do they do with rapists in the zone if they have "shuttered" him? Such a person has his own responsibilities. This is the fulfillment of the sexual desires of the owner. He can have one lover or everyone can use his services. If he has one master, then the “rooster” can please him with fairy tales and foot massage, but will not do it to others. He does not have to wash the bucket and clean up after his cellmates. Such a distribution is considered logical so as not to mix sex and human waste.

What are they doing in prison with rapists and is it good for them to live there? If a prisoner has proved his innocence according to the moral code of “thieves”, then he has every chance to go to “peasants”, that is, respectable people. If there is no way to prove that he was right, then you can always just brush it off. There are cases in history when a person carried a knife and simply did not let the punishment group close to him.

In any case, you should not hide either the article or the motives. Prison is no longer an isolated society, and truthful information can be obtained quickly and easily. In this case, the deception is not forgiven. If only during the verification period the rapist did not prove himself to be the best in front of the beholder and his cellmates.

what happens in prison with rapists

Child abuse

Pedophilia is not forgiven and is not justified. There is little sacred in the underworld, but children and mother are inviolable concepts. What are they doing with child rapists in prison? They are killed in the “red” and “black” zones. According to concepts, such people should not leave the place of detention. They are not "cocked" and not "lowered": if guilt is proved, they cannot live.

By law, rapists and maniacs must be kept in isolated custody. But the leaders of the zones and “thieves” in any case will find a way to get rid of the unnecessary element. You can "remove" "accidentally" during transportation, justifying this as a necessary measure when trying to escape. And at the place of imprisonment, an “accident” may occur.

But if the guilt of a maniac or rapist is proved by a court and the articles are enough for a death sentence among fellow inmates, then pedophilia still needs to be proved or refuted.

what do rapists do in prison

Justification of pedophilia in prison

Modern bodies of guardianship and parents of adolescents sometimes come in educational zeal to insanity. If the convict proved in prison that he was put in prison for kissing his daughter on the cheek or slapping his ass so as not to be naughty, he is not touched and is treated with sympathy. They also believe the stories that he was seduced by the makeup girl in the club, but according to the passport she was underage, and her parents sued.

The risk group includes physical education teachers and trainers, as well as heads of studios and circles. In the modern world, pedophilia is the fear and disease of society. Therefore, in 80% of cases, litigation is just hysteria. But suspects under this article are most often convicted, even if there is no direct evidence.

What happens in prison with rapists of children while cellmates are finding out whether the convict is guilty or not? They are beaten. Until proven innocence, convicts under the pedophilia article are beaten by everyone who wants to. They can be protected to a certain extent. That is, it is possible to close, but it is not worthwhile to cause tangible harm to those who beat. In this case, you can not wait for an excuse from the will and be "omitted" without the right to return to the "men."

How prisoners treat rapists, we have considered. They are beaten always and everywhere, in the pre-trial detention center, at the stage and in the zone. This is called "training." Often cellmates do not wait for evidence or a court decision and “drop” the suspects already in the pre-trial detention center.

What is being done to rapists in the zone and how does “lowering” occur? There are many fantasies on this subject. They can put underwear on a person’s head, smear feces or a member on the lips during sleep, dip into a bucket and so on. If you’ve been “lowered” back to the pre-trial detention center, then it is impossible to hide in the zone that you are “lowered”. Because in the zone they can take such a person for a “man” (respected), shake hands, drink from the same mug, and when it turns out that it was “lowered”, then everyone who touched him will also be considered “lowered” . They immediately kill for such a deception.

Rejection from punishment

What are they doing in prison with rapists if they have the opportunity to pay off? If this is a pedophile or a maniac whose guilt has not yet been proven, then there is the opportunity to buy immunity. The amount each time is determined individually and can be either a one-time payment or reusable, throughout the entire period. If during the term of punishment the rapist was transferred to another zone, then you will have to pay again. The previous purchase is not considered.


How are rapists treated in prison if sexual activities without the consent of a woman have no good reason? If the action is not justified by anything, except for the painful satisfaction of one’s desires, sympathy or redemption cannot be. Along with pedophiles, a maniac is considered the most unnecessary person. Hatred of such people is such that they usually do not even live to see the trial. A case was recorded in the Perm Territory when in one case 4 suspects were arrested in turn and their cellmates were killed all the more in the pre-trial detention center.

how the rapists are treated in prison

Prison is life

It doesn’t matter why a person was convicted, just people are in prison. Each of them has its own deadline and misfortune. It is impossible to judge places of detention by films and books. Among the criminals there are enough normal people, and not so much, everything is just like in life. The only caveat may be only one: do not trust anyone. There are no "good" ones. If someone suddenly began to take care of your well-being, then this is a dirty trick. Close friendships cannot be made with anyone. Firstly, they make friends with newcomers, then to substitute them, and secondly, if you let down your “friend”, then you are also for the company.

What they do in the prison with rapists, only the one who served the sentence can accurately answer. But such people usually do not blog or write articles, they do not like to be frank. Therefore, you have to trust oral stories through second hand.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34252/

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