Grape Wine - Homemade Recipe

Even the most avid opponents of alcohol cannot but admit that in small quantities red dry wine is very beneficial for the body. It enhances human immunity, helps to normalize hemoglobin, stimulates digestion and heart muscle. However, it is very important not to overdo it, because after all, grape wine, the recipe for which you will read at home now, is alcohol. And you should not get involved in it. But β€œskipping” a glass at a festive dinner is not only tasty, pleasant, but also useful.

Grape Wine Recipe

Unfortunately, most of the alcoholic beverages that we can buy in the store, practically do not have any useful substances in their composition. This also applies to wine. Really high-quality drink costs good money, and even then there is not always a guarantee that the information indicated on the label is true. Another thing is grape wine, the recipe of which has been kept in the family for decades. It is treated to dear guests, it is drunk on holidays and a glass under the mood, enjoying amazing taste and rich bouquet. You can also have your own recipe for homemade grape wine (if one is not already), taking the following as a basis.

Homemade Grape Wine Recipe

Experienced winemakers argue that for this drink you need to use only the so-called wine grapes. In our area, the Isabella Blue berry is very popular in making a home-made drink. This grape is very unpretentious. He feels good at our not very high air temperatures, ripens in the early to mid-October, which allows each time for the New Year holidays to savor a drink of a new crop.

So, grape wine, the recipe of which is based on the berry of this variety, is made from fruits that are previously separated from branches and leaves. This process is painstaking, but necessary if you want to get a clean, tasteless drink. Berries are placed in a large container and squeezed juice from them. Some do this with their feet, long stomping on grapes. You can do this with the usual flea market, which is in every house and is used to prepare mashed potatoes.

How to make grape wine

Then the grape juice is separated from the cake by filtering through gauze or a colander with small holes. Next, this precious liquid is placed in a large bottle, filling only two-thirds of the capacity. Then the dishes are carefully corked (until completely tight) with a cork with a tube through which carbon dioxide will escape as a result of the fermentation of the drink. Having previously blown the tube, it is lowered into a bowl of water.

Grape wine, the recipe of which is considered classic, should "play" at a temperature of +5 degrees Celsius for 2-3 months. Having traced it after this time, you can already enjoy a real high-quality drink. It will be dry wine with a strength of about five degrees. All the beneficial substances of grapes in such a drink are stored as much as possible.

And how to make grape wine at home stronger? Similarly, only longer. Sugar (50 to 200 grams per liter of liquid) must be added to the finished dry home-made wine. The more it is, the stronger and sweeter the drink. Pour the liquid into the same previously washed container, close the cork with the tube, and leave to β€œplay” for another month. Then bottle home-made wine (13-15 degrees) in bottles, store it in the refrigerator or cellar and enjoy the wonderful taste of the hop drink.


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