Turquoise hair - the choice of the bold and young!

The desire to look unusual and bright sometimes pushes girls to strange things. For example, dyeing hair in an unnatural color for them. So, turquoise hair became a hit in Europe in 2010-2011, and then in Russia in 2014. It is noteworthy that the fashion for unusual color staining has not completely passed.

turquoise hair

What is remarkable

Of course, turquoise hair color is unusual in itself. However, he is not only remarkable for this. So, for example, some psychologists believe that turquoise hair, as well as pink, green, blue and others that do not correspond to natural tones, are a sign of insufficient attention. That is, girls (or boys) who choose to dye such flowers, at a subconscious level, want to attract attention. Perhaps there is some truth to this. After all, hairstyles really attract the views of others, regardless of whether they look at it approvingly or not. And by the way, many already famous people (for example, actors and musicians) supported this mainstream at one time. How many stars with bright hair colors were there ? Hard to count! And women, and girls, and men, and boys - many managed to try extremely bright coloring. True, in the end, they all the same abandoned it in favor of more natural tones.

turquoise hair color

Is it harmful to hair

It would seem that bright colors should “burn out” the hair structure. But in reality this does not happen. Provided that means with a natural composition are used. Like, for example, the popular Manic Panic. It was with her help that famous actors and actresses, for example, Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen, received turquoise hair color, and all other shades of the rainbow. At the same time without burning them! If for painting use little-known chemical paints, then there is a risk not only to spoil the hair, but generally to remain without it. And to be bald, it's easier to use a haircut trimmer. Girls with turquoise hair note that the color is washed out quite quickly, so they have to be tinted more often than usual. But with the right choice of paint, this does not harm at all.

girls with turquoise hair

What are the nuances

Regardless of which company the paint will be used (natural in composition), there are peculiarities of the staining procedure. And they need to be taken into account to get the desired color, not dirty or swampy. Firstly, in order for the turquoise hair dye to lie evenly and without changing to another shade, it is necessary to use a clarifier in advance. That is, first you need to either become a blonde, or to measure strands. Secondly, a natural-based paint like Manic Panic requires patience in application. More precisely, a longer exposure time. On average, it takes at least 5 hours to get a bright tone, and at least 2.5-3 hours for a light shade. Thirdly, at the time of staining, you need to forget about metal hairpins and other things. Paint can react with metal, which will lead to unpredictable results. And the last - when staining strands, they need to be wrapped in cling film, and not in foil. On natural or dark hair, paint is not applied, since a bright color does not work. But the disgusting swamp tone can easily be obtained.

turquoise hair ends

How to protect hair

After staining, or rather, clarification, additional nutrition and strengthening is required. Not to mention the protection of color from rapid leaching. Therefore, those who decide to make themselves turquoise hair for a long time should choose a sulfate-free shampoo in advance. It is desirable that there is a note that it protects after staining. It is a mistake to believe that with occasional hair washing, they retain color longer! Quite the contrary, the production of subcutaneous fat on the head contributes to the rapid renewal of scales on strands. And this is the reason for the rapid washing out of the paint. And of course, it is worth using special means to protect against ultraviolet rays, sea or strongly chlorinated water. Sprays and mousses were invented specifically for this purpose, they should not be ignored in the summer or when relaxing on the sea, in the pool or sauna.

turquoise hair dye

How to decide on a “desperate step”

Of course, turquoise hair is something that goes beyond the norm for many. Therefore, deciding on staining is quite difficult. And it’s hard for some parents to reconcile with the choice of a daughter or son. That is why in Europe at first only the tips painted in bright color entered. On occasion, they can always be cut off at the hairdresser or toned after washing the shade. By the way, the turquoise ends of the hair look spectacular not only in blond, but also in brunettes. But only the latter have to burn them harder with discoloration. It is not necessary to achieve a completely white color, but you will have to lighten the strands fairly well with a strong and resistant paint. It is better to choose it with a master, otherwise there is a risk of spoiling the health of the hair, which leads, as a rule, to split ends and loss.

Are vivid colors now in fashion?

Yes, despite the fact that the peak has already passed, on the street you can still meet one - three out of ten girls with turquoise or lavender hair. And this has already ceased to shock so much as at the dawn of this fashion. By the way, in order not to severely undermine the health of the hair, many decide on bright coloring after highlighting. And some even get special crayons that only temporarily give such an effect. After the first wash, the color disappears. Thus, this is a good way to try on a vivid image of a “turquoise girl”. And only then to decide whether it is worth it to look so longer.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34272/

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