Sparklers - fireworks of happiness

The desire to emphasize the solemnity and significance of the holiday has always been present in people. Remember jumping through the flames of a bonfire. This Old Slavonic ritual accompanied almost any celebration of a joyful event. And the mesmerizing radiance of the clown? This amazing plant was set on fire and thrown into the air above the flame in order to observe a scattering of bright sparks dissolving in a few seconds.


In India, burning improvised candles were lit in the temple, accompanying almost all the rituals. A wonderful composition that allows you to create an incredible composition of shining sparks was invented in the small Indian province of Bengal. For this attribute of the holiday received such a sonorous name as a Bengal candle. It is simply irreplaceable at any events.

Today, sparklers are presented in the form of a metal rod coated with a special tool. But the fiery composition of the holiday candle has not changed: iron oxide, crushed cast iron and magnesium powder.

How to choose sparklers

So that a fun celebration is not overshadowed by trouble, choosing any pyrotechnic products is very careful. This is not only about a spoiled festive mood, but also about serious consequences, such as a burn and carbon monoxide poisoning.

bengal candle

You can protect yourself and everyone present at the holiday by being vigilant at the time of purchase of holiday paraphernalia. You should contact only specialized stores, where experts will help to buy high-quality sparklers.

First of all, it is necessary to check the rod, which often causes accidents. Sparklers should have a dense stiff base. The surface of the fiery stem should be even and smooth, without any hint of rust.

The following caution applies to rods with a plastic base. After burning the pyrotechnic mixture, the plastic begins to melt, which can cause burns to the hands. In this case, burning material emits a pungent unpleasant odor.

The burning quality of the candles also needs to be checked. If the seller does not provide such an opportunity, purchase the minimum amount of the selected product and light it. Thick smoke and fuzzy flames indicate poor quality products. Real sparklers light up from the first touch of a match and burn for at least 40 seconds.

What the domestic consumer will never get used to is checking the expiration date. As a rule, we recognize him only after purchasing the goods. The basic requirement that Bengal candles must comply with is to prevent the ignition of flammable materials. By holding a burning candle to the cotton, you can check this property. The effect of fire on such objects should be limited only to decay.

where to buy sparklers

Safety regulations

Proper adult behavior will be an example for children. Do not rush with lit candles, as well as throw them from the balcony: burning sparklers can turn into a cause of serious injury to passers-by.

Do not light them near the curtains. Many tissues tend to instantly ignite, which often causes irreversible effects. You should also refrain from installing candles on the holiday tree.

Perhaps many do not read the inscription on the packaging warning about the toxicity of sparklers. Most often, this information is indicated by foreign manufacturers, reminding adults of the presence in the flammable composition of 50% of toxic substances.


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