Classification of technological processes (in accordance with various reasons)

Technological processes can take various forms and forms. It depends on their purpose, as well as on the specific production conditions. In accordance with the latest data, the classification of technological processes can be carried out on various grounds. Consider the main ones in more detail, highlighting the basic criteria.

Firstly, the classification of technological processes can be made on the basis of the output obtained. In accordance with it, it is recommended to distinguish the following groups:

  1. A single process that involves the production of products of a single name, performance and size. Its development will be characteristic only for the original subject, which does not have common features with those products that were previously manufactured at the enterprise.
  2. Unified processes - at the same time produce such groups of parts that are characterized by a commonality of technological and structural features. They are currently used in every type of mass production at specialized enterprises.

The classification of technological processes is also based on the technologies used. These are the following subgroups:

  1. A typical process for creating a class of parts having common design and technological features. Each of them is characterized by a single content and sequence of operations. It is used as an information basis for developing a working production model.
  2. Group process - it is necessary in the manufacture of a group of parts having different design, but common technological features. This process consists of a system of group operations that are performed at specialized workplaces in a specific sequence of production models.

The classification of technological processes can be carried out according to the criterion of innovation. We distinguish the following groups:

  1. Promising - it must correspond to the available achievements of technology and science, the means and methods of which will need to be mastered at this enterprise.
  2. The process is carried out according to traditional working documentation. It should already be developed at the level of a particular enterprise and applied to create specific details.

Classification of processes can be based on an existing standard. In accordance with this, it will be possible to distinguish several subgroups:

  1. Design, which will be carried out according to a pre-compiled project prescribed in the technological documentation.
  2. A temporary process that is recommended for use in production for a limited and short period of time due to the lack of proper equipment, or due to unexpected accidents. It will be needed until such a moment, until it is replaced by a more modern one.
  3. The standard process is carried out in accordance with established rules and is carried out according to clear working documentation, which is framed in accordance with industry standards or enterprise standards (STP, OST). It will relate to specific equipment, processing mode and technological model.
  4. The complex process includes both a system of technological and transport-storage, control, washing, loading and unloading and other operations. In accordance with it, GPS and AL will be designed and created.

In the existing scientific and practical literature, the types of technological processes are distinguished in accordance with the main profile of the enterprise, the type and nature of production, as well as some other signs.


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